All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
234 chapters
CHAPTER. Teaching them a lesson.
The whole place went dead silent; everyone of them stole nervous glances at Luca.Victor's eyes widened in horror. "You monster! Let him go!"Luca smirked. He didn't feel the need to talk to him since his colleague was at his mercy and was pleading for mercy. He looked over at Clinton and squeezed his hands even harder, making the man scream in pain.Victor shouted. ”Let him go, you tout!” Luca chuckled. "Oh, I'll let him go... when you do what I say."Victor turned to Clinton, who was struggling to breathe. "Hold on, Clinton! Help is coming; he won't go away with this; he thinks he is a superman to come in here and assault anyone, then go scoot free.” He dipped his hand into his pocket and took out his phone. ”Stefano is down there, and if I call his phone, then it will be over for you.” Luca didn't flinch; if at all what he wanted was to see Steafano in action, he wanted to see him up close and watch what he was capable of doing, but the man using steafano to scare him didn't know
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Chapter 82..Eclipse club
Good afternoon, sir." The woman greeted. "Sir, someone is here to see you."The man didn't reply; he was still engrossed in his phone for the next three to ten minutes, which made Luca wonder if he was deaf or probably dumb.He finally took a condescending glance at Luca before replying, "Young man, how can I help you?"Luca quickly cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, sir. I came from Grand Royal Europa Hotels to survey the club. I was asked to meet you before going further.""Okay, so the new survey man from Grand Royal Europa Hotels? That's good!" He said. "Go with her; she will show you your office!"With that, Luca bowed out and quickly followed the lady to the office she was taking him to. The lady took him through the stairs, and after some stroll, they got to one office that was partly furnished. She pointed into the office. "Mr. Luca, this will be your new office for the six months of the survey you will be staying. My name is Bridget, and I will be your personal assistant. Y
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Chapter 83.Restaurant saga.
After four attempts at reaching her, she wasn't picking up. Luca wondered if everything was alright. Rosa was always with her phone, and she wouldn't dare to miss any of Luca's calls.He made his way to the restaurant that was some feet away from the clubhouse. It was accessible through his map.When he got there, he quickly settled down into the restaurant and called the attention of the waitress to give him his food. After a few minutes of waiting, the waiter served his food hot."Please, can I join you?" A voice suddenly snapped Luca from enjoying his meal, and when he raised his head up, he saw it was a lady."Sure, you can," he gestured for her to be seated.The lady appreciated Luca and quickly joined him. Soon, she whipped out her phone and started to take pictures before she started to eat. Luca, who was eating, noticed what she was doing but didn't bother. It was quite amusing to him how she had to take pictures even before eating, but he waved it aside, knowing we are living
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Chapter 84.Briefcase.
"We all want to see you today, not just you calling the shots. We also call shots too when it's needed, Lord Ercole," Rosa stated, making Luca even more confused.He contemplated why they wanted to see him, and he didn't think of anything. Or do they want to introduce him to a new elder of the group?"We will love to see you by 5:00 pm at Geroge's hotel. We will be in his private suite waiting for you," she said before hanging up the call. Luca slowly slipped his phone back into his pocket, but the reason why his elders wanted to see him made him even more curious.He glanced at his watch, and it was already 4:22 pm. It's just a few more minutes before he got there, so he quickly hailed a cab back to the club. After some minutes, he pulled in front of the club and made his way in. When he got to his office, he noticed that Bridget and her colleague had already dropped the files he had asked for. Merely looking at it, he didn't know where to start from. The stack of files was much, and
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George slowly input the code and whined it open. Luca froze in his steps and his breath hitched as a deep sense of dread settled in.The briefcase has a lot of things in it but the only one that caught Luca's attention was the Glock gun!He turned to George. "Who owns all of this?""Lord Ercole's!" He replied coldly.A cold chill ran down Luca's spine as the realization settled in, his name was all over the briefcase but he was too curious to see it at first when it was being opened. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed his words.For some minutes there was a sudden silence that hung over the place. Nobody wanted to talk. Giovanni fixed his gaze on the gun in the briefcase and it was a Glock 19... one of the newest models of gun in recent times. He could not stop staring at the exterior of the Glock 19: it has a polymer frame with a rugged texture and a steel slide with a matte finish. The overall length was about seven inches and height five inches,width one inch, and i
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Chapter 86. Stubborn
"What do you mean you've never seen them before and you're about to let them track my whereabouts?" Luca's brows furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow this so-called Shadow Ops to track my every move. Are they spirits?"George glanced at Giovanni before heaving a deep sigh. The truth was, he had never actually seen any members of the Shadow Ops - the only people who had were his late boss and wife. But the rumor was that the Shadow Ops weren't just normal people; most of them had become generals and warlords from different plains,and aside from Luca, who was the Ercole now, no one else could see them.Giovanni stepped closer to Luca. "Look, Luk, none of us have seen the Shadow Ops, but I can swear on my life that they're real. It's not some kind of fallacy!" He tried to convince Luca, but Luca scoffed."What if it's just assumptions or even delusions? How have you never seen one of them, and yet you believe they exist to protect me?" He narrowed his gaze at Giovanni. "I
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Chapter 87. Rose got the contract.
