All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
235 chapters
CHAPTER 191.Twist.
****30 minutes Earlier****After Luca got the call from his boys, he quickly changed his outfit. He wore a black t-shirt and matching joggers before stepping out. When he came out of the house, there was no one in the living room, which made it easier for him to reach the garage and drive his car out.After a few minutes, he was some meters away from the Apple Club where the boys had told him to stop. He pulled up to the side of the road and parked his car. The first boy, whose name is Vlad, nudged his friend. "The Boss is here!"The other two, Milo and Karo, turned around to confirm. "That was pretty fast!" Karo remarked. "He really drove so fast."The three boys walked up to Luca's car. Vlad entered the front seat, and the other two took the back seats.Luca wound up his windows. "Where did you drop your cars?" he inquired.The three boys exchanged surprised glances. In truth, each of them had bought a car some weeks back using their black cards, but they were surprised that Luca al
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CHAPTER 192.Another Escape Route filled with Arguments.
***15 minutes Earlier.***At Apple's club. "Take it easy with the door," Ken teased before rushing to call Sara.He quickly took the stairs and within a few seconds, he got to the strippers' dressing room where Sara was addressing the dancers.He had to wait for a few minutes for her to be done, and once she was done, he quickly walked up to her. "Madam?" he called out. "Someone is waiting for you in your office."Sara turned to him. "And who is that?" she asked curiously.Ken stuttered, "I-I don't know, madam. She didn't say. But she seemed... urgent and serious about business. And to add, she is rich!""Who is this bitch that is rich and I don't know?" Sara blinked her eyes. "I know every rich bitch in this city, so I doubt she is really rich as you claimed she is."Sara raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And did you say urgent? What do you mean? I barely even knew her, and here she comes needing urgent business?"Ken hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "She
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Chapter 193.Tense Argument
CHAPTER 193.Tense Argument.About 20 minutes later, Luca stood in the middle of Larosa's huge living room. His expression was grim, and his stomach twisted in annoyance at what had just happened a few minutes ago. The last thing he expected was to meet Larosa at the club!"How did she know about Sara?" He asked himself. "Does that mean other elders know about her too?"He shook his head in disapproval of his thoughts. "That can't be. If they did, they would have had her club raided or burnt down for trying to trail me!"Luca's eyes scanned the room, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. He couldn't believe that Larosa had shown up at the club, and that she knew about Sara. It was a coincidence that he couldn't ignore and wanted to talk to her about, but Larosa had ignorantly stayed back, all in the name of undressing herself.He paced back and forth across the room, trying to make sense of it all. How did Larosa know about Sara? Was she following her? And what did she want? Who
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CHAPTER 194. Always Five steps ahead.
At Apple's club.About forty minutes later, Sara was seated in her office, her mind racing with thoughts about who had come into her office and was able to escape out of her club.Her door slammed open and three men made their way inside."What happened?" She asked sharply. "Did you catch up with the men? Who are they?"One of the men responded, "I'm sorry, madam. We couldn't catch up with them. It was a man and a woman. They had a car waiting for them outside, and once they got there, they zoomed off!""What do you mean?" She yelled disappointedly. "You guys were here, and someone broke into my club and made their way to my office, and still succeeded in going out? Is that what you're trying to tell me?"The three men bowed their heads, trying to apologize, but Sara's voice went on."How could you let this happen? You're supposed to be my security team, and yet someone was able to just waltz in here and steal from me? What kind of incompetence is this?"The three men looked at each o
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CHAPTER. 195. Stefano is back! Edmund is back!
