Rise of the Student Zillionaire Heir
Rise of the Student Zillionaire Heir
Author: Author_Rivenlox
Chapter 1: Betrayal

San Setillo City.

Enigma Enterprises Building Entrance.

Charlie stood outside the building entrance, holding two movie tickets with a wide smile. Just then, a man and a woman strolled out.

The man was wearing a suit with a luxury watch on his wrist and a sports car key hanging from his waist. While the woman had a tall and slender figure. Both seemed to be chatting pleasantly with occasional laughter.

“Amara!” Charlie called out, hurrying over.

But Amara’s expression suddenly changed when she saw Charlie coming over.

“You…why are you here?! I told you not to come to my office! What if my colleagues see? I’ll be embarrassed!” Amara exclaimed, frustration.

“Forget that, it’s our 3rd anniversary. Look, I have got a surprise for you. Haha... I bought movie tickets for us to watch today,” Charlie said with a smile, handing the cinema tickets to Amara.

The man next to Amara in the suit, raised an eyebrow.

“Anniversary? Are you two dating? Amara, didn’t you say you didn’t have a boyfriend?” the man asked.

“Jekeil, I...” Amara seemed at a loss for words.

The man in the suit then looked Charlie up and down. And then, he threw a contemptuous smile at him.

“Amara, is this the guy you’re dating? Hard to believe you would pick someone like this to be your boyfriend! Look at his clothes, already worn out, looks poor!” Jekeil remarked.

Amara’s face suddenly darkened. She embarrassed by Charlie’s presence.

Charlie was annoyed by the man’s mockery of him. However, he didn’t argue. Instead, he chose to extend his hand to pull Amara away.

“Let’s go!” He said to Amara.

“Go away! What’s the matter!” Amara seemed to brush off Charlie’s hand trying to pull her.

“What Jekeil just said is true! You are poor. From the phone to branded bags, have you ever bought them for me? Can you afford to give me all that? Taking me to watch a movie for our anniversary is your idea of a treat? On what basis can you make me happy, huh!?” Amara exclaimed, venting all her frustration.

“Amara, even though I’m poor now, but...don’t you know that I am still keep trying!” Charlie insisted, trying to convince Amara.

“You say keep trying? Hehe! That’s an interesting joke! Your family is poor, no money, no power, and unclear background. Even if you keep trying, it’s impossible to match Jekeil’s wealth!” Amara sneered, hitting where it hurt.

“Hey, Bro, just so you know, a poor guy like you isn’t even fit to shine my shoes. Let alone being with Amara!” Jekeil began to continuously mock.

“Charlie, I’ve told you from the very beginning, a guy like you is not suitable for me! Let me make it clear today. We’re breaking up!” Amara said firmly.

Immediately after that, Amara turned to Jekeil.

“Jekeil, let’s go,” she said, hugging Jekeil’s arm in front of Charlie.

Jekeil looked at Charlie with a mocking smile.

“Poor people aren’t worthy of love, get it!?” After saying that, Jekeil embraced Amara and walked towards the luxury car parked not far from there.

Charlie’s feelings were mixed as he watched Amara’s figure disappear before him.

Sad, angry, unwilling, and... powerless.... helpless….

“Just because I’m poor, the feelings we’ve built for three years will end just like that!?” Charlie lowered his head. He clenched his fists tightly. So much so, the nails on his fingertips dug into his flesh.

Charlie and Amara had known each other since high school. After graduating, they started dating. At that time, Amara still seemed innocent. Charlie went to a local university in his city after graduating. While Amara, because she failed to get into her dream university, decided to work. Since then, Amara’s personality has been changing, very fond of wealth.

Charlie didn’t chase after Amara, nor did he try to keep her. Because he knew, he was just a poor person. What could he use to compete with Jekeil!?

Moreover, Charlie had also realized Amara’s personality thoroughly.

Honestly, for years, countless eyes had always looked down on him because he was poor. Countless oppressions and injustices he received because he was poor.

“Amara, today you can look down on me. Just wait and see, I will definitely make you regret by my success!” Charlie said with eyes that continued to blaze.

“And you, Jekeil, one day, I will surely be better than you are now!”

Midtown Tworliork in San Setillo City. Everyone living in this district is basically just ordinary people who have nothing. Including Charlie’s family, they also live in this district.

On the way home, Charlie kept thinking about how to make money. After thinking here and there, but he didn’t get any clues. He was just an undergraduate student at an ordinary university. His family was also poor, it was impossible to make a lot of money.

There is no justice in this society. Even if you try all your life, it’s still impossible to match the children from wealthy families since the beginning.

