All Chapters of My Billionaire ex-husband: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
95 chapters
Lucas purchase Mr Liam family restaurant
Renee stormed out of Edward’s office, Edward Lucas informat on land and properties on sell. Renee heart pounding. The restaurant—the place where she’d grown up, where her dreams had simmered over steaming pots and sizzling grills—was now in Lucas’s hands. She couldn’t accept it.Determined, she marched to Lucas’s penthouse, her knuckles rapping sharply on the door. When he opened it, his eyes widened at the sight of her.“Renee,” he said, his voice colder than the marble floor. “What do you want?”“The restaurant,” she spat out. “You sold it to Edward.”Lucas leaned against the doorframe, his jaw clenched. “And why should I care?”“It’s my birthright,” Renee said, her voice trembling. “My mother sacrificed it to save my father—the same man who’s lying in that hospital bed, fighting for his life.”Lucas’s eyes flickered with something she couldn’t decipher. “Your father was always more important to you than anything else.”“Because he’s family!” Renee’s anger surged. “And you? You were
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Mr Williams in the hospital
"So this was all prank to know what exactly I will do." Mr. Williams said to Lucas and Norah."Yes, father, it is time the wedding began; this time, no one will stop us." Norah answered, which was the moment Mr. Liam recovered, but nothing was left to keep him more in the spotlight as usual."We have lost all while chasing after Lucas, yet we haven't gotten what we have." Mr. Liam spoke."Father, you have recoveted fully, and is it time you allow me to go for what I want?" Renee spoke, regretting what had happened. "If I had known that Lucas would go as far as this, I wouldn't have done what I did to him." She spoke, speaking in bitterness."It is not your fault but our. Meanwhile, this is time we think on how to bounce back, rather than fighting an innocent man." Mr. Liam spoke nicely."He is my man, and I have to be with him; it is time I go for a job in his company." Renee spoke.Two days later, Norah and Lucas had their wedding done peacefully; the both traveled out for their hone
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Mr Dickson plans against me Williams aborted
Mr. Dickson, on hearing about Mr. Williams illness, decided to plot against him by colliding with the nurse."Look who will have here." Nurse Abigail humbly said to me Dickson the moment he paid her visit in her house."Please have a seat while I get you something to eat." She said to him, smiling."Hahahhaha, you remind me of those days when your late mother, my good friend, always served me something each time I paid her visit. Oh! I missed her good gesture." He said to her.Abigail smiled as well as she got along with his companionship."Thanks for the drink, but I don't think I have the appetite for this." Mr. Dickson answered her coldly."Oh, now I see why you turned a sad face at this moment; it is all about your friend, Mr. Williams. Well, he is getting better, and I promised you that he will be discharged tomorrow morning based on doctor instructions, just that Mr. Lucas advised he spend more than two days for a proper fit before being discharged." She told him."I don't care
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The secret
Thomas, who is so curious and ready to hear the bad breaking news. He visited Mr. Williams at the hospital."Hi, Norah." Thomas waved to Norah as she sat beside her dad as Lucas had gone to work."How is your father.?" He asked with surprise as he saw Mr. Williams open his eye."He is fine, as you can see." She answered him with a smile on her face, looking at Mr. Williams."I see he is fine." Thomas answered and drew closer to Mr. Williams."I wished you a quick recovery." He said to Mr. Williams, in a hurry, and leave for the Abigail office."What did you just do? You allowed him to live even after what my father has promised you; did you know what that man has caused us? Am about to lose my inheritance if he fails to die." "Thomas, it wasn't an easy tax; moreover, I was almost caught in the act by Lucas, whom I believe must have been thinking about it." She answered him."Oh, forget about him; he shouldn't be the reason why you were unable to carry on your mission." He answered he
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Mr Liam advise to Renee
"Father, I'm getting tired of all this about hidden Mr. Dickson plans against you; don't you think the right time will let the cat out of the bag?" "We need to do something about this father." Norah said to her father with a deep thought."Don't be faster than your shadow; since he wants to take my life through someone he never knew would betray him, I will do the worse on him gradually until I get him dry." Mr. Williams answered.Norah was so eager to see her father work with her words.Two months later, Renee seeks to work with Lucas Company; at this time, Norah was already two months pregnant with Lucas. Lucas, on his part, still insisted that Renee wouldn't work in his company, not even as a cleaner. Renee kept doing all she could, not until she spoke out to the world."This is my desire from my ex-husband, but he has denied it. I desire working in his company." She wrote. Thomas, seeing this, smiled and replied to her."Why not tell the world that you are so desperate to have him
