All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
235 chapters
CHAPTER 212.Meeting.
At exactly six o'clock in the evening, Larosa and Fabio pulled into the venue where Edmund had texted all the elders to come by.Larosa parked her white Audi Q8 right next to Fabio's grey jeep. After a couple of minutes, the both of them exited their cars with their men right behind them."Hey, Rosa?" Fabio walked up to her with an adorable smile. "How was your night?"Larosa responded, "It was good, and Fabio, you look very, very good in that outfit."Fabio's cheeks turned beet red. He replied, "Oh, thank you for that. You look breathtaking too, Rosa."As they were still talking, a limousine pulled into the place and parked. Everyone fixed their eyes on the car and watched it open, only for George and Giovanni to exit from it. They were both wearing a shiny golden suit that complemented their looks so well.The two men walked up to Larosa and Fabio. They quickly exchanged pleasantries before heading inside the hall that was heavily guarded by armed guards.George stopped halfway. He
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CHAPTER 213. Twist.
"And who are you people?" Edmund asked angrily. "Who the hell gave you guys entry into this hall?!"The first man took off his sunglasses and fixed them back into his pocket. He turned to everyone at the table, and none of them recognized him."Gentlemen, I would love for y'all to be seated. I have a message from someone y'all would love to talk to."Edmund burst out laughing. "You're drunk, right?" he said. "Who the hell are the three of you, and why did you come in here? Who the hell even allowed you three here in the first place..huh?"The man grinned. "We didn't come here for violence, Edmund. We came here on strict orders from the boss, so I'd advise you to sit down so I can address the table."Edmund's face turned red with rage. "Who is this boss you're talking about? You think you can just waltz in here and start giving orders? I'm the one in charge here, not some mysterious boss that I don't know about."The man smiled again, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I think you'
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CHAPTER. 214.Brother's reunion.
At the Europa hotels and suites. Luca's eyes widened in shock when his cousin opposed him. He stood up from the bed and walked up to the window while listening to all that Edmund had to say. In truth, he expected him to oppose him despite the shadow ops standing right there.Edmund wasn't one to be scared of the shadow ops. He had seen them a couple of times come out and do their job to keep the former Boss safe. He had been trying to get to know who was the head of the organization so he could buy him, but that looked even more impossible since they can't be summoned unless they come to you.Edmund sneered, "You think because you have the shadow ops by your side, you can do anything you want to do?"Luca's voice remained calm and collected, but with a hint of amusement. "Oh, Edmund, I see you're still as arrogant as ever. But let me tell you, I'm not here to play games. I'm here to take back what's mine, and I won't let anyone stand in my w
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CHAPTER 215.Shadowops.
The hall fell silent and everyone fixed their eyes on those whose names were mentioned. Each of them had a surprised expression on their faces.Drew picked up his phone and walked out of the hall with his men trailing right after him, leaving the elders to wallow in curiosity.The next few minutes, everyone was still pondering on what had really happened. George pushed his chair backwards and stood up with Giovanni and others doing the same, forcing their way out of the hall when Edmund stopped them."Hey, Rosa?" His voice was somewhat sweet this time. "Tell him I want to see him tomorrow at 5 pm in the same house where you lost your toy twelve years ago!"Larosa's eyes widened in shock as she turned to face Edmund. "How did you...?" she started to say, her voice trembling. She couldn't believe he knew such details about her.Edmund smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I know everything, Rosa. I know all about your little secrets an
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CHAPTER 216.Meeting Edmund.
CHAPTER 216.Meeting Edmund. "Why can't I do that, Rosa?" Luca turned to her with a stern look. "I have to see him. I don't want this to be a bloodshed battle. I can as well give him a compensation for holding it all down."Larosa frowned. "I don't care, but I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. I don't want you to go there. Those men are not to be trusted.""Yes, Luca!" Fabio supported. "They can't be trusted. He wants you to come alone, but he might not be there alone."Luca smiled and reassured Fabio. "Don't worry about that, I'm always two steps ahead of these men. Don't worry, I will be safe.""What time did he say again?""He said five o'clock in the evening," Larosa reminded him. Her voice was low. Even if Luca reassured them he was steps ahead of Edmund and Stefano, she still doesn't want him to go. If there was one thing everyone knew about Edmund, it's that he is cunning and quite dangerous to put trust in.The other elders sat in their various chairs, but their minds
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CHAPTER 217.Bomb Explosion.
