All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
234 chapters
Chapter 111. Tables turned.
"What is it he has in those boxes?" Ivy nudged Bruce and asked.He shook his head in disagreement. "I don't know, Luca is full of surprises." His tone was filled with genuine happiness as he spoke.Ivy rolled her eyes and let out a sigh before turning her gaze back to Luca. He walked closely to Sara and placed the box on the floor before raising his gaze to Robert. He was boiling with anger as he watched Luca hand over the box to Sara."Luca, what is this? What is in there?" Sara asked, trying to act a bit playful.Luca responded, "Open it and see for yourself."Sara looked at him for a while before bending down to the package and starting to open it slowly. It was as if the world paused the moment she started to unwrap it, and everyone was tuned in to see what Luca had brought. Ivy's heart was racing; she couldn't think straight. What if he brings something more expensive than Robert's?No, that would never happen! Robert was a millionaire model, and Luca was just a pauper stripper!
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Chapter 112. Meeting Stefano Contti again.
Luca smiled. "Oh yes, babe. You can check it out and unwrap it by yourself." He handed over the package to her.Sara glanced at him for a second, trying to guess what the second gift might be, but she came out clueless and continued to unwrap the gift gently while all of her family members were looking at her. The hall went hushed with silence as they watched her unwrap the second one to unveil the second gift. Meanwhile, Ivy's chest started to tighten in rage. The first gift Luca had brought in was enough to prove his worth, and now he was even bringing another one.Two minutes later, Sara was done unwrapping the gift, and she took a deep breath before turning it over to herself to see what was on the portrait. When she did, a deep sense of shock waves washed over her as her mouth fell agape in shock. It was "The Lady of Shalott" by William Holman Hunt. She was shocked that Luca had brought one of her best paintings as a gift for her. How did he even know about her preferences?Sara
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Chapter 113
CHAPTER.The whole hall went silent at Stefano's words. Everyone knew he was very rich and wouldn't lie about something as casual as this. He doesn't even know Luca for him to pick him as someone he doesn't like. Once Robert heard what Stefano said, his lips twisted into a wide smile."I just knew it from the beginning that this kind of person can't bring Williams' out!" He spat. "I was initially confused and surprised how he was able to get the portrait."Stefano laughed. "Some bunch of local cons trying too much to be what they're not!"Luca stood there, slightly embarrassed. He wasn't the one who had gone to get it, so he can't really vouch if it was an inferior copy of the original. But that being the case, he felt slightly embarrassed at how Stefano talked down on him. He just gulped; there was no need to respond, except that Blue was sure of what she brought in.Robert felt like a soaring eagle as he watched Luca go mute."Cat got your tongue, huh?" He laughed. "Who knows if the
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Chapter 114.Vindicated.
Stefano felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what Luca had just told him. How did Luca know all these secrets about Stefano? Stefano's face flushed with anger, and he noticed that exchanging more words with Luca would only lead to him exposing more of what he doesn't want people to see."Why are you deviating from the topic of discussion? You know the portrait is fake, and you're trying to hide it."The tension in the room was only increasing. The onlookers' attention was glued on the two men, especially because everyone knew who Stefano was, and Luca wasn't scared of him. The fact that he was standing up to Stefano made everyone question who he was."Who is this guy? He's got some nerve standing up to Stefano like that. Does he really know who the hell Stefano is? He must be digging his own grave!""I don't know, but I like his style. About time someone took Stefano down a peg," another person opined.A woman laughed. "Someone took on Stefano? You must be sil
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Chapter 115. Larosa is drunk 
Stefano pretended not to hear what Luca was saying; he was slightly embarrassed. No one had ever made him feel this small in his entire life, and he felt he was now the center of attention as Luca could now prove that the picture was fake.Sara, on the other hand, was extremely happy that the picture wasn't fake. Well, she didn't care if it was fake; if it was, then she would have spiraled and shouted at Luca. But now that someone as prestigious as Williams was present at her birthday, it really was going to be the talk of the town.Ivy rolled her eyes as Williams walked down to greet them. She flashed him her fakest smile before rolling her eyes in disappointment. She was really doing everything possible for Luca to leave, while he only just cemented himself as a real son-in-law! If the question was who was the happiest in that hall at the moment, then it would be Sara.Seeing Williams present her with one of his portraits, she was extremely happy. She is a big fan of his, and it was
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Chapter 116. Blue card.