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Vera and Xavier deep love
Now Xavier and Vera in their location had been enjoying the stolen money from Renee. Meanwhile life became more terrible to Xavier after Vera had an accident that almost take her life." I have lost everything including my job. Where do I think I will start." Xavier asking himself as he stands on the tears." I Robbed Paul to pay Peter. Now the consequences is on me. How will I turn a new life." He kept asking himself when he was cought up with Vera. " I see you are carried away by thought. What exactly is disturbing you.?" She asked him." Well, I have watched my life scattered on daily basis and all I could do is to think on how to Amend this. Am just confused, what will I do.?" Xavier asked in pain. " You are not the only one going through this. Am also part of it. And I know that soon we will get rid of this. Believe me things will turned good soon. Pray I recover on time so I can help the little I can." She said to him." My love you are the best that have happened to me, and I
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Evelyn falling for Xavier
Evelyn had always been a wanderer—a seeker of hidden corners, forgotten stories, and serendipitous moments. Her journey to Canada was no different. Armed with a vintage leather journal and a heart full of curiosity, she stepped off the plane, her breath catching at the crisp Canadian air.Maplewood, a quaint town nestled between towering pines and cobblestone streets, welcomed her with open arms. The locals spoke in hushed tones about the magic that lingered here—the kind that whispered secrets to those who listened.On her first day, Evelyn decided to explore. She wandered past cozy cafes, their windows fogged with warmth, and art galleries adorned with vibrant paintings. The scent of freshly baked maple syrup waffles hung in the air, and she followed it like a breadcrumb trail.As she turned a corner, she collided with someone—a forceful collision that sent her journal flying. Evelyn stumbled, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. And there he was: Xavier, with eyes the color of m
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The smart move by the Williams family
Renee sat in the dimly lit kitchen, the scent of chamomile tea lingering in the air. Her mother, Roxanne, leaned against the counter, her eyes weary from years of secrets and whispered regrets.“Norah’s pregnancy,” Renee began, her voice a fragile thread, “it’s progressing. She’s glowing, Mom. Like a moonlit rose.”Roxanne’s fingers traced the edge of her teacup. “Glowing, you say? Well, that’s poetic. But what about Luca?”Renee’s heart clenched. Luca—the man who’d slipped through their fingers like sand. The one they’d loved and lost, their shared history now a fragile bridge over a chasm of regret.“He’s distant,” Renee admitted. “Avoids us like we’re contagious. And Norah…she’s torn between hope and despair.”Roxanne straightened, her gaze piercing. “Our chances of winning him back are dwindling, Renee. We’ve played our cards, and the deck is stacked against us.”Renee’s fingers trembled. “But we can’t give up. Not after everything.”Her mother’s eyes softened. “I know, darling. B
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The desperate Evelyn
Xavier decided to meet with Evelyn at Mr. Chris restaurant, curious about what she wanted. As they sat across from each other, the dimly lit ambiance added an air of mystery. Evelyn’s eyes held a secret, and Xavier couldn’t help but notice how they sparkled in the soft glow.“Xavier,” Evelyn began, her voice low and intimate, “I’ve been watching you for a while now.” Her gaze lingered on his face, tracing the lines of his features. “You’re a handsome man, you know.”Xavier shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Thank you,” he replied, unsure of where this conversation was headed. “But why did you ask me to meet you here?”Evelyn leaned in, her lips dangerously close to his ear. “I need your help,” she whispered. “Something only you can provide.”His confusion deepened. “What could I possibly offer you?”She leaned back, her expression serious. “Xavier, I know about your marriage. I know about the secrets you keep hidden from your wife.” Her eyes bore into his, unyielding. “And I need yo
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Lucas and Norah welcomed their baby boy
The night stretched on, and Xavier’s patience wore thin. He couldn’t shake the image of Evelyn—the way she had looked at him, the promise of forbidden passion. As the clock ticked past 2:00 a.m., he finally drifted into a restless sleep, dreams filled with rain-soaked streets and whispered confessions.Vera, too, lay awake, her mind a whirlwind of doubts. She had always trusted Xavier, believed in their love. But now, shadows crept into their marriage, and Evelyn was the catalyst. Vera vowed to protect what was hers—to fight for Xavier’s heart, even if it meant confronting the truth.The next morning, Xavier woke early, his resolve firm. He would face Evelyn, demand answers, and put an end to this dangerous dance. As he dressed, he caught Vera watching him from the bedroom doorway. Her eyes held a mix of concern and suspicion.“Xavier,” she said, her voice soft, “who was calling you last night?”He hesitated, torn between loyalty and guilt. “A client,” he replied, avoiding her gaze. “
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