All Chapters of The Ultimate Commander Cassian: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
225 chapters
Chapter 0111
Although people from the capital were not to be underestimated, they could not do as they pleased in Lumithorn. That was because the ties between the rich were strong in this city.When someone wanted to expand their business in Lumithorn, they had to ask Logan and the other wealthy families for per
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Chapter 0112
After hearing the announcement, the guests should have returned to their seats. However, they ignored it because they focused more on Cassian's problem. "Is he really a resident of Victory Hills?" Wilfred asked skeptically. When he checked the information in the database himself, he had no words o
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Chapter 0113
"Why are you silent now? Don't you care about your cousin?" Elara asked with a hint of sarcasm.She could not get over Olivia's constant repetition of mistakes. This was not the first time her cousin had gotten into trouble for insulting Cassian.However, Olivia was not discouraged and continued to
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Chapter 0114
Garett raised one eyebrow. "I'm in a bad mood right now. You'd better get out of my way!"What upset him the most was not being banned from the community but rather that his plan had failed. He had no idea how Dalton could recover from the Viperairder's bite.No one but certain people could handle t
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Chapter 0115
"Don't tell me you're going to help Aveline," Rosalie shook her head at Elara.Although she had only known Cassian, she empathized with him after learning what happened to him. She disagreed with him helping Aveline.However, Elara had a different idea. "We have to help Aveline. It's not her fault f
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Chapter 0116
Blinded by anger, Isabella did not think twice when she hurled harsh words at Cassian and Elara. She was disgusted that Rosalie was acting like Aveline was the bad one."In these three years, Cassian never sent Aveline a message. He even went straight to having fun with his mistress after the divorc
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Chapter 0117
"Why are you comparing Mr. Peter to Cassian? They're not equal in any way!" Stella pulled Liam's ear, annoyed that her son was suddenly discussing Cassian.This was a happy day for her. She did not want anyone to ruin this happiness, including Aveline."I understand you're angry, but we're doing thi
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Chapter 0118
Aveline was still resentful towards Cassian even though her ex-husband did not bother her directly. It hurt to see him living comfortably with Elara, while she had to struggle hard to survive.Her hands clenched tightly into fists as she recalled Nathaniel's treatment in the smoking area. That man h
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Chapter 0119
The wedding was attended by Peter's co-workers and people from underground organizations. Every wealthy family sent representatives to honor him.Many disliked Peter's excessive behavior, but they ignored it because he did not harm them.Scott sent Brandon to attend the wedding because Olivia was go
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Chapter 0120
Max no longer dared to question Cassian. Whatever the reason, he had to work together to save Aveline."Are you seriously coming with us?" Isabella asked after passing through security at the gate using the invitation card."Cassian is my friend. Of course, I have to help him!"Hearing that, Isabell
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