Avery sighed. "Yes, it's a contract offer from Lord Ercole himself, and he chose my rose over Sara's. What do you want to do about it? Do you want to try and revoke it?" A proud smirk curled her lips before she rolled her eyes. "Not like you can revoke it anyway!"Meanwhile, Luca's gaze drifted to Sara, and her face had gone pale. She bent her head, trying to avoid eye contact with her mother and sister. She was picking at her meal bit by bit, unlike her usual vibrant demeanor at the dining table.At this point, Luca knew that Blue had given the contract offer to the wrong person - he had clearly asked her to give it to the eldest daughter, and she had ended up giving it to Avery instead. Trying to compose himself, he drew out the chair next to Sara and settled into it. He whispered a greeting to her, but she didn't reply.In truth, Sara's heart was boiling with anger that she had lost the contract, and it was given to Rose instead, pushing her a step ahead in the race to be the heir t
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Chapter.88 Contract Revoked.
On the other end of the call, Blue's face was plastered with a deep frown as she announced, "I'm very sorry, Miss Rose Edward, but your exclusive contract with Lord Ercole has been revoked with immediate effect!"Gasps ripped through everyone's lips, except Luca's. The room fell into a heavy silence, as if everyone was holding their breath in collective surprise. It felt like the world had stopped for Rose - the words hit her like a lightning bolt."Wh-wh-what do you mean?" she stammered, her voice laced with disbelief. "That can't be! That can't happen! Why would he want to revoke it barely twenty-four hours after I signed the contract?""I'm sorry, ma'am, but I just got orders that your contract should be revoked with immediate effect!"Rose glanced around, blinking rapidly, as if trying to bring the world back to focus after the unexpected revelation. "What do you mean by that? Why would my contract be revoked? What did I do wrong?""I'm sorry, Miss Rose, but I'm not privy to that
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Chapter. 89.Confrotation.
He went straight to Sara's room. Thankfully, she didn't lock him out tonight, so he slipped in. He found her on the bed, her face pale and grim, as she lay there engrossed in her phone.Immediately, as she saw Luca, she rose from her bed. "You are just so useless!" she sneered."I thought you would even be useful to me for once in your life, but I guess I was wrong! How could you not chop in words for 'rose' and 'big' for me?"The atmosphere suddenly changed and charged with anger. Luca looked at her. "Look, Sara, it's not my fault that..." His tone was very calm as he tried to reason with her, but she rudely interrupted him."Shut up! What else would you have said? Huh? It's not your fault that I didn't get the contract, but you claim to be the HR of the company. Why can't you do the most basic thing and help me get the damn offer!"Luca said calmly, "Sara, calm down. You can always try again some other time, besides, Lord Ercole just revoked your sister's contract!" He announced.He
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Chapter.90.Return of Sara.
At Apple's club.About three hours later, Sara was standing in her office at Apple's Club. Her staff were all standing in front of her, their faces buried to the floor, and no one dared to speak while she yelled at them."What do we call this?" she shouted, her voice laced with venom. "Just a night that I didn't come to the club, and you all turned my club into something else! I am utterly disappointed in all of you!" She snarled, her eyes wandering around each and every one of them, from the half-naked male dancers to the female strippers who were only clad in bikini outfits that showed more of their bodies.She looked at her PA and let out a deep, disappointed sigh. "How could you let this happen?""Madam!" her PA tried to give an explanation, but Sara rudely interrupted her. "Shut it up!" she yelled."What do you want to say, bitch? What is it that you want to say that would justify what happened here? How will you allow two of them to fight to the extent that the cops had to come
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