All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
235 chapters
CHAPTER.201.Sara’s proposition.
At Europa hotels..Luca sat at his table with Blue next to him as she explained the surge in revenue of the hotel and its clubs in the last few months.The soft glow of the hotel's lobby lights cast a warm ambiance as Luca listened intently to Blue's presentation. She clicked a remote, and a graph displaying the hotel's revenue appeared on the screen behind her."As you can see, sir, our revenue has increased by 25% in the last quarter," Blue explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "And if we break it down further, we can see that the clubs have been a major contributor to this surge. I just know Lord Ercole would be so proud of the tactics you have used in his investments and brought up the revenue."Luca nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the graph. "That's impressive, Blue. I'm glad we could make a change."Blue smiled, confident in her analysis. "Well, I think it's a combination of factors. Our marketing strategy has been on point, and we've seen a significant increase
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CHAPTER.203. The visit to Apple club.
Once Vlad ended the call, Luca stood there in shock. He couldn't believe what Vlad had just said! That Sara was the one who was behind the raid last night - why would she do that to him, knowing fully well that it was her house?Luca closed his eyes slowly, trying to catch his breath and suppress his anger so he doesn't do something he will end up regretting. If there was something Sara knew how to do perfectly, it was getting under his skin.He took a deep breath and quickly changed into something more comfortable. It was time he let her know that he knew all of her tricks!When he was done dressing, he quickly drove his car out of the mansion and headed to the Apple Club.At the Apple Club, Sara stood in the hallway with Ken right next to her."Madam, you don't look all too well. Is everything alright?" he asked, concern etched across his face.Sara smiled. "I'm good, I'm just thinking about how Luca would take his house being raided. I just pray he sends that bitch away, or my next
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CHAPTER 204. Memorable visit
CHAPTER 204.Memorable Visit.Sara's eyes widened when she saw the gun thrown on the table. She felt like the breath had been knocked out of her. Different questions were running through her mind: How did he get into her office? How did he know that she had a hidden gun in there? How did he know all of that?If anything, she wanted to scream for help, but she couldn't even find her voice, as it felt like a lump had formed in her throat. Her legs were both shaking uncontrollably. She hadn't seen Luca with such a stern face before, and all she could see in his mere presence was ruthlessness."Lu... Lu... Luca?" She finally found her voice, but it was still low. "What the hell are you doing here right now?""What do you mean?" Luca asked, maintaining a poker face. "I came by to see my wife! Is there any problem with that?"Sara's fists clenched tightly, and she gulped. "Look, Luca, how the hell did you get in here? I wouldn't want to ask you again, or I will...""Call your thugs?" Luca st
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CHAPTER 205. Who is he?
Luca smiled. "Of course I am your precious husband. Who else will I be?"Sara shook her head. "No, no, that's not who you are. Look at those eyes, I know sinister when I see one, so don't try to deceive me."For a moment, Sara's legs stopped shaking. She felt a stab of annoyance that knotted her stomach. The fact that Luca knew about Leo and how he died didn't sit well with her one bit.She groaned. "Luca, you killed Leo? Did you kill him? Tell me what happened to him, please, I am begging."Luca nodded. He walked over to her little bar and poured himself a drink. "I think this is going to be a long conversation, baby.""And you think you'll leave here unharmed when you're done? I can hit the emergency buttons, and they'll all come in here and shoot you dead!" She had a poker face full of confidence as she spoke.But surprisingly, Luca was still unfazed."Look, Sara. Not even the Edward family can 'unalive' me if they wished to. Just as I walked in here unharmed, so will I leave unhar
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CHAPTER.206. Scared?As Ken rushed inside, he was met with a sight that made his heart skip a beat. Sara was lying on the floor, her body shaking with fear and anger. He quickly rushed to her side, trying to help her up, but she snapped his hands off, her eyes blazing with fury."Y'all are so incompetent!" she spat, her voice venomous. "How in God's name did he get in here? How did he disable the emergency buttons? How did he get past security and all of you dullards? I fucking pay y'all for fucking nothing!" Ken took a step back, his hands raised in defense. "Ma'am, I don't know what happened. We had everything under control, I swear. What happened? Who are you talking about?" Sara's eyes narrowed, her face twisted in disgust. "Under control? Under control? You call this under control? He walked in here like he owned the place, and you didn't even notice! He was sitting on that chair when I came in here!" She sprang to her feet, her body t
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The following morning, Luca arrived at his office at Europa Hotels. Once he walked out of the elevator, he met Blue, who quickly rushed to him."Sir, good morning. How was your night?" She asked.Luca hesitated before he replied. "I'm good, Blue. What is the problem? Why are you acting this way?"Blue looked around before she responded. "I think you have some little emergency in your office."Luca fixed his gaze on her, trying to understand what she was trying to say. "Emergency?" He repeated. "What kind of emergency, Blue?""I don't know, but some men are in your office now, and they wouldn't even let me get in," She explained.Luca was taken aback, but he remained composed. "What are you talking about, Blue? How did they get in there, and who the hell are they?"Blue's eyes darted around the lobby, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know, sir. They just showed up and took over your office. They're wearing black
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CHAPTER 208. I'm Lord Ercole!
