All Chapters of The Trillionaire Takeover: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
189 chapters
CHAPTER 31- Acceptance 
“What?” He uttered, sounding extremely surprised.“Barry, I don't have anything to say nor do I know what to say at the moment!” She expressed as she tried to hide her disbelief and her growing irritation.“What I can say is this is just too sudden and I might have to think about it thoroughly. I still have a job if you have forgotten, so I need time!” She was prompted to say as he kept quiet for a long while looking at her like a lost dog whose owner is dead.“Of course, you can do that! I mean, you have all the time in the world to think about it, at least you should get back to me by ten sharp! But I think I know and I can assure you was this opportunity I am giving to you on a platter of gold is something you don't want to pass or slip your fingers,” He said, quickly regaining his composure as his puppy looked slowly faded into disappointment, then he tried to cover it up with a fake charming smile. “Ten sharp? What do you mean, that's nearly an hour left!” Amanda complained to h
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"Your room?" Amanda asked."I don't think that's a good idea," Amanda continued."Why do we have to celebrate in your room of all places?" Amanda added."You don't have to worry about anything," Barry said."My co-workers are also there," Barry added."Male co-workers or female co-workers?" An unconvinced Amanda asked."Both," Barry replied."We won't be alone, but you don't have to go if you don't want to," Barry said."We are just going to celebrate, What's the harm in that?" Barry added.Amanda wasn't sure if she should follow Barry into his hotel room. She then thought about what he said about his co-workers being in the room and decided to go as it was not such a bad idea."We are going now?" Amanda asked."Yes," Barry replied."I can leave if I am not comfortable right?" Amanda asked. "Yes," Barry replied."Okay, let's go," Amanda said.Barry called the waiters and settled their bills. Amanda offered to split the bills with him, but Barry refused and paid with his card."Thank
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CHAPTER 33: "Dark Desire"
Barry was happy once he noticed the drug had started working. He smiled, seeing an unconscious Amanda on his bed.He moved closer to an unconscious Amanda and started to sniff her whole body."She smells so good," Barry said, gazing into her eyes.Barry's heart raced as he took off an unconscious Amanda's clothes.He gently pulled her face towards his and immediately started to kiss her gently all over her body.Barry stood up as he had second thoughts on what he was about to do but decided to do it as it was his only option to have Amanda all to himself."I have to do this if I want you all to myself," Barry said, staring at Amanda.Barry took off his clothes and started to caress Amanda's naked body.Barry was too far deep to stop at this point and he couldn't control himself."You are so sexy and irresistible," Barry said as he slowly penetrated into an unconscious Amanda.Barry held her hand tightly and continued going until he was too tired to continue. He gently slipped out of h
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Chapter 34: Barry's Evil Scheme
Amanda's head whirled as she lay on the edge of the hotel bed. Across from her, grinning smugly, was Barry Colton. Something he said chilled her blood.Barry remarked, his eyes full of evil glee, "I want to court you, pretty girl." He seemed happy with himself. No woman he wanted had ever escaped his clutches. His contacts and money gave him an unquestionable power.Amanda had a headache. When Barry had asked her to supper at the fancy restaurant yesterday night, she had been suspicious. He had apparently drugged the drink and given it to her. She never dreamed he would go that far.Suddenly coming to terms with what had happened, Amanda exclaimed, "You drugged me! And you really think you can court me now? Are you nuts?”Barry laughed, and the whole room echoed with the terrible sound of his voice. “Sure, I did. How else might I get what I wanted?"Barry carried on before Amanda gave her answer. "I recorded every detail. Our entire time spent together. I will let your husband, Lawto
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Chapter 35: Bound by Blackmail
Amanda sat opposite Barry, her heart hammering. Their breakfast leftovers sat unassumingly on the table. She had to try one final plea, even though she had no choice but to accept his demands. Amanda pleaded, "Please, Barry," her voice shaking. "Erase the video. I'll do whatever you ask, but kindly delete it."Barry's eyes shone with a wicked glee. "No, Amanda. I need it for leverage. It is the only approach guaranteed to secure your compliance." Amanda let a tsunami of hopelessness sweep over her. Barry had her trapped. Every possibility of escape from his grasp seemed to fade. She tried to accept her fate by staring at the floor.Barry got up suddenly and headed towards the bed. When he pinned Amanda down, her breath seemed to cease. His might left her no room for her to flee. She begged, trying to shove him away, "Barry, stop." But her opposition appeared to thrill him only. Barry murmured, "Relax, Amanda," a smile playing on his lips. "You will learn to enjoy this."Amanda battle
