All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
234 chapters
CHAPTER 41.Lick my Prada shoes.
Gasps! A wave of shock washed over Debby as she stood there, momentarily in silence. She raised her brow in disbelief. Did he just tell her to lick his shoes? Debby scrutinized him for a moment and didn't know the right words to say. In fact, her lips were sealed in astonishment.Derick and the security men stood there, shock evident on their faces, but they dared not say a word to either Debby nor Luca. Meanwhile, Luca left his legs outstretched, eagerly waiting for Debby to lick them, just as she had suggested on Mia's birthday.A confident smile stretched across Luca's face as he stood in a slanted position, exuding and commanding an air of pride as he said, "What are you waiting for? Start licking those shoes. Don't hesitate, sweetheart, it's a casual Prada loafer leather shoe worth about $2,200." His tone sounded sweet, but don't be deceived - he was actually mocking her with the price of his wares.Debby slowly raised her gaze to Luca, and a chuckle escaped her lips. It was actu
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Chapter 42.Lick your way into getting a job.
"Please, Luca. I am very sorry!" She crawled closer to him. "Please, I really need this job," she sobbed.Luca's lips twitched into a smile as he watched her eat back all of her words without just a few minutes. He left, not just pleased, but also satisfied with how she was begging him."I gave you an option to lick those Prada shoes, but it seems you still have a lot of pride," he uttered."No, no, no, no!" Debby abruptly cut him short. "Please, forgive me just this once. I swear, Luca, I won't ever do it again. I will respect you!""Just this once, please. I will behave myself. Just a second chance," she continued pleading, but Luca didn't pay her any attention. Deep down, she was still in awe at how Luca could make her lose her job. It was supposed to be the other way round. "Who is he?" She gulped."Derick, please, help me bag him. Please, I have no other job if I lost this. I already lost that with Santaro. Please, Luca, just a second chance," she clasped both hands together and
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Chapter 43.Little Reunion.
Luca's eyes widened slightly when he saw his high school classmate, Stanley!"Luk?!" Stanley was shocked. "Damn! Where have you been for ages?" he asked, walking closely, and the two men hugged each other. It was like a little reunion for both of them. In truth, they both attended the same high school, and they were friends until Luca suddenly disappeared before his father's predicament."You left without even saying goodbye, bro," Stanley complained bitterly. "I came looking for you at your house, only to notice it got burnt. What really happened during that period?"Luca shrugged it off with a sigh, he didn't want to talk about it. "That's in the past now, Stan. How the hell are you doing?" He fixed his gaze on him. "I see life is treating you well; look at you, man..."Stanley hissed, "Let's say we're managing, you know. I juggle different jobs just to pay for my mom's bills and some other basic things, you know." A faint frown appeared on his face, and Luca knew at once what he me
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Chapter 44. Let's look good!
"Fine! You can go with all of it," Luca was reassured and gave her the go-ahead.The young man quickly guided him into another room, and within 25 minutes, he was done with the haircut. When the barber was done with the haircut, he slowly removed the clothes covering Luca's face and invited him to look at himself in a large mirror.Anticipation lingered in his tongue as he walked over to the mirror, and he was amazed!"WOAH!" As he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, a sense of satisfaction and astonishment washed over him. His hair, once bushy, now bore an intricate design, impeccably groomed and expertly gelled to accentuate his natural curls. The cut complemented his features.Still gazing at his reflection in the mirror, his surprised look gradually turned into a satisfied grin. The cut didn't only make him look better, but it also elevated his self-confidence and esteem. He was just realizing how good the hair treatment was; it had remarkably elevated his whole aura, making him
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Chapter 45.Going out to buy snacks.
Luca hissed before holding tightly to his bag of clothes. Derrick was really pushing his luck on being Luca's person, but instead Luca wondered why he was being so overly clingy instead of facing his work.45 minutes later, Luca was at his new house and he quickly entered. A deep sigh of relief escaped his lips as he slowly fell into the gigantic bed he had in his living room. At least for today, there would be no sleeping on the cold floor because Sara doesn't want to have him on the bed. With that, Luca quickly transferred all of his information to his new phone.Soon his stomach began to grumble, and Luca's face contorted into a deep frown when he remembered he hadn't had anything in the past seven hours. He sighed disappointedly and picked up his phone to check the Google map for any nearby mall or restaurant to get anything edible.Ten minutes later, Luca was out with just Gucci shorts and a sleeveless top, despite the simple outfit, he was looking dashing with his new moisturize
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Chapter 46.Shoplifters.