CHAPTER.208. I'm lord Ercole! Luca furrowed his brows and asked, "What do you mean by that?"Giovanni heaved a deep sigh, he stood up and walked closer to Luca. "Look, boss," he started. "The table consists of twelve elders. If you can get at least six to be on your side, then trust me, you're good to go for now. You have four of us here, so you'll be needing just two more people, and then you're good."Luca nodded. "Okay, that's fine. So which other elders do I need to meet up with before the next 48 hours?"The trio exchanged glances before Fabio finally spoke up. "I can help you meet Moffi!""Who the hell is Moffi?" Luca questioned."He is one of the elders of the table and lives very far away," Fabio explained."Far away? Like how far?" Luca questioned."As far away as Africa!" He responded. "I know that might be very far within such a small timeframe, but I'd advise you to see Moffi to show him that you're still alive."Luca breathed in and walked back. He sat back on the couch
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CHAPTER.209. Amazing surprise.
A few hours later, Luca was done with work and quickly checked it from the hotel. He quickly made his way home, knowing that he was already running late for the family dinner. He revved his engine to life and hit the roads immediately.A few minutes later, his phone began to ring and when he looked, it was Evelyn. He picked it up immediately. "Hey, hey, how are you doing?" He said in a low but calm voice while he kept driving."I'm good. How are you too, Mr. Luca?" Evelyn asked from the other end."Of course I'm good. How are the kids? How are they doing now?""They're doing fine, they're fast asleep now and they have been bugging me about you for a few days now. They wouldn't let me rest if they didn't see you, you know how they can be, right?"Luca's face beamed with smiles. "Don't worry, Evelyn. I will stop by tomorrow and take them for a picnic.""Sure," she replied. "That would be really good. I'm sure they'd be very excited to hear this one."With that, Luca ended the call and f
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CHAPTER 210.Two steps ahead.
CHAPTER 210. Two steps ahead. Gasps ripped through the dining hall, as everyone leaned in with wide eyes, curious to hear what Sara had to say.Her sisters were equally stunned by her sudden act. Just when they thought she was out of the picture, here she is again, showing them why she will always be smarter than them.Sara walked and stopped at the back of Grandpa's chair. She leaned in and put her hands on the arm. "You all can see I'm not crippled, right? Good! Now I would love to announce that 3 weeks from today will be me and Luca's wedding!"The room exploded into chaos, with gasps, whispers, and shocked exclamations filling the air. Madam Ivy's face turned beet red with rage, while Avery and the others looked like they had been slapped and had their breath knocked out of them.Jacob clenched his fists tightly and muttered, "This bitch will always have a plot twist!"Grandpa, however, was beaming with joy, his eyes shining with happy tears. "Oh, Sara, my child! This is wonderfu
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CHAPTER 211. Real pregnancy.
The whole place was silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the pounding of Sara's chest as she sat there, pretending to be engrossed in her phone, but deep down, she prayed that Luca would leave the room this moment. What he had displayed just the previous night at the club still had her in a choke-hold, and all that she had just said out there about their marriage was something she hadn't discussed with him.However, even outside, when she had spoken, she had expected Luca to interject or ask her if all she was saying was true, but he didn't, and now, he was sitting on the bed, undressing himself and giving her the cold attitude.Sara stood up from the bed and moved to her drawer. She drew it out cautiously and took out a document in a brown envelope. She held onto it for a few seconds, not knowing how Luca would react if she gave him the pregnancy tests. She had been holding onto it for the past five days, still contemplating whether she should keep the child or abort it
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