All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
236 chapters
CHAPTER 222.Bomb Attack.
The room fell silent, the only sound being the heavy breathing of the trio. George's eyes widened in shock, his face pale. "What? A bomb attack? Oh my god..." Larosa's expression turned icy, her eyes blazing with anger. "Edmund, that son of a... He's gone too far this time. A bomb attack?!" Meanwhile, Fabio's face was etched with worry, his brow furrowed. "This is not good. Luca could have been killed in the blast. Is there any body in there?” Drake on the other end replied, “No, there are no traces of any body in there. We have searched all over, but there are still no traces whatsoever.” Larosa's eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling. "No, no, no... This can't be happening. Luca has to be okay." George slammed his fist on the table, his face red with rage. "He shouldn't have gone there! I knew those men were scary!” Larosa's voice was cold and calculating. "We need to find out if Luca is still alive." Fabio nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "We need to think this th
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CHAPTER 223.Shadowops meets Sara.
The following day, just past ten in the morning, Sara pulled into the hospital and parked her car in the lot. She quickly exited her vehicle and made her way to the doctor's office for her antenatal appointment."Good morning, Doctor," she greeted before settling into the chair.The doctor smiled. "Hello, Miss Sara. How are you doing? I hope you're well."Sara responded, "Of course I am. Don't I look good?"The doctor burst out laughing. "You look stressed, but I hope it's not affecting your baby."Standing up from her chair, the doctor helped Sara up and ushered her into the next room, where they checked the baby's status."Where is the father of the child? I think you're stressing out too much. I can literally see it on your face. I will need to have a little talk with him. Can you make that happen?"Sara forced a smile. "Okay, I'll do that. When I get home, I'll inform him, and we will come next month for my check-up."The doctor smiled. "Good. Bye, see you next time."As Sara walk
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CHAPTER 224.Mafiosi.
---“What do you want?” Her voice was filled with panic as she spoke, trying to step away from them, but it was too late. She couldn't step closer, nor could she step away from them. If she took a step forward, she would hit the first man; if she took a step backward, she would collide with anyone standing right next to her.“Don't panic. We won't dare hurt you,” one of them assured her with a smug smile, but Sara didn’t believe a word coming from his mouth. They surrounded her, and she could see the hidden pistols they had in their waistbands. Yet here he was telling her they wouldn’t hurt her—then what did they want?"What do you want from me?" Sara asked again, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear growing inside her.The man who had spoken earlier smiled again, his eyes glinting with amusement. "The boss wants to talk to you, so please spare a few minutes of your time."Sara raised her brows in disbelief. Did they just say "boss"? Who the hell would be their boss that m
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CHAPTER 225.Invitation Cards.
At Santaro hotel. Larosa parked her car in the garage and made her way to the top of the building, where other members were waiting for her. “What did you find? Any information on Luca?” George rose from his chair, his curiosity piqued. She heaved a deep sigh. “Nothing. The whole place was blown up, but after checking thoroughly, they said there was no sign of human blood or bodies. However, there was human DNA found ten minutes before the bomb went off.” Giovanni sighed in relief. “Luca is alive. He is not dead, but I don't think he is fine or in safe hands.” Fabio questioned, “What if this was all a plot from Edmund? What if he is still the one with Luca, but he just blew up the place to deceive us?” Larosa's expression turned grim. "That's what I'm thinking too, Fabio. What if Edmund is still playing us? What if he's using Luca as bait to lure us into a trap? He couldn’t have just blown up that place for fun.” George's face turned pale. "We can't rule that out. We hav
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CHAPTER. 226. The plan.
Edmund felt a chill run down his spine as the realization hit him deep: Luca is not yet dead! But how could that happen? The whole place was blown off the roof, and there was nothing left. How could he escape?Noticing that the man was looking at him, Edmund quickly composed himself and said, “Oh, his wedding? Sure, we will be there. Besides, he is my cousin.” The man's lips curled up into a smile. “My job is done here, so I will be on my way!” With that, the man left. Once Edmund saw him close the door behind him, he let out a deep sigh. He couldn't believe that Luca was alive and had the guts to send him his wedding invitation. No, that can't be happening; it must be that he has a plan to eliminate them all.Edmund slowly sank back into his chair, his mind racing with possibilities about how Luca escaped from the thatched house. He suddenly jerked up and questioned, “Rossi, are you sure the whole connection was right? It had only ten seconds, and he couldn't have escaped in just
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CHAPTER. 227.Taunting her.