Once Luca saw him advancing towards Larosa, he quickly intervened, seeing that Larosa was already drunk."Father, please forgive her. I think she is drunk," Luca urged pleadingly.Larosa quickly interjected, "What do you mean I am drunk? Oh, Luca, don't be dumb! This old nerd over here is trying to bully me with his wealth. Well, he must think I'm some sort of slut, but I'm not!" She paused and chuckled. "He is the bully here, and he should be apologizing, not the other way around."Luca quickly walked over to where she was and stylishly nudged her so she could shut up, but that wasn't enough to shut a drunk woman up.The man looked at Luca and said, "Are you really trying to cover up for her? You dumb fool! You should be thankful I don't care about what you do, or else I would have thrown you out of the family!"Luca furrowed his brows in disbelief. "That is quite impossible. I am fulfilling my husbandly duties well, and your daughter is not complaining!" His words were stern.Larosa
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Chapter 117. Madam Ivy is back! 
Yes, boss!" The men hummed, and the man quickly turned to back out when Luca called him back."Father-in-law, this isn't needed. Please, just let it slide. The woman was slightly drunk, please let it all go so we don't make more trouble," he said.The man laughed. "More trouble? Like you can ever cause me any trouble in your life."Luca's lips curved into a smirk. "Yes, I can!" he declared coldly, making the man stop in his steps.He turned and looked at Luca with red eyes. "What did you just say?"Luca let out a low chuckle. He walked over to him, and as he was walking close, he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a card. The blue card was actually a membership card of the highest-ranking members of the men under Lord Ercole. Once the man saw the card, his eyes widened in shock, and he asked, "Where did you get that from?"Luca smiled. "I am a member, so I hope we don't end up causing each other trouble?"The man was left speechless. He was in awe that Luca had the blue m
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Chapter 118.Sara & Madam Ivy.
Why was she back to the Edward family? Apparently, she had been gone for the past eight years, and out of the blue, she is back as if she didn't leave on her own accord.And everyone around the table weren't talking; everyone was just smiling, which made Luca even more pissed. His first twenty-four hours with her, and she had already tried to poison him. Staying under the same roof with her forever, who knows what else she has up her sleeve?Meanwhile, Sara was taken aback seeing her grandma at the same dining table with her. She would have thought her grandma was just here because of the birthday celebrations, but hearing that she was going to be here with them suddenly made her sick to her stomach."Grandpa, how is that possible?" She asked, her brows forming a deep line on her forehead. "I thought you two were divorced? What changed?"The entire table went silent; a different type of energy started to fill the room, and the atmosphere became electric with tension. They all gave her
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Chapter 119.The family Yacht.
"Come back here!" Grandpa commanded sternly. "This is a family thing and everyone must be present!"Ivy quickly intervened. "It's fine, you can let her go, Bruce.""No, Ivy, it's not fine!" he yelled. "I know this might come as a surprise, but she is taking it too far. This is my marriage, this is my life, and she has nothing to do with my decisions. She is just being a bitch for no reason!"Sara's anger was rising, but she gnashed her teeth tightly so she doesn't vent on either of them, as they were her grandparents, anyway.Grandpa suddenly dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out some papers. Everyone was surprised by what he was doing until he called out to Luca."Hey, Luca, come take this," he said, and Luca quickly walked over to take it. Once he did, he couldn't help but ask, "What is this, sir?""That is your ticket for the yacht. Since we're still in the evening of your wife's birthday, I am giving just the both of you the family yacht for the next twenty-four hours.
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Chapter 120.Who knows Madam? 
His plans for the day were to enjoy the day with Sara on the yacht, but now she has just ruined it all and left him stranded on the way. Whenever she smiled at him, he always thought she was already taking him in as her husband, but it seemed that would never happen. Even after giving her the best gifts on her birthday, she still doesn't seem to care about anything.Luca looked around and saw a bus stop right across where he had alighted. The day was too hot, and even Sara didn't care; she had just dropped him off, and he didn't have much money on him. He walked over to the bus stop and sat there to take a rest before thinking of where he was heading next. It's definitely not back to work; he doesn't have the zeal to do that now.As he sat there, an idea chimed into his head. He quickly picked up his phone and dialed Blue's number. He had actually forgotten that he had asked her to drive Larosa home last night when she got wasted.After the second ring, she picked up. "Hello, sir. Good
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