All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
234 chapters
Chapter 51.The duel.
The two men surrounded Luca slowly, and a deep sense of dread began to fill the air. The air felt heavy and suffocating, making it hard to even take a breath."You will be served your medicine!" the third man boasted and turned to his boys. "Get him down!" He shouted.About ten men began to surround Luca, and he just stood there, studying each of their movements."You must think you're really smart, right?" The third man jabbed. He watched Luca stand still and study their feet as they kept walking around him. About 28 men were walking around him, each of them armed with either a chain or bat.As they poised to take action, a sudden roar of motorbikes disrupted the scene and caused everyone to stop whatever they were doing and turn towards the noise.Gulp! A wave of shock and uncertainty washed over everyone as they watched different bikes advance towards them. Approaching at full speed was about eight bikes, each bike had a driver and a passenger, which made it a total of sixteen men
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Chapter 52.Butt Naked.
Luca couldn't help but burst out laughing. Just a few minutes ago, the man was boasting about how he was going to beat Luca to a pulp, and now he was on his knees pleading for mercy."Please, I am very sorry! We were wrong!" the man pleaded. "Please, just let us off the hook just this once, and I swear you will never see us trying to trail you ever again!"Luca turned to both Giovanni's men and Larosa's. "I know just one part of you guys could handle these punks, but still, the fact that you all are here, I want you to whip them till their pants are torn!" He instructed."Anything for you, Boss," the lady affirmed with a resolute nod before going back to one of the Audis. Luca's eyes wandered around, wondering what she wanted to get, and after a minute, she came out of the car with six whips.The men furrowed their brows, trying to make sense of what she was doing.The shoplifter blinked rapidly as if trying to clear his vision and find focus amidst the confusion. At first glance, he
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Chapter 53.Meeting Grey Shanks.
"This is your fault!" The second leader sneered at the shoplifter. "You could have told us who he is, and now look what we have got ourselves into."The man quickly retorted, "Quit the shifting of blame! It won't work here. Everyone would take equal lashes; we all agreed to come rip him off. How was I supposed to know he was going to call these ruthless people as back-ups?"The next minute, Luca left the scene on one of the bikes Giovanni's men had brought along with them, leaving them to whip those men. He was already too late to work, and today, he was scheduled to check all the company's journals. The way Derick has been acting is quite suspicious.About ten minutes later, they were done with flogging them and quietly accelerated their bikes and car, leaving them writhing in pain.Thirty-one of them were on the floor, groaning out in pain, with most of them continuously touching their buttocks to temporarily alleviate the pain. Meanwhile, the other three leaders and the shoplifter
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Chapter.54.At the Hotel Lobby.
The whole place was filled with people, and nobody knew when he entered the hotel lobby. "Please, sir, can you come into my office? We can settle this amicably without any violence. Please come into my office," Derick tried to reason with him, but Grey continued yelling.The commotion was getting too much. A lot of customers who came to lodge, buy just drinks, or even purchase tickets for the club all had to stop to watch the ongoing scene.Grey glanced at his watch and sneered, "You both are still standing here? You have still not gone to the VVIP suite to drag down the loser there?" He chuckled bitterly. "I bet you both don't know me. I will make sure you both lose your jobs and also get you arrested. Without bail!"A cold chill ran down Derick's spine, and he just gulped. He knows deep down that Grey was capable of making them lose their jobs, and he wouldn't feel anything, as he is actually one of the shareholders in the group, so it would be very easy. He looked around and saw t
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Chapter 55.Confrotation! 