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CHAPTER 36- Awkwardly Situated 
Amanda stared at herself through the mirror in the lobby and couldn't believe what she had done. She was going to see her husband in a few minutes and couldn't express how she felt. She is disgusted by her sight and more disgusted at the man who just wanted out of their room with a triumphant smirk. He quickly peeled her on the cheek which earned him a disgusted scorn from Amanda. “You should be over this at the moment and just live in the moment, enjoying every bit of it with no words uttered or dirty looks and glare exchanged. Let's get you to your husband before he worries himself to death,” he casually said with a dry chuckle. With no other choice than to follow him, she reluctantly tagged along behind him, her walking style was different from earlier, it had become lifeless and without purpose. They got into the car and endured a long, silent drive, Barry tried engaging her in multiple conversations but was given the cold shoulder. Lawton's neighbourhood looked exceptionally b
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CHAPTER 37- Amanda's first day
Amanda tried her hardest to rid herself of the guilt, she couldn't even tell her husband as it ate her throughout the time. She quietly showered, scrubbing the hell out of her body, as if that would scrub off what had happened. She so badly wanted to break down and tell her husband or someone so she could have her sanity. She got fully dressed to start her day… her first day as Barry's employee, she was working as his secretary. She found a cab that drove her to Barry's company, the morning light finding its way to her face as she sat by the window. On getting to the building, she was taken aback a little bit because it superseded what she had in mind concerning the place. She made her way to the receptionist and with the card Barry had given her earlier that day, it pointed out what floor she was on.“You are on the tenth floor and this card will give you access to that part. Once you leave my desk, the entrance by my left has an access control system that leads you to the elevator
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All Amanda could think of on her way back from lunch was the advice her friend had just given her.Amanda concluded she had to follow Barry's orders and keep everything to herself."I think she's right, I have to follow his orders," she said to herself while walking towards her office."My sex tape can't be out there," she continued."If it ever comes out, I will be ruined forever, " she added."What will my friends and family say about me, and Lawton, it would ruin it," she added."I don't have a choice, I just follow his orders," Amanda muttered to herself as she walked into the office. She immediately went to her office and sat down, ready to continue, ready to get back to work.Ever since Amanda started working in the office, she had noticed that Barry's secretary was always glaring at her and giving her deadly looks.She didn't think it was anything at first until it got worse. She decided to ignore her, as she didn't know why she was so upset with her.She looked out from her o
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"Hi baby," Barry said to her while trying to hold her."You can't hold me like that in public," Amanda said moving slightly away from him."How was work?" Barry asked."It was fine," Amanda said."I'm going home" Amanda added."You can't leave yet, you had a long day let me take you shopping," Barry said, smiling at her."I really appreciate the offer," Amanda said."But, no thanks," she added, before walking towards the office gate.Barry rushed after her and reminded her he still had her sex tape with her and she has to follow his orders without complaining."Get in the car," Barry said, smiling gently at her as if she hadn't just threatened her.Amanda didn't have any choice, she hopped into his car and fastened her seat belt."Where exactly are we going?" Amanda asked."We are going to city mall," Barry responded."I'm going to buy you whatever you what," he said before starting the car.The journey to city mall was quiet as neither of them said anything to each other in the car.
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"Could it be Lawton," Amanda said as she walked to the door to check who was there."Who is it?" Amanda asked."It's Barry," The voice responded.Amanda was surprised because he dropped her off a few minutes ago and she watched him drive off."What are you doing here? I thought you left," Amanda said, as she opened the door."Yes I did," Barry replied."So why did you come back?" Amanda said."I came here to see your face," Barry said, smiling warmly at her."But you just dropped me off," Amanda said."I know," Barry said."Can I come in for a drink?" Barry asked."It's not like I have a choice," Amanda replied."Come in," Amanda added."Thank you," Barry said, before walking in and shutting the door.Lawton was at the penthouse with Smithson.Smithson had called Lawton earlier on his way to work to tell him he had gotten a lead from Jack Harper, who was caught loitering around the hospital.Lawton rushed down to the penthouse after he received the call from Smithson.At the penthouse
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