The following day, Luca drove his car and parked it some feet away before taking the pedestrian road that was leading to the thatched house where Edmund had asked him to meet. He glanced at his watch, and it was 5 pm on the dot. He quickly fastened his steps, and in the next few minutes, he was at the house.Scrutinizing the whole area, he could easily tell that it was just Edmund inside the house, but other people had come and gone before he came there. Fixing his eyes on the ground, he could see the footsteps, but he quickly held his head up high and made his way inside.As Luca stepped into the thatched house, he was met with the sight of Edmund, who was seated on a worn, leather armchair, his legs crossed and a smug smile spreading across his face. Edmund's eyes, a piercing brown, seemed to gleam with amusement, as if he was savoring a private joke. His dark hair was slicked back, revealing a prominent forehead, and his sharp jawline was accentuated by a hint of stubble. He was dr
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CHAPTER 218.We can't find his remains.
With that, Edmund laughed and made his way out as quickly as possible. Upon reaching outside the house, Carlos and Rossi were already waiting for him. They quickly ushered him into the car and drove him away. Apparently, they had set the bomb to explode in the next few seconds, so they needed to move their boss as soon as possible.………48 hours later.At Edmund's residence.Edmund sat with Stefano as they filled their cups with drinks. The air was quite celebratory since they had just killed their enemy, who was going to stand in the way of their running the mafia world.“He really is his father's son. He was quite fearless even after he saw Carlos and Rossi,” Edmund opined.“Are you serious?” Stefano dropped his cup on the table. “Well, look where his fearlessness has taken him.”Stefano chuckled. “Yes, fearless but foolish. He thought he could take on the likes of us and win. His father was the same way, always thinking he was above the game. Now look where it took him.”Edmund nodd
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CHAPTER 219.Luca is nowhere to be found.
At the Edward mansion. It's been two days since Sara tried calling Luca, but he still isn't picking up his phone. It was 7 a.m., and she picked up her phone again. She dialed Luca's number for the umpteenth time, but he still didn't pick up or return her calls.Sara's anxiety grew with each passing minute. She paced back and forth in her room, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Why wasn't he answering? Was he okay? Had something happened to him? Or was he running away from their extravagant wedding that was supposed to happen in a few days?She stopped pacing and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Maybe he was just busy, or his phone was dead. But the uncertainty was eating away at her. It's been over 48 hours!Sara decided to try a different approach. She sent Luca a text message, hoping he would respond."Hey Luca, it's Sara. I've been trying to reach you for two days. Please call me back or text me. I'm getting worried."She waited for what felt like an etern
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CHAPTER 220 Finding Luca.
A look of utter shock froze on Sara's face as she processed Blue's words. Luca wasn't here? He hadn't been picking up his calls, and his colleagues were worried about him? Her mind raced with questions, but she tried to maintain her composure, not wanting to raise any more suspicions."Oh, yes, of course," Sara lied, trying to sound nonchalant. "Luca sent me to pick up some documents from his office. He's been... um... working from home, and I offered to grab them for him."Blue's eyes narrowed slightly, as if she wasn't entirely convinced by Sara's explanation. "I see. Well, in that case, let me show you to his office."Sara nodded, still trying to process the fact that Luca wasn't here. Where was he, then? And why hadn't he told her?As Blue led her to Luca's office, Sara's eyes scanned the area, hoping to find some clue about his whereabouts. But everything seemed normal—his computer was on, his papers were neatly stacked, and his chair was pushed back, as if he had simply gotten u
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CHAPTER 221.Husband Search.
At Santaro hotel. Inside George's office sat Giovanni Larosa and Fabio. They were having breakfast when his PA knocked on the door. “Good morning, sir. Sorry for the disruption, but someone wants to see you,” she informed him. George frowned. “Can't it wait? Didn't you just see me having breakfast?” The lady quickly apologized. “I'm very sorry, sir, but she insists on seeing you. She said she is Luca's wife!” Once she mentioned that she was Luca's wife, everyone dropped their spoons and turned to her with raised brows. “Did you say she is Luca's wife? I mean, one of the Edward princesses?” George asked, trying to confirm if it was really Sara who was looking for him. The lady nodded in approval. “Yes, sir. She is the first daughter of the Edward family. Should I send her in?” “Of course! Send her in right away,” he said. Once the lady closed the door, they exchanged furtive glances. It had been more than 30 hours since they had last seen Luca. Since he visited Edmund, they ha
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