All Chapters of Rise of the Student Zillionaire Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
175 chapters
Chapter 11: Not Worthy of Me!
“Warmly? Hehe, until now, no one has invited me to sit. No one has poured me a cup of tea. Instead, since entering here, your salespeople have been mocking me continuously. Is this the welcome you meant?” Charlie smiled while shaking his head.After hearing this, the manager’s face changed to a gloomy expression.“What have you all done?! How dare you trouble our valuable guest. Quickly apologize to him!” the manager scolded his salespeople.“Mr. Charlie, sorry! Sorry!”One by one, the salespeople hurriedly apologized to Charlie.The manager continued to berate them, “None of you will get a bonus this year! Why are you still staring? Quickly make coffee for our guest!”“Alright, alright!” The salespeople nodded, then hurriedly went to the back.At the same time, Arvid had returned holding Charlie’s card. However, he looked so frightened and gloomy.“Arvid, is it done?” Charlie said flatly while looking at Arvid.“I-I-I-I... It’s done. The 16.1 billion transaction has been successful!”
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Chapter 12: This car is mine!
Currently, Charlie is the Zillionaire heir of San Ancayne. For him, Yalena’s small company means nothing.“What? You say Yalena isn’t worthy of you? Your mouth is really loud. Shameless!”Deana looked very annoyed; she had never heard such a joke in her entire life.Yalena’s face also looked sour. How dare this poor guy belittle her? She was very displeased to hear it.Next, Yalena took out an invitation letter.“Hey, do you know what this is? This is an invitation from the Enigma Enterprises San Setillo branch company. Poor people like you will never be worthy of stepping into such an elite place!” Yalena said arrogantly.“Wow, an invitation to the Enigma Enterprises welcoming party! I want one too!” Deana exclaimed in admiration.Enigma Enterprises is very famous in the San Ancayne. Everyone knows that an invitation from the branch company is something worthy of showing off!Moreover, the position of the Enigma Enterprises branch company is highly respected and esteemed by everyone.
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Chapter 13: Expelled!
“Salvi, we used to have no status in school. Many people dared to bully and oppress us. But, starting today and onwards, anyone who dares to bully us even a little, you can beat them right away. If there’s a problem, let me handle it!” Charlie said confidently.“Beat them up immediately? Anyone? Charlie, really... can it be that crazy?” Salvino widened his eyes.“Yes, that crazy!” Charlie grinned happily.“Hehehe! Okay, no problem!” Salvino became enthusiastic imagining it. He didn’t need to fear being bullied on campus anymore!“Salvi, do you want to try driving this car? So, you can enjoy it too!”Charlie parked the car by the side of the road and let Salvino take turns driving.“Awesome!”Salvino nodded enthusiastically. He quickly opened the car door to switch positions. Who wouldn’t want to try driving this luxury car?When they arrived at the campus gate, it was already past eleven at night. The campus gate was closed, and the car couldn’t enter. After Salvino got out of the car
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Chapter 14: Lost His Wallet!
The day was uncomfortable, two classes passed quickly. During these two classes, Montego waited constantly. He waited for Mr. Arthur to come to class and announce that Charlie had been expelled from campus. Montego had been waiting all afternoon, but what he hoped for didn’t happen. In the evening, after leaving campus, Charlie stood up, smiled, and said to Montego, “Montego, didn’t you say that I would be expelled from campus today? It’s time to go home now, but I’m still fine.” As Charlie said this, a heated discussion erupted in the class. After Montego heard his words, his expression suddenly turned ugly. However, he had made the announcement in front of the whole class that Charlie would be expelled today. But Charlie is still fine in class now. He even took turns mocking him. This made him feel very embarrassed and made him feel like others would think he was bragging recklessly! The most important thing is he wanted to deny it, but he couldn’t think of any rebuttal. However,
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Chapter 15: New CEO!
“Wait a moment!”Suddenly, someone responded.Charlie turned and saw a young girl with her hair in a ponytail.The girl wore a white suit and jeans. Her legs were slender and her eyelashes curly. Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was as sweet as cherries.She was very beautiful!She was clearly a cheerful and spirited beauty. Not only was she beautiful, but she also had a good nature!Honestly, she was like a strong magnet that instantly caught Charlie’s attention at first sight. Charlie glanced at her several times.The girl walked straight and stopped in front of Charlie.“Manager, I want to pay their bill with my card.” The girl handed her card to the Manager. Her voice sounded soft and gentle.“Miss, are you really going to pay for them? He looks like a liar! You’ve been deceived by them!” The Manager looked surprised. He didn’t expect someone to actually step forward to pay the bill for these two men.“It’s my business whether I’m being deceived or not. Your restaurant just needs t
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Chapter 16: Shocked!
