All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
234 chapters
Chapter. 61. Demoted.
The question caught Aurora off guard. Surprise struck her like a lightning bolt, jolting her out of her usual state of complacency."Sir, sir, sir..." she stammered, trying to articulate herself. "Sir, I am the HR of the company. I mean, you can't fire me....""WERE!" Luca corrected her. "You were the HR until now, so I'm sorry, but you are no longer the HR of my company. And to be clear, I didn't fire you - I only demoted you from your rank."Aurora argued, "Sir, you can't demote me!""And why can't I demote you? This is my company, and I can do anything I want to do!" He declared coldly.Giovanni on the other end was stunned by what Luca was saying. He was shocked that Luca was trying to demote Aurora. He would have asked him for his reasons, but knowing Luca, he was too smart to make such petty mistakes, so he chose to believe his judgments and not contradict him, like Larosa would always do.The corners of Aurora's lips dropped, forming a deep frown as she thought about it. What d
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Chapter 62.Tables turned.
The words hit her like a tidal wave. Aurora opened her mouth to protest, but the words turned to gasps. She sat on the couch, and exhaustion washed over her. Her eyelids felt heavy, and it was a struggle to keep them open. The world suddenly seemed muted, as if it had shifted its axis.Aurora sat there, still in disbelief that she had been demoted without any reasons given, while Luca and Derek had been given raises and equally promoted."Why the silence? Didn't you hear what I just said?" Luca asked, snapping her out of her daze.Aurora quickly nodded her head. "I did, sir. You said I should drop Mr. Grey Shanks from being a part of us.""Good, have a nice day, Miss Aurora." With that, Luca ended the call.Aurora sat on the plush couch, staring blankly at the people boarding tickets to lodge. She had just been demoted, stripped of her title and responsibilities. The news still felt like a punch to the gut, and she still couldn't believe it.Just then, Grey tapped her shoulder. "What
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Chapter.63.General staff meeting.
As Aurora walked away, she kept her gaze downcast, trying to hide her embarrassment. She couldn't fathom how she had gone from being the HR of the company she had dedicated herself to, to now being just a junior manager. Within an hour, she and her PA had finished vacating the office for Luca, and they quickly moved to Derick's office.Each glance she gave the office made her stomach churn.A few minutes later, Luca settled into the HR office, which was truly one of a kind - a luxurious space. As he stepped inside, he was immediately struck by the elegant decor. Rich wood paneling covered the walls, and the marble flooring gleamed beneath his feet. Premium furnishings, including a plush leather sofa and a sleek desk, created a sophisticated atmosphere. The room was also equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including audiovisual equipment and high-speed internet.Custom artwork adorned the walls, adding a touch of personality to the space. A private meeting room with soundproof wa
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Chapter. 64. Bitter Reunion.
In the Grand Royal Europa Hotels.At the Exclusive Staff Auditorium.There were about 57 people seated in the hall, waiting for Luca to come address them. Each of them was the head of their various teams, whether it be the clubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, or other departments. The atmosphere felt dense, and a sudden dreadful energy hovered around the place, although distant giggles and whispers could be clearly heard."I heard that Lord Ercole is still alive and walking!" one of them whispered."I heard so too, but I just feel bad that he demoted Madam Aurora," the other frowned."I don't feel any type of way about it. She deserves it so much! I'm really rooting for the new HR... Mr. Luca!""Wait a minute, do you really mean that she was really demoted? I mean, Lord Ercole demoted her? Why did he do that?""I can't really say, but from the rumors I've heard, there are other hidden cameras apart from the surveillance ones we see here. Those hidden ones make Lord Ercole see everything
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Chapter 65.Meeting Mia.
Chapter 65.Meeting Mia."What?!" Mia gasped, a flurry of questions tumbling out. "Why? What happened? What really happened to Aurora? Is she still working with the company?"Blue quickly addressed her concerns. "I'm very sorry, ma'am. Aurora is still with the company, but some of her responsibilities have been reduced. Someone else will be taking over the shareholder-related matters." She lied not wanting to tell her that Aurora has been demoted.Mia let out a deep sigh. She knew the process would likely be more complicated without Aurora there. Mia and Aurora were quite close, so deals were usually straightforward. But now there was a new person involved, someone Mia wasn't sure she knew."And who is this person?" Mia asked, unable to hold back her curiosity any longer.Blue responded curtly. "He's already here. I'll let him introduce himself." She gestured for Luca to come in, and he walked gracefully into the hall with a confident stride, his presence commanding attention. Luca's
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Chapter 66.New Revenue share. 
