All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
235 chapters
Chapter 121.She is beautiful.
30 minutes later, Luca alighted from a cab and walked into the hotel which Blue had texted him. He walked straight to the reception. "Good morning, ladies..." he said politely.One of the ladies turned to him with a smile. "Good morning, sir. Please, how may we help you?""I need to meet someone in room 125," he informed them."Okay, just a minute..." the lady said, and turned back to the other ladies. She quickly checked to see who was in the room, and once she noticed that it was a woman, they both smiled before she turned back to address Luca."Okay, sir, please take that route," she pointed towards the elevator. "Then look at the number inscribed on the wall once you alight on the third floor."Luca simply nodded his head and went to the elevator, and in minutes, he was in front of room 125. With a soft knock, the door swung open. "Yeah, good morning. How may I..." Larosa's words hitched in her throat when she saw Luca.She held the door, her eyes fixed on his. It took her a while
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Chapter. 122. Papa visited the Apple club.
At Apple's club. Sara stood still, contemplating who could have sneaked into her office without anyone noticing. The person must really be a genius, since her club was quite complicated and her office was the hardest to even locate, so how did the person succeed in getting in there without anyone knowing?"What do you mean you don't know?" Sara yelled. "Someone got into my fucking clubhouse and got into my office, and none of you saw the person go in?"She scoffed. "This must be some kind of joke, right!"The woman clasped both hands together in a plea. "I am sorry, madam. I can't tell you who he is or how he got inside this place.""I am sorry for my incompetence, madam. Please forgive me.""Forgive you?" Sara chuckled. "So if I had been inside that office and that intruder walked in and got me killed in there, how do y'all know that I have been killed inside there? Huh?"Her face flushed red in anger as she spoke. "Where the hell are the securities stationed at each hook and corner
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Chapter 123. Funniest Breakfast ever! 
At Europa hotels.It was around 10 am when Larosa pulled up into the hotel parking lot and parked her car. As Larosa and Luca stepped out of the car, the crisp morning air enveloped them, heavy with the scent of impending rain. The sky was a deep grey, with clouds that seemed to swirl and twist in every direction, and the air was cool.As they walked into the hotel office, the receptionist looked up from her desk, her eyes widening slightly as she took in Luca's imposing figure. He stood tall, his broad shoulders and chiseled features commanding attention. His dark eyes seemed to bore into her, and for a moment, she forgot to breathe, sensing the HR's presence. Apparently, she had been slacking off in her duties.The other staff members in the office couldn't help but stare either, their faces a mix of curiosity and wariness. Luca's reputation as a no-nonsense HR director preceded him, and they knew that he was not a man to be trifled with when it came to not doing your job.But as he
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Chapter.124.They should have been a couple..
Blue quickly opened the door, only to see the receptionist and the delivery man standing in front of the door. The realization hit her like a lightning bolt. The receptionist had come to inform her boss that his order was downstairs, but Blue had gotten carried away with their playful banter to the extent that she was enjoying it. Deep down, she was rooting for them to become a couple."I'm sorry, ma'am, but he has been waiting downstairs and needed to leave for another delivery," the receptionist apologized.Blue responded, "Oh, I'm sorry too. I almost forgot he was downstairs." She rolled her eyes, trying to calm herself, and turned to Luca. "Sir, your delivery is here!" she announced."Good!" Luca exclaimed happily. "Please pass it inside. I need to eat and not drink to stupor like some deadbeats around the world."Knowing he intentionally jabbed at her, Larosa quickly snapped back, "I wasn't even drunk, right, Blue?"Blue turned and said, "No, ma'am, you were pretty drunk."Larosa
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Chapter.125 Awkward silence.
At Apple club. "Get my car ready, I will be going to my husband's hotel in the next five minutes," Sara commanded her bodyguard."But ma'am," he started, but was abruptly cut short. "Shift everywhere I am supposed to go till tomorrow. Do as I say and don't ever refuse my words!"The man bowed in a plea. "I am sorry, Madam," he said and quickly left to go get the car ready, just as she said.In the next ten minutes, he was done and walked back into the office where Sara was seated. "I am done, madam. Your car is ready!" He announced.Sara quickly grabbed her Birkin bag and made her way to the exquisite parking lot where her Audi Q8 was parked outside of her club. She settled into the car and let out a deep sigh. Her father's words kept recurring in her head, and she couldn't help it. He might really be saying the truth. Knowing George as a staunch business man who was very strict, she doesn't believe he was the one really funding Luca's luxurious lifestyle. Didn't he just buy a new se
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Chapter 126.She has changed.
