All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
234 chapters
Chapter 91.Couples chronicles.
"Yes, you can let her in!" Luca said with a warm smile.He quickly arranged his office in anticipation of Sara. Why was she coming to his office?Soon the door slid open and it was Blue who helped Sara into the office. She carefully pushed her wheelchair into the office where Luca was. As he watched her, he felt his heart flutter in his chest. What was really happening to him?After she helped Sara in, Blue quickly bowed out and left the two of them alone in the office.Sara raised her gaze to him, but she avoided eye contact. She was feeling a bit shy, and she wanted to tell him that she had gotten the contract, but little did she know that he already knew about the contract even before she was called to come and sign it.She wheeled herself to the middle of the office. She couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the place. The office looked so expensive, unlike what she had envisioned for someone like Luca to be in, but she just waved it aside. She didn't come here to admire his
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Chapter.92. Second couple's chronicles.
Luca quickly picked up his phone. He was boiling with anger. The one genuine time he would have had a good conversation with Sara, Larosa ripped him off his chance, and now she even thinks he is cheating. He wanted to dial Larosa's number when she rushed into his office.Once he saw her, he slowly dropped his phone and addressed her."How many fucking times do I need to tell you that you should always call me before you come to see me?!" He shouted angrily.Her brows furrowed in confusion as she stood in momentary silence, watching him yell at her. "What do you mean, Luca? I was just passing by, and I decided to just stop by since you were here," she tried to reason with him, but Luca wasn't having any of it. He has craved intimacy with Sara for a long time, and the most genuine time he got to have a healthy conversation with her, away from home, Larosa has succeeded in ruining it.However, Larosa stood there. She felt her heart break, seeing Luca shouting at her in such a manner for
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Chapter 93.Superhero.
 He made his way into the mall dressed in just some shorts and a t-shirt. It wasn't far from his house, so his dress code wasn't a problem. He walked into the boutique and was amazed by how good it looked. He was marveled by the exterior, and even the interior was a million times better. He made his way to where the sales representative was. Immediately, one of them spotted him, and she quickly flashed him a soft smile and greeted, "Good afternoon, sir. You are welcome to the D&G boutique!" "What do you need, sir? Just name them; this is the home for all accessories, and they are authentic ones," the lady explained assuringly. Luca smiled. "I need some gym shoes and wears for my upcoming fitness journey!" The lady responded, "We have lifting shoes, cross-training shoes, outdoor trail running shoes worth around $99-$150!" "We also have some shoes by companies like
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Chapter 94. Superhero role 01.
Chapter 94. Superhero role 01.Luca didn't flinch. He held firm to the man's arm, refusing to let go even as the man struggled to pull away. The crowd watched in shock - they had thought this was simply a disciplinary action for the woman who had stepped on the man's shoes, but they didn't expect someone else to intervene."Whoa, is that her husband or maybe boyfriend?" one person asked curiously."Who knows. Either way, they're both in trouble!" another responded.The woman herself was also stunned to see someone stand up for her. She watched as the man fought to free himself from Luca's powerful grip, but to no avail."Hey, mister, I won't let go of your hand unless you promise to let the lady go if you're given freedom!" Luca said firmly, tightening his grip.The man was beginning to feel pain, but he didn't want to show it. He swallowed the discomfort, unwilling to let his ego be bruised by appearing weak."Should I let her go?" The man raised his face to Luca and sneered. "Do you
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Chapter 95. Superhero 02.
