All Chapters of The Trillionaire Takeover: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
189 chapters
Chapter 21: Fury of the Landlady
Lawton worked to arrange the remaining boxes on the small living room floor, while Amanda tried to assist. The presents certainly made her happy. Then they stopped a moment as a knock on their front door reverberated throughout the flat. "Who might that possibly be?" Amanda asked herself out loud. Lawton frowned, walking to the door. Their landlady looked at him coldly when he opened it. Lawton was immediately on edge as her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. Lawton said, "Hello," a little warily. "You stupid tenant, don't 'Hello' me!" The landlady spat, her voice dripping with anger. "Where's my rent money?" There was some discomfort in Lawton's stomach. His rent issues had escaped his notice because he was too busy worrying about his mother's condition and hospital bills. "I apologize. Concerns for my mother's health had taken over my thoughts. I swear to have the money for you in a few days." Snorting mockingly, the landlady said, "You say that all the time, Lawton. I don't w
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Chapter 22: Unseen Eyes
Lawton took a deep breath and placed his phone against his ear. The crowd's murmurs and angry words sounded like a muffled roar to him. He stole a glance at Amanda, her face pale and covered with tears. Taking another long breath, he listened to the beeping sound of his phone, his stomach churning with each unanswered ring.Lawton's landlady remained with arms crossed and a hard scowl on her face. One could see her increasing annoyance. Mr. Jenkins leaned heavily on his cane, his eyes glued on Lawton with a mix of worry and hope. The air was tense enough to cut with a knife.Finally, Lawton's call was connected. He spoke quietly, with urgency in his voice. The audience outside remained agitated, their dissatisfaction lingering in the air. Minutes passed, each one seeming to last forever.Lawton hung up the phone, a glimmer of hope combating worry in his eyes. He walked back to and faced the landlady. "I...I spoke with someone," he said, his voice scratchy. "They're willing to help, bu
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Chapter 23: The Abduction Attempt
A few metres from his apartment, Lawton considered the conversation he had with Amanda earlier. His disappointment at not being able to provide his beautiful wife with a stress-free life was understandable. There were schemes and angry ideas racing through his head. The landlady's ultimatum and Amanda's weeping eyes loomed large over him. He needed to visit Smithson, but things were getting worse by the minute. “I have to handle all of this soon,” he told himself. Lawton was feeling a chilly, isolating terror while everyone else was out having a great time. He was unaware that someone with ill intentions, the man who had been listening in earlier was now watching him from his cab, his lips pursed in a menacing smile. Lawton waited for a taxi on the side of the road. He needed a cab to get to Smithson quickly. His mind was racing with ideas. The mysterious stranger who had put the bug on his phone drove the cab closer to Lawton and that pulled up. Unaware of the risk the cab drive
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"Where are you taking me," A surprised Lawton asked the cab driver, yelling at the top of his voice."Let me out now!" A scared Lawton added."Don't bother screaming, no one will hear you," The cab driver said, trying to intimidate Lawton."You will only make things worse", the cab driver stated firmly before suddenly stopping the car.Two men suddenly came out of a van which was packed into the alley. They forcefully pulled Lawton from the car and started beating him."Why are you doing this to me, who are you people," A confused Lawton who was getting beaten up asked."What do you guys want from me, I will give you whatever you want," Lawton continued.Lawton's pleas fell on deaf ears as the kidnappers continued to beat him up."Stop!" The cab driver said, trying to stop his cohorts from beating Lawton up."What are you guys doing?" The cab driver asked in annoyance."We are here to abduct him and not attack or kill him," The cab driver continued."Blindfold him and take him into t
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CHAPTER 25 - A safe place.