Some hours later, Larosa escorted Luca out of her house. She walked him over to the garage where Vlad had parked his car before leaving. As she walked him out, she couldn't stop smiling and living in the moment. This is the kind of affection she had always wanted from him. All through the night, they drank together, ate together, and she slept on his lap. He had to carry her into her room before going to the guest room to sleep. And even this morning, she still has the privilege to have breakfast with him.When Luca reached where his car was parked, he turned to her, a sincere smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Have a nice day, Rosa. I will catch up with you later."Larosa smiled and waved at him as she watched him zoom off until she couldn't see the fumes of his car anymore. Then she went back into her house.As Luca drove, he thought of calling his boys to be sure they did a great job yesterday after Larosa ruined his mission to surprise Sara, since he was equally tired of a
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CHAPTER 196. “Uncle Luca”
Luca's eyes widened in shock as the two tiny tornadoes burst into his office, shouting "Uncle Luca! Uncle Luca!" in unison. He was taken aback, unsure who these miniature humans were or why they were attacking him with hugs and kisses. He quickly played along despite not having a great memory of who they were.One of the little ones, a boy with a mop of curly hair, climbed onto Luca's lap and started patting his face, saying "We've missed you, Uncle Luca! You're so handsome! You've gotten much more handsome since you left."The other, a girl with pigtails, started rummaging through Luca's pockets, exclaiming "Ooh, Uncle Luca has candy! Can we have some, please?"Luca quickly moved her hands away. "That's some adult kind of candy. Not for kids," he said, pushing back his pre-rolls deep into his pocket.Luca was stunned, trying to process what was happening. He didn't recognize these children, but they seemed to know him intimately. He looked around for an adult, but the only person pre
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CHAPTER. 197 He has a family.
At Apple club. 1:23am. Sara sat in her office. She was sitting on the couch in front of a scattered wad of cash. For the past six hours, she had been recounting all of her money to be sure those who broke into her office yesterday didn't leave with any of it. Her eyes were fixed on the cash as she piled it up together. Each one she piled up, she passed it down to Ken, who was using the counting machine to count the money.The door suddenly opened, and an ebony, tall, muscular man walked inside. He had an envelope with him as he walked in."Madam!" His deep voice rang out in the solitude of the place. "I have news for you," he announced.Sara didn't lose focus on the money she was counting. She asked, "What is it, Williams?"Williams walked forward and placed the file he was holding on top of the wad of scattered cash she was still counting."What is this, Williams?" She turned around and looked at him. "What is this all about?"His lips curled into a smile. "Why not you just check it
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CHAPTER 198.Not just Dinner.................
CHAPTER.198. Not just Dinner……At the Edward family mansion..Back at the Edward family house, it was exactly 6:56 pm when Luca joined the ongoing dinner table in the dining room. Everyone was present, with Jacob and his mother inclusive. It was just one person missing that everyone was waiting for.A couple of minutes later, the door swung open and about three maids helped Madam Ivy to the dining table. One of the maids wrapped her hands around Madam Ivy's waist, and the other one had her hands over her shoulders as a wedge. They pulled the chair out and helped her to settle down into it. Meanwhile, as they helped her slowly to the chair, Luca, who had seen her current condition, couldn't help but stifle his laughter, but then it was too late, and his smirk caught everyone's attention except Grandpa, who had his head downwards.Once Sara noticed the smirk on his face, it flashed back into her memory... he has another family! Her face paled up immediately, and she clenched her hands,
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CHAPTER 199.Misplaced priority.
CHAPTER.199. misplaced priority.Sara's eyes widened in shock as Madam Ivy's words cut through her like a knife. She felt like she had been punched in the gut, her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Madam Ivy's announcement was a clear attack on her, a way to discredit her and eliminate her from the running for CEO that was clearly her birthright. She had given her all to the company all her life.Sara was taken aback by the sudden attack from her Grandmother. If anything, Madam Ivy's enemy should be Jacob and not her.Her face turned red with rage as she tried to process what was happening. She couldn't believe that Madam Ivy would stoop so low, using her marriage status against her. She felt a surge of anger and humiliation, her eyes darting around the room to see if anyone else was reacting to Madam Ivy's cruel words, but everyone seemed fine with what she said.Luca, who was sitting next to her, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He looked at e
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CHAPTER 200.Another Dinner.
CHAPTER.200. Another dinner. 48 hours later. At Apple club 12:26pm. Sara stood by the side of the window, she had her cigarette in hand and slowly puffed it out. It had been two days since the drama at the dining table happened, and since then, she still couldn't get herself together. She couldn't believe her Grandmother would be against her being the next CEO and not Jacob? If anything, she is the most capable candidate to take on Jacob! She still can't wrap her head around the fact that her Grandmother was against her and not even Jacob! Well, one thing Sara wasn't going to let happen is letting the position of CEO slip off her fingers. That was her birthright, and she doesn't care about making a pact with the devil to get it. The next minute, a knock came at her door, and it slowly opened to reveal Ken. "What is it?" She asked, almost as if she didn't want his company. "Madam, he is back? He got nothing on the girl; we can't be certain she is his wife just yet!" He informe
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