The whole place turned to be a shadow of what it usually was, and everyone was silent. It was just the murmurs and whispers that could be heard. The receptionist, still on her knees, couldn't close her mouth from the shock she received when Luca defended her and slapped Grey Shanks! She involuntarily let out a gasp, unable to contain her astonishment anymore. Her hands were beginning to tremble uncontrollably at the thought of getting kicked out together with Luca, who had just defended her.She knows Grey was capable of making the main boss sack Luca at once. She became nervous, and the sound of her breathing could be heard by her own self. It was pounding heavily as she contemplated. "Will they fire him?"Meanwhile, Derick blinked rapidly and leaned in closer, squinting his eyes to be sure of what had just happened. He was shocked to his core, and it was visible in his face. He glanced at Grey, who was still standing with one hand to his cheek. He couldn't believe that a mere manage
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Luca rolled his eyes and walked up to the receptionist. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched across his face.The lady shook her head. "Yes, I am okay," she responded. "Please let it all go. Grey shanks is too rich to meddle with."Luca simply smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. Go and make yourself comfortable, and go to the infirmary for some pain killers"The lady was slightly shocked and confused. Does it mean Luca doesn't care about Grey shanks or even getting fired from his job? She didn't go to the infirmary; instead, she went over to where most of her fellow workers were."Jane, I am sorry for what happened," said one of them. "Just let it go, you know Grey shanks will always be a useless asshole!"They both laughed before she replied, "I know. I just hope the new manager doesn't lose his job trying to save me. I feel bad for him already; it looks like he doesn't know who Grey shanks is.”For a few moments, Grey stood watching Luca help his receptionist up. His express
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Chapter 57. Meeting Rose Edward
CHAPTER 57.Meeting Rose Edward. Luca quickly smiled, trying to diffuse the awkwardness of the whole scene playing out in front of him."Hey Rose, what brought you here?" He asked innocently.Grey was shocked. He turned to Rose and inquired, "Do you know him?"Rose stammered through her words, trying to articulate herself as she explained, "Y-yes, I do know him. I mean, I know him through my sister, she is acquainted with him somehow." She lied.Actually, she didn't see any valid reason to announce him as her brother-in-law; she didn't want Grey to know."Luca!" She turned to him. "What are you doing here? How did you get to the Grand Royal Europa Hotels?" She asked curiously.Luca smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't make a big deal of it. I got a job here. I'm the new manager of this place."Rose looked at him in disbelief. "You got a job here? How? When? Who helped you get it? You got to be a manager in such a place?""Don't praise him yet, he's about to lose the job altogether with his use
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Chapter 58.Miss Aurora.
Grey didn't listen to her, he sighed deeply. "I see you love your boyfriend so much, but I am sorry, this is not for you," he sneered.The receptionist stared at Luca disappointedly before begging, "Please, Manager Luca, I need this job. I really can't do without it. My mom will starve because of it, and my dad is very sick!" She cried out hoping Luca would change his mind and lick up the shoes he was asked to lick.Rose stood there watching the whole scene playing out. She couldn't wait for when Luca would lick her boyfriend's shoes so she could take a video recording of it. A clear evidence she would show her mother and sister how much of a useless husband Luca was to them.Five minutes passed, and Luca was still standing without flinching. The whole place cracked with a different type of energy that made it constricting for most of them to breathe. Onlookers couldn't stop dropping harsh comments on Luca's stubbornness, meanwhile Derick was huddled in a corner watching it all play o
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Chapter 59.The Call that Changed Everything.
Aurora listened to Grey in silence for a moment. Although she found him unbearable, she decided to support him since he was the wealthiest among them.She then turned to Derick and asked, "Who is that man?" gesturing towards Luca.Derick quickly approached her. "I apologize for not informing you earlier, ma'am. It was Master Giovanni who brought him in. He said Luca would be standing in until he or Ercole returns."Aurora laughed. "Ercole? Don't tell me you all think he's coming back. You should start planning his memorial instead!"Luca's brow furrowed in disbelief. How could she speak so callously about her boss, whose investments were paying her salary? Caught off guard, Aurora turned to him. "What did you just say? Don't you know your place in this company? You're just a manager, so when I speak, you'll wait until I ask you to respond!" She snarled, trying to assert her authority.Luca grew furious. How could she disregard the man whose investments had changed her life, even incr
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Chapter. 60.Lord Ercole called.
Aurora's shout made Grey and Rose halt in their steps and turn to her. Their brows were raised in disbelief, and a wave of shock washed over each of them on hearing that Lord Ercole is back.Meanwhile, Aurora slowly sank into the nearest plush couch by her side. She involuntarily let out a gasp, unable to contain her astonishment. "How did Lord Ercole come back? I thought his son was dead even before he died, how then is he back?" she thought to herself.Feeling slightly nervous, she stood up from the couch and began pacing around the lobby."Sir, do you mean... Lord Ercole is alive and back to work?" she asked, shock evident on her face. She couldn't believe that he was back."Yes, he is back. The truth is, he has always been alive, but he just chose to stay low-key and not show up for the moment, as the custom states," Giovanni explained.Aurora gulped. "Okay, sir. So, when is he starting work?" She couldn't hide her desire to see him. As a woman, for some personal reasons, she want
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