Luca glanced at the man and a surge of annoyance knotted his stomach. The man wasn't just a jerk, but also a pervert."Who's in for my deal?" The man's voice boomed cheerfully. "You both combined can't afford it. Let's go, girl." He gave her a predatory look, which made the girl shudder."I know this superhero dude can't afford it!" He thought to himself before turning back to the girl.But before he said anything, Luca quickly interrupted him. "Did you say your shoes cost $1 million?" He asked.The man's lips twitched into a smile, and he burst into a loud, mocking laughter."He said 'just,' are you serious? A million bucks is 'just' for you?""Broke people make the loudest noise!" He remarked.Murmurs filled the space, and most of them couldn't help but laugh at Luca. They were so confident that he didn't have such money in his possession. However, Luca felt a deep sense of gratitude, knowing he could pull such an amount from his account without feeling a significant impact. Unlike
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Chapter 96.New friend 
The room fell silent, a wave of shock settling over everyone present. They could scarcely believe that Luca had just credited the man a million dollars! How wealthy must he be to afford such a sum without flinching?The man's eyes wandered aimlessly, unsure of how to proceed. He had honestly thought Luca would be unable to pay such an amount, but now found himself thoroughly embarrassed by the unexpected turn of events."What are you waiting for?" Luca shifted his gaze to the man. "Have you forgotten the deal? Get down on your knees and apologize to the young lady!"Without delay, the man dropped to his knees, avoiding eye contact as he said, "I am truly sorry for the way I treated you earlier. Please, I am deeply sorry! Find a place in your heart to forgive me.”The lady didn't want the situation to escalate further. "It's fine, you can stand up. I'm alright!" she quickly said, urging the man to get to his feet.The man stood up, unable to meet Luca's gaze. He was ashamed,The same pe
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Chapter 97.Boss Aura.
At Santaro hotel.It was 8:30 am when Luca made his way to George's office, having visited Larosa's house and found her absent. What had happened was this: after he had texted her an apology the previous night, she did not seem to have replied or acknowledged the message, leaving him no choice but to go to her residence in person. However, when he arrived, she was nowhere to be found, prompting him to now seek out George.Luca pushed the door open and stepped inside. Upon seeing him, George was taken aback. "Boss!" he said, quickly bowing. "What brings you here this morning?"Luca pulled out a chair and sat down before explaining. "Look, I'll cut to the chase. I wronged Larosa, and I need to see her. I haven't seen her since yesterday," he said, his tone tinged with concern.George couldn't help but notice Luca's evident worry over his inability to reach Larosa since her departure. A small smile played on his lips. "Don't worry, Boss. She'll be back. She might be attending to her busi
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Chapter 98.Get back with Larosa.
At Grand royal Europa hotels.About twenty minutes later, the trio was in front of the Grand Royal Europa Hotel. They used Larosa's Audi A7. When they arrived in front of the hotel, a deep wave of nostalgia washed over them, but George quickly reminded them why they were there. "But what does he need 15 million dollars in cash for?" Rosa couldn't help but ask. She was still angry with Luca, but since it was an official call from him, she didn't have any choice but to go along. If she dared to miss it, Luca had every right to demote her from being his consigliere or even suspend her from the group.A few moments ago, when George called her to inform her of getting the 5 million dollars in cash, she was initially furious, but once he told her it was an official order from Luca, he could tell from the kind of tone he had used when he came to see him in the morning."Why didn't you ask him what he wanted to use such a huge amount of money for?" Giovanni said. "You should have at least ca
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Chapter 99. The price is not up to a full table of Vodka.
At Apex showroom. Few minutes earlier…….Today was a slow sales day for the Apex showroom. It was a Friday, the last one of the month, when people of different religions tend to go for their annual sacrificial prayers. The showroom's best sales days were usually Saturdays and Wednesdays. The place felt a bit sparse, with most of the staff either out for lunch or engaged in various leisure activities, waiting until evening when the prayers were done and customer traffic would pick up again.A man clad in a brown Prada designer suit was walking around the showroom, accompanied by four other men. It looked like they were doing more than just counting the cars - they were taking a full inventory to determine what the next stock should be like. The man in the brown suit was the showroom manager.Suddenly, the loud revving of an engine snapped them out of what they were doing. They looked over to see Luca and his men parking their car.The manager sneered, visibly disgusted. "Those kinds
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Chapter 100. He is a don.
The manager's face turned pure red, he was livid with rage as he watched Luca rev the engine so loudly without caring about what he had just said earlier.He turned to the staff right behind him. "Come and call all the security, these thugs need to be taught a bitter lesson!" With that, the manager took off.Robert's face was plastered with a deep smile. Now he was really his own boss, and he could pull up to any showroom to buy a fleet of cars if he wanted to. A deep sense of gratitude washed over him as he pulled the door closed. He couldn't be happier about moving from dancing for women to being Lord Ercole."You will regret ever being so stupid and disobedient!" the manager sneered. "Anything that gets spoiled in there, I will make sure you pay for it!"Luca laughed. "Don't worry, man, a whopping $3.7 million ain't shit for me! I'll pay you enough to fill the form and get the cards for me, so chill out, man!""Gio, give him a part of that money," Luca said, and Gio quickly threw t
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