All Chapters of My Billionaire ex-husband: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
95 chapters
Renee attempt
Renee walked into Lucas’s office, her heart pounding with a mix of determination and regret. She knew she had hurt him deeply, but she was desperate to make things right. As she approached Lucas, she placed her hands gently on his chest, looking up into his eyes.“Lucas, I know how much I’ve hurt you,” she began, her voice trembling. “But it’s time we fix everything. I still care about you.”Lucas stepped back, his expression cold and unyielding. "Renee, you need to understand that the world isn’t made for you and me. I don’t love you, not even for a moment. Norah is the only one I love. This should be the last time, you stepped you leg into my office " Now leave." Lucas said to her, about pushing Renee out from his office.Sure, here’s a rewritten and more detailed version starting from Thomas assuring Lucas:Thomas barged into Lucas’s office, his face alight with triumph. “Finally, I have evidence, and with this, Norah will know about Renee placing her hands on your chest and trying
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Lucas is accused
One evening, as they sat in the living room, Renee brought up the idea of a weekend getaway. “It would be so nice for all of us to spend some quality time together,” she suggested, her eyes glinting with hidden malice.Norah exchanged a glance with Lucas, both of them understanding the underlying threat. “That sounds lovely, Renee,” Norah replied with a warm smile. “We’ll think about it.”As the days passed, Renee’s visits became more frequent. She tried to find moments alone with Lucas, but he always managed to keep a safe distance. Norah, too, made sure to stay close, never giving Renee the opportunity to execute her plans.One afternoon, while Renee was helping Norah in the kitchen, she tried to probe into their relationship. “You and Lucas seem so happy together,” she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “But every couple has their issues, right?”Norah smiled, not missing a beat. “Of course, we do. But we always work through them together. Communication and trust are ke
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Xavier falling for Evelyn
After Norah and Lucas finally thwarted Renee’s plans, Renee refused to give up. She continued scheming, determined to have Lucas for herself. Meanwhile, Evelyn was relentless in her pursuit of Xavier. She tried everything to get his attention, and eventually, she succeeded. She recorded the sounds and Xavier’s reactions while they were having fun in his office.After Norah and Lucas finally thwarted Renee’s plans, Renee refused to give up. She continued scheming, determined to have Lucas for herself. Meanwhile, Evelyn was relentless in her pursuit of Xavier. She tried everything to get his attention, and eventually, she succeeded. She recorded the sounds and Xavier’s reactions while they were having fun in his office.Evelyn then threatened to use the recording against him. Xavier, realizing the gravity of the situation, asked her to state her demands. Evelyn, with a sly smile, demanded his love. She wanted to share him with Vera, his wife.Xavier looked at her, his expression a mix o
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The subtitles
In a cold moment, after Vera and Xavier have resolved their issue about Evelyn. Xavier had an appointment with Evelyn to meet in a hotel."Finally you have fallen for me."Evelyn with a smile on her face said to him."I pray Vera forgive me for this, but am secretly having feelings for you. Let's do it once, and after that you go."Xavier said to her, with his hands on the bed."Did I look like a prostitute to you that you will have sex once and after that leave.?""I am not a prostitute, and I wont be not even for a day. Alli want from you is to live the rest of my life with you, and when I fail to win your heart I will again focus on Lucas"she concluded. Xavier felt a shock hearing about Lucas Renee ex-husband."Do you also have feelings for him?"He asked her."That is not the matter on ground, just allow me to love you for the rest of my life."Evelyn said to him as she got his attention with her body. "Finally we had sex. "She said to Xavier who was so ashamed of himself after intimac
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Lucas dare with Renee
Lucas, with a look of pains, drove into Mr. Williams’ house. “What has this liar come to do in my house, after he cheated on my daughter with his ex-wife?” Mr. Williams muttered to himself, watching Lucas walk directly to the doorpost. “Stop him,” he ordered the guard.While this was happening, Norah walked downstairs. “Where do you think you are going?” Mr. Williams asked her.“I’m right here with you, Father, awaiting Lucas’s entrance. I can’t wait to pour insults on him after betraying the love we shared,” Norah answered.Lucas, at the doorpost, overheard Norah and shouted, “I didn’t betray our love, Norah! Whatever you heard from Renee is all lies. She wants to come between us. Why not believe me, my love?”“I hate you, Lucas! I don’t want to see you anywhere near my house. Please leave; you’re hurting me even more,” Norah shouted back.“No, I can’t leave without you. I love you, Norah. Believe me, I didn’t cheat on you. I can prove it,” Lucas pleaded.“Young man, you are making a
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Do you think I did it for you?