Upon arriving at the door of the house, Charlie saw a luxury car parked in front of his house. Judging from the license plate, the car came from the provincial capital.

“Why is there a luxury car in front of my house?” Suspicious, Charlie hurriedly entered the house.

After entering the house, Charlie realized there was someone else inside besides his mother. There was an old man wearing a suit with an extraordinary aura. From any angle, this old man is not just an ordinary person.

“Grandson!” the old man greeted with a smile. And the words he uttered instantly stunned Charlie.

“Mother... what... what’s going on!?” Charlie asked, looking at his mother with a puzzled expression.

Charlie’s mother had told him before. Before Charlie was born, his grandparents had long passed away. So, he had never met them before. Let alone meeting, he didn’t even know about them.

Charlie’s mother sighed deeply.

“Charlie, all this time, I... I’ve been lying to you, Son. Your grandfather actually hasn’t passed away. And the man in front of you now is your biological grandfather. Before, Grandfather didn’t approve of the relationship between me and your father. So... we had to elope....”

This sudden news made Charlie slightly dizzy. So, he still has a grandfather? And for the sake of love, his parents had to elope?

“Mother forgot to introduce you. Your grandfather here is Ornell Donovan!”

“Ornell... Donovan!” Muscles on Charlie’s face appeared to be twitching. Charlie had certainly heard this name before. Ornell Donovan is the richest person in the province of San Ancayne. His name is so famous in this country, especially in the province!

In the province of San Ancayne, Ornell’s Enigma Enterprises is almost present in every city. Moreover, everything is built magnificently. Including in San Setillo City, there is also Enigma Enterprises business there.

“Are... are you Ornell Donovan, the owner and president director of Enigma Enterprises!?” Charlie exclaimed, staring at Ornell in astonishment.

Charlie couldn’t believe it. His biological grandfather turned out to be one of the important figures in the province!?

“Exactly right, smart boy!” Ornell beamed with a smile on his face. He then stepped forward trying to hug Charlie.

But... Charlie instead stepped back to avoid it.

“For years, why didn’t you visit here? You have a lot of money, why let my mother and I live in poverty!?” Charlie vented his frustration.

It didn’t matter if Charlie had to live hard like this. But his father’s death was so sudden. All this time, his mother had been alone taking care of their needs. Charlie knew very well how hard his mother’s life had been.

“Grandson... I have tried several times to send money to both of you. But because your mother is stubborn, she refused it. Even your mother didn’t want me to meet you here. Actually, I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Anyway, I only have you as my only grandson!” Ornell said helplessly.

“Mother... is what he said true?” Charlie asked, looking at his mother.

His mother nodded, “What your grandfather said is true. At first, I didn’t want you to know him all your life. But now I understand. I don’t want to let my past grudges and hatred affect you. For the sake of your better life, I have an obligation to introduce you to your grandfather. I hope you can accept your grandfather.”

“Grandson!” Ornell smiled happily, trying to hug Charlie once again.

And this time, Charlie didn’t avoid it.

“Grandson... you have been living hard all this time. But don’t worry, your grandfather will definitely make up for it!” Ornell said. Then, he took out an ATM card and handed it to Charlie.

“Here are twelve digits of numbers stored in it. Use this as your allowance. Take it for now, if it’s not enough, you can look for me!” he added.

“What!? Twelve digits of numbers!” Charlie’s hands trembled uncontrollably. His legs were so weak that he couldn’t stand steady.

For Charlie, such a large amount was impossible for him to obtain. He didn’t expect to have that much money. And with that amount of money, it’s nothing more than an allowance?

Ornell certainly knew what was on Charlie’s mind right now.

“Hahaha... for me, this amount of money is nothing, you understand, right?” Ornell said with a smile, placing the ATM card into Charlie’s hand. “Besides, all the businesses in San Setillo City, I want you to take care of them.”

“What? Me handle them? But I’m still studying, besides... I’ve never been involved in business,” Charlie said, slightly refusing.

“It’s okay. The businesses in San Setillo City are relatively stable. And there are also several boards that oversee them. You just need to be the chairman of the board and continue your studies. You can also use all the profits the company earns in this city,” Ornell said.

“Alright!” Charlie agreed to it.

After today’s incident with Amara, Charlie understood the importance of wealth and power!

And most importantly... Charlie suddenly remembered, wasn’t Amara, who just broke up with him, working at Enigma Enterprises as a receptionist? And also, Jekeil, isn’t he also an employee there!?

And himself... would become the president director of that company. Charlie imagined, what would Amara and Jekeil’s reaction be after finding out that he was the president director of the company? And these were the moments Charlie had been waiting for....

To be continued…

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