All Chapters of The Trillionaire Takeover: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
189 chapters
Chapter 11
Hearing this Madame Williams stood surprised at what she had just heard with a smile on her face. She couldn't believe Amanda would be able to secure a deal and not just any random deal, A deal with Roxanne Duke. She stretches her hands towards Amanda and gives her a very big hug. “I am so proud of you, indeed you are incredible. I don't believe this” Madame Williams acknowledged her effort. Lawton was so excited seeing Amanda and her Mother actually smiling at each other after a very long time. He noticed how happy Amanda was as well, and he wondered “If I had not done something about this deal, my wife would have been disgraced and insulted.” he thought with food still in his mouth.Madame Williams held Amanda's hand, informing Amanda and everyone, “ Amanda you have made me so happy today, In fact, I want you to manage this project personally.” Amanda burst into laughter, she couldn't contain her Joy, she turned and signaled Lawton.Lawton walked up to her, “Congratulations my Lo
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Chapter 12
Stunned by what they had just heard, Amanda and Lawton looked at Madame Williams. Her mother was giving her brother the project after Amanda had worked so hard to close this agreement. The visitors started talking about this sudden shift with a murmur. Hurt and bewildered, Amanda turned to face Lawton. "Just what is happening? What would make her do this?" Raymond moved in before Lawton could answer. "Mother, I spoke with Charles, and I know this change seems abrupt. The Williams family name has always stood for honesty and integrity. We might lose our image if word gets out that Amanda got this meeting via... less than honest means." Talking, he glanced slyly at Lawton. Lawton's eyebrows furrowed as he understood that Raymond was suggesting he was involved. He wasn't entirely off. Still, for the time being, Lawton bit his tongue. To her mother, Amanda turned. "But this is what I worked so hard for. You assured me I could oversee the project." Madame Williams flinched. "I apologize,
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Chapter 13 - Homecoming
Lawton felt sick to his stomach as he woke up. Though he knew that this day would come eventually, he had been dreading its coming. Amanda was in their small kitchen preparing an early breakfast. The refreshing smell of toast mixed with the aroma of fresh coffee. He stepped closer to her, forcing a smile. Trying to sound casual, he said, "Tessa's medical expenses have gotten quite steep, I'm hoping to negotiate a better payment plan this morning before the collectors come calling again." It pained him to use their fragile financial situation as an excuse, but it was a believable enough story to get Amanda to worry less.Amanda turned to him with a concerned look. "Oh Lawton, I wish we didn't have to struggle like this constantly." She placed the spatula on the counter and walked towards him, embracing him tightly. "I'll accompany you. Perhaps they will be more reasonable if we approach them as a couple."Lawton shook his head. "No need, I can handle this. You just focus on getting Rox
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After Lawton's discussion with Smithson, he exited the room abruptly. As Lawton walked down the stairs of the grand luxurious house, he couldn't help but replay the conversation he just had with Smithson,“I need to get information on Raymond as soon as possible," he muttered.He reached the bottom stairs of the spacious mansion with high ceilings, exquisite artwork, and sculptures, he was evidently tired and was about to open the door to his room when he heard a voice,"Do you need anything, sir?" The voice inquired, Instantly he turned back to have a look at who it was.“No" he responded after discovering it was one of the workers in the mansion, then proceeded to shut the door."What a day!" he muttered and involuntarily opened his mouth to inhale air due to tiredness.Laying down on the bed, he couldn’t help thinking of what a long day he had just had and a stray thought of Amanda and his father crossed his mind thereafter. He shut his eyes, bothered about the long day the next da
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Chapter 15: Echoes of Urgency
The day was utterly delightful with a perfect blend of coolness and warmth as Lawton lounged on his bed basking in the pleasant weather. Just as he was getting comfortable his phone rang, breaking the serenity with an unexpected call.“Hello, am I speaking with Mr. Lawton?". The voice on the phone sounded unfamiliar prompting Lawton to respond in a cautious gentle tone, his words spoken slowly and deliberately.“Yes, I'm Mr. Lawton, how may I help you”."You need to rush to the hospital right now your father is in Coma”.The voice on the phone was laced with panic sending Lawton into a state of shock and terror as he learned that his father lay in Coma.The voice hastily provided the hospital's address before Lawton quickly ended the call.His hands shaking as he grabbed his clothes and sped to the hospital his heart racing with urgency to reach his father's side.As Lawton burst into the hospital he sprinted towards the doctor, his panic and anxiety evident on his face.The doctor