They drove with such speed and urgency as they drove into the estate, which carried a sense of prestigious and affluent aura which was present, the neighborhood was topnotch, known for its opulent residences and luxurious amenities and buildings. From the main entrance of the large gate which had two guards behind the revealing gate, a control was pressed to open the gate. But surrounding the gate were ornate which were used to adorn it and its intricate metalwork made the gate transparent and intriguing. You could see the penthouse from outside the gate.As they drove into the courtyard you could see a path leading to the entrance of the house which are lined with impeccable flowers and greenery that have nice fragrances which blossom and dance in the gentle breeze.The car rushed into the garage as Lawton who was in pain was wheeled out of the car in a bed trolley. They rushed him into the foyer that radiated wealth and luxury, it had polished marble floors that glittered under or
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Chapter 26: Revelations
After taking an hour to rest up a bit, Lawton felt his exhaustion start to melt away. In an effort to erase the remnants of his lethargy, he sat up carefully and scratched his forehead. In the low lighting, shadows floated across the walls, generating a menacing mood. His eyes shifted to Smithson, who was sitting at a small table, methodically sorting through a stack of documents."Smithson," Lawton shouted out, his voice faint from tiredness. "What did you find out about my mother's attacker?"Smithson looked up, his expression grim. He nodded and retrieved the papers, taking them over to where Lawton sat. He placed the documents out on the coffee table, each one a piece of the puzzle that had tormented Lawton for weeks."I found something significant," Smithson said, his tone measured and serious. "There’s a man—a very dangerous man—who used to work with your father. His name is Ivan Korvich."Lawton felt a chill run down his spine at the name. Ivan Korvich was not just any man; he
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Chapter 27: Heightened Vigilance around the hospital. 
Lawton's heart raced as he watched Smithson's men secure Korvich in the makeshift interrogation chamber. The encounter in the warehouse had been heated, and now that Korvich was in their hands, the true challenge had only begun.The faint light from the single hanging lamp cast harsh shadows on Korvich's face, emphasizing the deep lines left by years of bitterness and hatred. Smithson stood beside Lawton, his gaze locked on the captive man. "We need to extract as much information as we can from him," Smithson remarked in a quiet, determined tone. "This is our chance to get to the bottom of everything." Lawton nodded as his mind raced. "I understand. But we also have to be careful. Korvich is dangerous, and we cannot underestimate him." Smithson's expression relaxed slightly. "I have already reinforced security surrounding the hospital. We cannot afford any more disasters. Be rest assured that your mom will not be get any unwanted visitation.”Lawton allowed himself a small moment o
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Chapter 28: Barry’s move
Lawton awoke with a shock, the remnants of his nightmares hanging on him like cobwebs. For a brief while, he forgot where he was, and then the weight of the previous day's events returned. He glanced at the clock; it was early, but his thoughts were already racing. His wife, Amanda, had begged that he eat something before going to the hospital, and he couldn't resist her worried pleadings. She hovered about him, fear on every line of her face, but he reassured her before returning to his mother's side.When Lawton arrived at the hospital, he felt a surge of anxiety. The hospital was alive with activity, in stark contrast to the empty streets he had traversed the night before. Security was tight, as Smithson had stated. He walked by many guards, their eyes bright and attentive, on his approach to his mother's ward.When he walked in, his mother was awake, and her eyes lit up as she saw him. She extended a thin hand, and he gently accepted it, feeling a rush of love and guilt."Hi, Mom,
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Chapter 29: Amanda's Dinner with Barry Colton
Lawton came home to see Amanda getting ready to go out. She was standing in front of the mirror, carefully applying makeup—a sight that caught him off guard. He locked the door behind him and continued towards her. His curiosity was stirred. He couldn't fathom any reason why she would be leaving at this hour of the day. Trying to recall if they had any plans for the evening, he meticulously searched his memory. Though he struggled to remember, nothing came to his mind."Are you going somewhere, Amanda?" With a voice that was just slightly nervous, he asked. Amanda looked up at him, determination and worry mixed together on her face."I am," she answered truthfully. "Barry Colton invited me to dinner." Lawton's eyes widened in surprise. "Barry Colton? The businessman?"Amanda nodded. "Yes, he said he has a business proposal to discuss with me."Lawton scowled, his protective reflexes kicking in. "Are you sure about this? Barry is known for his charisma, but he's also a highly power
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CHAPTER 30- A proposal of deception
He pulled out the seat for her which she took with a gentle smile as she looked around again, taking in the luxurious ambience of the wealthy and high-class restaurant they were seated in. Barry took his seat as they settled comfortably into their seats under the soft glow of the candlelight which created a warm feeling over the elegant surroundings of their private room. Barry, who was on edge to impress Amanda, sat on the edge of his seat as he leaned towards Amanda who was taken aback by his action. He decided to go straight or rather dive deep into what came into his mind first. “Hey, Amanda,” he called out to her, slowly and a little bit sexually which irritated Amanda. “Why don't we order something bountiful to eat? And set the mood right before getting down to business! There is a popular saying that says the strength of within is what you use outside and what can fuel that strength, food! What would you love to order, my beautiful lady?” Barry said to her excitedly and in h
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