"Excuse me, sir!" Blue quickly walked out, seeing how awkward it looked to still be there. She quickly exited the office and increased her pace out of the premises.Sara waved at her bodyguard. "You can go now," she said, and the tall, fully built man bowed and left the office.Luca's eyes widened with anticipation, his pulse quickening as he followed Sara as she wheeled her chair over to his desk. She was acting a bit weird, but Luca didn't pay it any mind. He kept his focus and walked over to her. He leaned forward and asked, "To what do I owe this visit?"Sara turned to him, her smile faltering. "The question should be, what the hell are you doing with that whore by this time of the day? You even had breakfast with her, huh?"He bit his lip, unable to contain the grin that stretched across his face. Now, she was acting like her real self and not the same cool demeanor she had when she came into his office initially. He didn't bother to reply, as he couldn't stop smiling, his entire
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Chapter 127. Revisiting an old work place. 
Sara smiled. "Okay, congratulations though."Luca responded with a nod and carefully carried her and dropped her in the passenger's seat. He folded her wheelchair and placed it in the boot of the vehicle. Luca's lips spread into a wide grin as he quickly went back into his car and revved the engine to life. Driving it backwards to avoid collision with other parked cars, he finally pulled up into an empty space and sped out to the compound.Meanwhile, Larosa, who was at the lobby of the hotel, stood still and just watched them. The fact that she knew Sara could walk and still continued to pretend made her livid with rage. She has refused to tell anyone until she found out who Sara truly was, but that has also been a hard task on her side.Overstepping the boundaries will make Luca scold her, and on the other hand, she hated Sara down to her toes. She sighed deeply as she watched Luca drive his wife out.However, Sara sat in the car, her gaze drifted outside. This doesn't feel like her
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Chapter.128 Miss you don't know him. 
Sara nodded in response. "Yes, that is my husband. Do you have a problem with that?"Hearing Sara call Luca her husband with so much pride made Luca giggle with happiness. Meanwhile, Rebecca quickly shuddered and composed herself. "No, no, no, ma'am. I don't have a problem with it. Congratulations on your union," she faked a smile and placed the menu in front of Luca.She couldn't believe her ears. This was the same Luca she knew - the one who was broke and couldn't afford three square meals when he was a waiter at the bar. How could he now be married to one of the richest female bosses in town? This must be a joke, right?Having enough knowledge of who Miss Sara is, she didn't want to anger her, so she wouldn't lose a customer. She swallowed her pride and whispered, "I am sorry, sir. Please pick your dishes."Luca's lips twitched into a proud smirk, seeing how uncomfortable she felt addressing him in such a manner. In truth, he wasn't expecting to meet her there; he expected to see h
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Chapter.129.Wife duties. 
She snorted. "A gold digger? And what does that make you, dear?"Rebecca's brow knitted, and she stammered, "Ma'am, what do you mean?"Sara's eyes flashed with anger, her voice dripping with venom. "You dare to come to my face and spew your venom about my husband? You, who have been feeding off my generosity for years?"Rebecca took a step back, her eyes widening in fear. "I-I just thought you should know the truth, ma'am."Sara's laughter was cold, mirthless. "The truth? You call your petty gossip and jealousy the truth? You're just mad because Luca never gave you the time of day, because he chose me over you? I heard he did work here before. Is that why you're jealous?"Rebecca's face reddened, her voice rising. "That's not true! I'm just trying to protect you, ma'am. I can't be jealous of him!""I am just concerned about your well-being," she said."Concerned?" Sara chuckled bitterly. "For who?""For you, ma'am. You deserve better than him. He is nowhere near your league.""Better
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Chapter.130 Get out! 
Luca's lips stretched into a wide grin as he continued eating and didn't bother to reply to her. She sounded unlike her usual self, but if this was a time for change, then he was glad she was ready to acknowledge him as her husband. As he ate, he took sidelong glances at her, watching as she chewed her food in a classy manner that made him blush.Ten minutes later, they were done eating, and the waitress had come to pack up the plates. The newest couple then began to drink their mixed vodka wines in silence. Suddenly, about a dozen men started to make their way into the restaurant, not seeming to mind the customers. One man nearly pushed Sara's wine glass to the floor, but Luca quickly caught it and held it steady.The men looked like they might be estate agents, but their presence in the restaurant was puzzling. Luca felt a flare of rage at their abrupt intrusion, but he didn't want to cause a scene, especially with Sara present."Why are they all rushing in here like this isn't sup
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