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CHAPTER 16- A scheming night
Lawton walked into their little apartment that they were still managing him. It felt inferior compared to the mansion he was just coming from. The difference was clear and large for even the blind to see. He was just coming back from his father's company, a lot had happened between that short time, not even a day. His head and mind was buzzing with the chaos of a deal and embarrassment and humiliation he had gone through in the hands of his father's worker. Everything will still be referred to his father's until his father wakes up from the coma and tells him what Smithson had been saying to him all these while. A long while! The secretive act he had developed these few days was getting to him but he would be strong and won't let anything get to him.Amanda came to welcome him with a big smile, since she secured Roxanne, her joy had known no bounds. She was wearing a casual short dress yet simple and perfect for an evening launch party. “Don't tell me you have forgotten?” She asked
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CHAPTER 17- The result
“Watch me!” Roxanne yelled as she confidently took two anti-aging gummies and slowly swallowed them. Charles, Alora and Allison's eyes were on her the whole time. Roxanne smiled at everyone, oblivious to the plot planned against her by the Williams to spoil Amanda's reputation and shame Roxanne. Shawn and Lawton’s minds were at peace as they watched in relief and satisfaction because the obstacles that could affect Roxanne's health were gone. Thanks to Shawn's sharp ears they discovered Charles and Alora’s intentions. Lawton stood watching his niece go about her job on the stage as he remembered what had happened earlier. Lawton remembered how he had told Shawn to follow the waiter who posed like he was serving drinks but discreetly followed Roxanne in a way that when they met, his is crossing her from the front then he could accidentally spill the drink on her. As Roxanne beautifully and majestically made her way to the stage with a bright smile, confidence and elegance, Shawn fo
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Chapter 18: From Triumph to Tragedy
Rich decorations made up a symphony of luxury and beauty in the large event space. Warm glows from chandeliers hanging from the ceiling resembled clusters of brilliant diamonds filled the space. Fresh roses mixed with the heady perfume of fine dining being served by waiters dressed in immaculate white uniforms filled the air. At the center of it all stood Amanda, her composure perfect and her smile brilliant. It was her night, and the world seemed to at last acknowledge her genius.Lawton's fast thinking had saved Roxanne from the near-mishap with the gummies. She stood, oblivious to the catastrophe that would have befallen her. Everything went according to expectation. There was an assembly of the elites in the city. The visitors mixed and mingled, their laughing and talking melting into a melodious background buzz. Lawton strolled among the throng with a cool head, every aspect of the evening going precisely as it should.The normally severe authority figure that was Mrs. Williams l
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Lawton arrived at the city hospital lost in deep contemplation during the journey. Startled by the driver's announcement of their arrival, he thanked him and quickly made his way inside. Rushing to the reception, Lawton calmly identified himself and inquired about his mother.The receptionist at the hospital informed him with a warm smile, "The room your mother was admitted to is 302 upstairs, the first room on your left." Lawton thanked her and hurriedly ascended the stairs, his heart racing with concern.As he made his way to his mother's room, Lawton's footsteps echoed in the hallway. He located the room and immediately opened the door to his mother's room."Mother," he said tearfully while moving to the side of his hospitalized mother's bed. "Lawton, I'm fine," his mother said slowly, opening her eyes to see her teary son."How did this happen?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion. "I was on my way back home from shopping when a car hit our car, and that is all I remember.
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CHAPTER 20- An unexpected event!
Lawton sluggishly walked into the house and slumped onto the couch in the tiny living room, he was just coming back from the hospital. Amanda walked into the room with a smile as she asked him how his day went. She felt that Lawton was hiding things from her because he rarely carried her alone with his movement which wasn't like that between them. Lawton looked at his wife who was looking at him with a pleasant smile, he decided to tell his wife about his mom's situation which was the reason for his visitation. The issue was weighing heavily on his heart with deep concerns for her well-being. “Mom was attacked! I am just returning from the hospital, I went to see how she is faring!” He said to his unaware wife who gasped in fear and concern.“Attacked?” She screamed with a trembling voice. “Again?” She exclaimed as the pitch in her voice increased, revealing the mixed emotions of fear, anger and deep concern.“What is going on Lawton? This is terrible! Who would do such a terrible
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