Mr. Dickson, looking deeply remorseful for his actions, approached Mr. Williams. “What do you choose as your punishment for wanting to end my life?” Mr. Williams asked him. Dickson nodded his head and replied, “I know I don’t deserve to live, and neither does my son, but we plead that you find a place in your heart to forgive us.”Mr. Williams sighed deeply, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and sorrow. “Dickson, your actions could have resulted in my death. Do you understand the gravity of what you’ve done? You put my life at risk, and for what? Your selfish desires?”Dickson fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. “I am truly sorry, Mr. Williams. I was blinded by my own foolishness and greed. I beg for your mercy, not just for me, but for my son. We are willing to accept any punishment you deem fit.”Meanwhile, Thomas met with Renee, his face beaming with gratitude. “Renee, I can’t thank you enough for the lies you told about Norah. Because of you, Norah left Lucas’s hou
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Vera dragged Xavier to court
“All I want is for you to go and tell Norah, my wife, that I didn’t cheat on her with you,” Lucas said to Renee over the phone.“That can’t happen. Do you take me for a fool? You think I would do such a thing after I told you I want you back?” Renee retorted, her voice filled with anger.“Renee, this isn’t about us. It’s about clearing my name and saving my marriage,” Lucas pleaded, trying to keep his frustration in check.“And what about my feelings, Lucas? You think I can just walk up to Norah and tell her that? After everything we’ve been through?” Renee shot back, her voice trembling with emotion.Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know it’s complicated, but I need your help. If you ever cared about me, you’ll do this.”Renee’s voice softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. “I did care about you, Lucas. That’s why this hurts so much. But I can’t lie to Norah. She deserves the truth, and so do I.”“Renee, please,” Lucas begged, desperation creeping into his
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Norah back to Lucas
Lucas was struggling to convince Norah that he had nothing to do with Renee. The more he tried, the more confused Norah became. “It’s true that you are the father of my son and my unborn baby, but I can’t stay with a man who has stabbed me in the back. I need some rest from your disturbance,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion.“My love, if only you would hear me out, I would be grateful. I have nothing to do with Renee. She is the last person on my mind,” Lucas pleaded, his eyes filled with desperation.Just then, Renee stormed into the room, her face flushed with anger. “Why did you cheat on me with her, Lucas?” she demanded, her voice shaking with fury. “I thought we had something special!”Lucas turned to Renee, his expression one of frustration and disbelief. “I didn’t cheat on Norah with you, Renee. I don’t know where you’re getting these ideas from, but they’re not true. I have always been faithful to Norah.”Renee scoffed, crossing her arms. “Oh, really? Then why did I
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A pay back
Renee ran back to her mother. “What is it again?” Isabella asked her.“I think I have failed this time again,” Renee replied.“What exactly are you talking about, my daughter? Have Norah and Lucas reconciled?” Isabella asked.“You will always be in shock when most of your plans against the innocent couples keep failing,” Mr. Liam said to Renee, as he stood behind them, unknown to them.Renee turned to face her mother, her eyes filled with frustration and disappointment. “Yes, they have reconciled. I saw them together, laughing and holding hands. It feels like all our efforts were for nothing. Every time I think we’ve succeeded, they find a way back to each other.”Isabella’s face grew tense with concern. “This is troubling, Renee. We can’t let them stay together. Their union threatens everything we’ve worked for. We need to come up with a new plan, and quickly.”Renee nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of their next move. “I know, Mother. But it’s getting harder. They seem to grow
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Lucas is kidnapped
“I will have to expose you to Renee, since you have decided to betray me with Evelyn,” Vera said, her voice trembling with anger. Xavier stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t dare me, Vera. If you do, I will make the world burn for you,” he warned, his tone icy.Vera’s eyes flashed with defiance. “You think you can intimidate me, Xavier? I’ve faced worse than you.”Xavier’s jaw tightened. “You have no idea what I’m capable of. This isn’t a game, Vera. You’re playing with fire.”“Maybe I want to get burned,” Vera shot back, her voice rising. “At least then, I’ll know who you really are.”Xavier’s expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. “You already know who I am, Vera. It’s you who keeps pretending otherwise.”Vera took a step back, her resolve wavering. “I thought I knew you. But Evelyn… she changed everything.”“Evelyn means nothing to me,” Xavier said, his voice low. “It’s always been you, Vera. But if you can’t see that, then maybe we a
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