Luca opened his file and started to go through it before turning on the laptop in front of him. For the next five minutes, everyone was booting their computers and logging in to the company's website. A sudden silence hung over the room. After witnessing how Luca had shut down Mia's earlier outburst, everyone seemed to be making an effort to avoid drawing his attention.Suddenly, Mia's voice broke the silence. "What is wrong?" she shouted, her face contorted into a deep frown. "This computer is faulty! It's been booting up for the last seven minutes!"Luca rolled his eyes before speaking as politely as possible. "Miss Mia, what seems to be the problem over there?"Mia ignored him and turned to Blue. "Hey, you!" she scowled aggressively. "Why did you give me a faulty computer? I'm sure you knew I'd be sitting right here, and you went and gave me this shitty computer!" Her face flushed red with anger as she glared at Blue with intense disgust."Look around, everybody here - their compu
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Chapter 67.S&K Group is dropped.
The room fell into an eerie silence, as no one dared to utter a word. A palpable wave of anticipation swept through the crowd of shareholders sitting in the hall. They all wondered who would be dropped, each silently praying it wouldn't be them. Being dropped by Grand Royal Europa Hotels would be a significant loss, as the hotel had other lucrative companies under its umbrella, which generated revenue for all of them.Every eye was glued to their screens, eagerly awaiting the companies Luca would announce as being dropped. For the next ten minutes, the only sounds were the chiming of messages and the flipping of files. The atmosphere was charged with electricity, as if the very air was thrumming with excitement and anticipation.Mia sat up, carefully avoiding eye contact with anyone. She felt a heightened sense of focus and alertness, her senses sharpened in pursuit of knowledge.Ten minutes later, everyone raised their heads curiously as Luca cleared his throat."I want to say a very
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Chapter 68. Mia turned humble overnight.
A deep sense of anticipation of Luca's words swept through the hall, and even Blue was confused and slightly curious about what he was doing. Didn't she just giggle about Mia losing the deal? Is he about to put her back...Mia was at a crossroads, unsure of whether to ask him what she could do to be put back on their company's list of shareholders. She knew how badly Owen needed the job.She swallowed a gulp before asking in a very low and polite tone that surprised even her fellow shareholders."What do I need to do to be added back on the list of shareholders? I know we've had rough times, but please, can you just leave this strictly business and help me out. What do I need to do?" She asked very politely.Wow! Luca was shocked that she could be that humble and polite at the same time without being condescending. He found it quite amusing how the tables had turned now, and she needed his help."Please, Luca!" she finally let the plea out from her chest and gulped as a wave of shame
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Chapter 69.Deal is off.
He wrapped his arms around her passionately, his breath brushing against her ear as he whispered, "Thanks, babe. I already paid for a two-day vacation - this calls for some rest and a little celebration."Mia gulped. The fact that she hadn't secured the deal only to come and find her fiancé already celebrating was overwhelming. She stood there in his embrace, unsure of what to say or how to break the news to him. Her eyes wandered around the office, taking in the decorations and the small lunch table set with dishes, and a cold chill ran down her spine."Look, babe," he said, pulling her arm towards the lunch table. "Sit down and have lunch with me, my damsel." He smiled seductively, his eyes locked onto hers.Owen's eyes were brimming with pure happiness and affection, while Mia's were pale, her expression grim. It was evident that she was confused and frustrated. Owen walked over and helped her pull out her chair."You may sit, my lady," he mused, gesturing for her to settle into th
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Chapter 70. The Figure in a G-Wagon.
Mia's brow furrowed in confusion as she contemplated whether he was truly serious in telling her to leave. "Owen, is this it?" She tried to stop him as he left, but he didn't respond. At that point, her heart shattered, watching Owen walk away after firing her. She couldn't believe that the same Owen she had left Luca for had just terminated her employment, despite her best efforts to secure the deal. In that moment, she regretted everything she had sacrificed for him, from leaving Luca to her unwavering dedication.Suddenly, the door burst open, and four security guards approached her. "Ma'am, you need to leave before Mr. Owen returns," one of them said politely, extending a measure of respect since he knew of her previous relationship with Owen. She nodded and left the N&K company, struggling to hold back the tears streaming down her face.Quickening her steps, Mia reached her Audi A7 and pulled the door open, but a force from behind slammed it shut, startling her. Turning around, s
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