"We can talk this out, please, sir?" She tried to calm them down once she saw Luca advancing towards the next guy who had a gun.Despite her shaky hands and voice, which showed her fear, she was willing to help Luca out."How much do you people want?" the lady asked. "We can give you $3,000, or even $5,000!" She feigned reasoning with them. Meanwhile, Luca advanced towards the second man. Luca, bold and smart, quickly took advantage of the distraction and charged towards the thief, grabbing him from behind and forcefully taking the gun from his hand. The shoplifter struggled, but Luca held him in a tight grip, using the man's body as a shield.Meanwhile, the first man, being distracted, couldn't help but laugh at the receptionist who told him to take $3,000 or $5,000. He laughed for a while before turning to his partner. "Duke, did you hear what this bitch just..." he trailed off, but stopped immediately when he saw his partner in Luca's grip. He was shocked and stumbled back a bit."
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Chapter 47.Break his bones.
The guys walked to surround him, and within the blink of an eye, they had surrounded him. Luca gave them a deep scrutiny - they were just three men walking around him with postured muscles and tightened fists. He didn't flinch! Just three men can't take him down, let alone a dozen.Just like a whistle was blown, the three of them launched an attack at the same time, and Luca was swift to catch a fist of one of the men and squeezed it even harder as he watched the man scream in pain, while he kicked the other one by his knee, which sent him down to the floor immediately.His punches and kicks were very calculated and swift that within a maximum of one minute, the three men were lying on the floor groaning. Luca glanced at the leader, who was now sitting on the floor, but his face was in horror. Luca quickly rushed to him and delivered a final punch to his lips, bursting it open, and blood began to spill out.The leader coughed blood. "Who the hell are you?" He stammered and fell back t
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Chapter 48.He crossed territory.
Twenty minutes later, Luca was out in a nice Gucci shorts and T-shirt, and Gucci shoes to match. He stood at the bus stand, waiting for a cab, when a voice yelled his name.Startled, he turned, only to notice it was Selena. He rolled his eyes, and an involuntary sigh escaped his lips. This would be the second time he would be meeting her, but now, why was she calling him?"Hey, Luca!" She yelled, winding down her window so he could get a proper view of her, but Luca already knew it was her due to the color of her Bugatti Veyron - not everyone would paint their cars to be a mixture of pink and purple."Come on, hop in!" She urged, gesturing with her hands for him to come in."No, don't worry, I will wait for the cabs," he declined her offer."There won't be any cabs on this road today. There is a road maintenance going on, and it would take five to six hours," she explained. "Are you sure you won't like to hop in? I will drop you in front of Grand Hotels, besides, if you wait, you will
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Chapter 49.Shoplifter counter attack.
The car following them also stopped, wondering what Luca had stopped to do."I don't care what the hell he is out to do in such a quiet place. I am going to teach him a nice lesson!" he said, coming down from the car with about five other men, fully armed with sticks and chains.Luca glanced at the side mirror and saw them approaching Selena's car. He pulled the door open to exit the car, but Selena grabbed his arm. "What are you trying to do?" Her voice was quivering with fear.Luca turned to her. "I want you to do something. Once I exit the car, take that route and drive as fast as you can out of this place," he advised.Her eyes widened in shock. "Luca!" she said. "Then what will happen to you? No, I can't leave you with those people, they will get you injured. Please don't go down. Maybe I should go - they won't hurt a woman, would they?"Luca sighed. "Listen up. Do as I say immediately after I slam this door!""I should call the police, right?" Selena asked while revving her engi
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Chapter 50.Full Van of Armed men. 
"In as much as I admire your confidence, those are very big words for someone who is about to get the beating of his life. My gang doesn't play around, just watch how they'll make you eat up those arrogant words," the man replied with a deep frown.As the four cars reached the vicinity, they slowed down and unknowingly kicked up dust, which made Luca protect his eyes with one of his arms. They parked side by side, and some men began to come down from the vehicles. For the next five minutes, they were still walking out of the cars, each of them with either bats or chains.Each of them that walked past Luca gave him a very cold look before going over to greet their leader with a respectful bow. Luca regarded them for a while and counted a total of 31 men, each of them with weapons.Why was Giovanni or Larosa not yet here? He thought to himself. Taking on all of them at once would be too much, as they all had good, wieldy weapons. Actually, there were three different gangs here. From thei
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