“By the way, Mr. Rahil, where is the new CEO now?” Hazell asked.Montego was also curious.“The CEO is resting in the VIP lounge while waiting for the party to officially start,” Rahil replied.“Really? In that case... may I go to the VIP lounge to greet him first?” Hazell asked, smiling.Now that the new CEO had taken office and Hazell still wanted to continue their collaboration with Enigma Enterprises, he had to win over the new CEO.“I can only convey your intention. Whether Mr. Charlie wants to meet you or not, it all depends on Mr. Charlie,” Rahil replied.“Alright. Then please convey it to Mr. Charlie,” Hazell said, smiling.Hazell’s company was just a local building materials company, while Enigma Enterprises was a top company in San Ancayne Province. Obviously, the two companies couldn’t be compared.Meanwhile, in the VIP lounge.Not long after the hotel CEO left, Charlie’s phone rang.“Hello, Mr. Rahil,” Charlie answered the phone.“Mr. Charlie, Hazell from Prime Corporation
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Chapter 17: A Slap Leading to Disaster
“Alright, Mr. Director!” Rahil replied with a nod.Hazell immediately looked panicked upon hearing those words. If Enigma Enterprises didn’t cooperate with them, their company’s fate could be sealed!“Mr. Charlie, I beg you... I beg you to give us one more chance! After this, I will definitely teach my son a lesson!” Hazell pleaded.“Enough already, be quiet!” Charlie said, furrowing his brow slightly.Then, Charlie narrowed his eyes and looked at Hazell.“I think my decision is clear here. I’ve also given you a little face in this matter. If I really wanted to pursue this, both of you would have to die! Not even Angels could protect you!” Charlie said.Hazell was once again overwhelmed with immense fear. His heart beat faster than ever before. He knew that with the backing of Ornell’s grandson, Charlie could easily kill them both!Montego slumped to the floor; his face filled with despair.It’s over!Montego knew it was all over!Charlie sat back on his leather sofa. At the same time
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Chapter 18: Meeting Again with Zerlina
“Al... alright, Sir! I’ll remember your message!” said the Hotel Manager while nodding quickly. He also seemed to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.Charlie glanced at the Hotel Manager and smirked, “About this assault issue, I will report it to your director. I believe your director will have their own decision regarding this case.”After saying that, Charlie immediately called for Salvino to enter the hotel.“Re... report to the Director?” Hearing Charlie’s words just now, his legs went weak. If the Hotel Director found out, he would surely be fired as the manager.After entering the hotel.“Rahil, please report this issue to the Royal Hotel director,” said Charlie to Rahil.“Alright, Sir,” Rahil replied while nodding.Charlie then looked at Salvino, “Salvi, you just let out all your emotions earlier, right!?”“Yeah, of course! It’s all because of you, Charlie! Hehehe... if it weren’t for you, how could I retaliate against him. Now I’m very satisfied, seeing him scared and apologi
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Chapter 19: Stepping onto the Stage
Charlie attempted to explain, “I’m sorry, Uncle, I really didn’t mean any harm to Zerlina. It’s just that I owe her a favor, so I wanted to repay it.”“But my daughter just said, right? The money doesn’t need to be returned, so please, you may leave,” Zerlina’s father waved his hand, signaling Charlie to go. He thought Charlie was flirting with his daughter. As a father, he naturally wanted to protect her. Just so you know, there are plenty of shady guys trying to woo his daughter.At this moment...“Damn! A ragged guy like you dares to flirt with Zerlina!” Suddenly, a voice full of arrogance came from behind.Charlie turned to the source of the voice. A man dressed in branded items from head to toe stood there. An Omega watch adorned his wrist. His face exuded disdain.“Luke!”Seeing this man, Zerlina and her father’s expressions changed instantly.As for Charlie himself, he furrowed his brows. Because the guy Luke just referred to was undoubtedly him.In an instant, the man named Lu
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Chapter 20 : The Shocking Atmosphere
“What in the world is this!?” Luke, who was at the front row, was startled. Wasn’t that the person he was supposed to teach a lesson to later!? But... how could this be!? The one who should be on stage is the new director of the Enigma Enterprises branch!Yes, that person is Charlie!“Surely it can’t be him! Could it be that he broke in and got on stage!?” Luke muttered in frustration. He couldn’t believe that Charlie was the new director.At the guest table in the back row.After seeing Charlie step onto the stage, Yalena was equally astonished. Wasn’t he the one she met at a club a few days ago?Back then, she had looked down on Charlie. However, who would have thought that Charlie would end up driving a Lamborghini? Nevertheless, upon reflection, she thought that Charlie must have just rented the Italian sports car. If she had the chance to meet Charlie again, she vowed silently to spill everything.“Could he be the new director? No! This can’t be!” Yalena shook her head in disbeli
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