At the Edward Residence. “48 hours to go, and the groom is still nowhere to be found. He didn't go to check his fittings yesterday; that's surprising, isn't it?” Jacob brought it up again while everyone was eating. “Isn't he trying to run away from the wedding while Sara keeps hiding it?” Sara gulped before replying. “Jacob, mind your business. I'd appreciate it if you would just stop looking into my marriage.” She paused and rolled her eyes. “Why don't you go find yourself a wife?” Jacob raised an eyebrow, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Oh, I'm just looking out for you, dear sister. You know I only want what's best for you. And if that means pointing out that your fiancé is clearly getting cold feet, then so be it.” Sara's face reddened with annoyance. She wasn't a fool; she knew he was deliberately picking on her to get her family involved. “Jacob,” she called out, “I told you to mind your own business! You have no idea what's going on between Luca and me. So just
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CHAPTER 228.Fatherly talk.
Her dad slowly joined her on the couch, his face etched with concern. “What do you mean Luca is missing? Isn't the wedding supposed to be in less than 48 hours?” Sara's eyes started to grow wet; she wiped them away and answered, “Yes, sir. He has been missing for two days now. I didn't want to bother you with it, but the wedding date is drawing near.” Her dad scoffed, trying to understand what his daughter was trying to say. “If he is missing, then why is the wedding still being held? How do you plan to do it, Sara?” “I just don't know!” she cried out. “I don't know, Dad, and I'm pregnant with him! I need to get married, or Grandma will pull me out of vying to be the CEO of the empire.” Her father moved to hug her, but his eyes caught a glimpse of the sketch on the paper. He stopped and took the paper from her. “What is this?” Sara breathed in. “I don't know; I was just trying to sketch out the men who came to me when I was at the hospital earlier today. They were sent by Luca.”
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CHAPTER 229. Club burnt to the ground.
"What?" Sara gasped, her eyes wide with shock as she tried to digest what she had just heard. "That can't be true, right, Dad?" She moved closer and asked her father, "How can Luca be Lord Ercole?" "I'm not sure! I'm trying to piece everything together. If he isn't Ercole, then he is very close to him! Those men who came to you are the Shadow Ops, and they can't run petty errands like sending invitation cards," he explained. Sara sat back in her chair, leaning against the back as her mind raced with different thoughts. …….. At Larosa's residence. The following day, Larosa walked out of her living room only to find Fabio placing dishes on the dining table. She slowly wiped her eyes, trying to clear the sleep from them. She couldn't believe Fabio was wearing an apron and making breakfast for both of them. She had agreed that he could stay in her mansion until they were able to find Luca. She even went so far as to give him a flat in her mansion for himself and his men, while also
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CHAPTER. 230.Destruction.
At Giovanni's residence. A knock sounded outside, and the door slowly opened to reveal his head chef. “Good morning, sir,” she greeted politely. “Sir, you have a call from the boys.” Giovanni raised his head and sighed. “Why are they calling me this early? What happened? Can't I just catch a break from those silly boys?” The chef smirked as she moved forward to pass the phone to him. Once she did, she took a few steps away so she wouldn't eavesdrop on her boss's conversation. Giovanni took the phone and said nonchalantly, “What the hell are y'all calling me for now? What is it this early in the morning?” From the other end, one of the boys hesitated before speaking up. “Sir, sir, boss, we have a problem…” His voice was shaky and breaking. Gio quickly sat up from his seat; he hadn't heard his boys sound that way, so he concluded it must be something very important. “What is it? Talk to me! What the hell is making your voice sound this way?” he yelled angrily as the boy stuttered
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CHAPTER 231.The plan.
Nearly three hours later, all the elders started to troop inside the venue for their quick meetings before they returned to their daily activities. Larosa sat inside her car with Fabio. They had received the information a few hours ago, but seeing that neither George nor Giovanni was there yet, they decided to wait for them before going inside. A few minutes later, George and Giovanni drove in and parked their car right next to Larosa's. Once they all exited their cars, Larosa walked up to Giovanni and raised her gaze to him. “I saw your club when I was going to my warehouse. I hope you're okay?” Gio sighed. “What can I say? I will be good. You don't have to worry!” With that, they all made their way inside, but surprisingly, Edmund wasn't there yet. Meanwhile, Edmund and Stefano were still at Edmund's residence while the elders were arriving in numbers. Edmund buttoned up his clothes, his face brimming with smiles. “Did you say all the elders are present? I mean all of them? No
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