All Chapters of The Trillionaire Takeover: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
189 chapters
Chapter 41: Jack Harper survives
Frozen, Lawton, and Smithson fixed their gaze on the screen as smoke and fire flooded the radio waves. The picture was grainy, distorted by the extreme heat and debris, but the absolute destruction was clear-cut. The warehouse had become a blazing inferno, devouring everything within its bounds.Something moved within the smoke just as Lawton was ready to speak. At first, it was simply a shadow, a hazy figure drifting among the tumult. But the figure grew more distinct as the smoke started to dissipate. Tall and strong, he wore a black tuxedo that, considering the situation, seemed immaculate. His eyes shone a terrible blue, like twin beacons of evil piercing the haze.Lawton and Smithson stared in shock as the man gently emerged from the flames, uninjured. The sheer absurdity of the sight rendered both of them momentarily mute. They had been sure everyone inside would have perished in the explosion. Jack Harper emerged without a scratch while the flames tore behind him, destroying wh
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Chapter 42: The Dinner Dilemma
The restaurant hummed softly with chatter, a pleasant buzz that belied the strain between Amanda and Barry. On their table, candlelight flickering created subtle shadows and accentuated the uneasiness in Amanda's eyes. The weight of Barry's blackmail pressed heavily on her, making it difficult for her to enjoy the dinner or the evening, despite her best attempts to keep calm. Ever the charmer, Barry kept her enthralled with stories of his commercial triumphs, oblivious—or maybe apathetic—to her inner conflict. He leaned back, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched her after completing a particularly grandiose narrative about outmanoeuvring a competitor in a high-stakes transaction."Amanda," he said, his voice shifting from casual to austere, "I've been meaning to talk to you about something important." She tensed just a little, her fingers squeezing around her wine glass."What is it, Barry?"He inhaled deeply and focused sharply. "You are deserving of better than this life with L
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CHAPTER 43: The Tragic Turn
Amanda got into her room tired from the activities of the day, She lay on her bed as she reminisced about her conversation with Barry.Amanda was still surprised at Barry's audacity. The man had just told her to divorce her husband."What makes him think he would tell me to divorce my husband and I will listen to him?" Amanda said to herself."Who does he think he is," Amanda continued."Bold of him to think I would leave my husband for him," She added.Tired of thinking about her previous conversation with Barry, Amanda got up from her bed and decided to shower.She was in the bathroom when she heard a knock on the door."I'm coming," she shouted, as she rushed out of the bathroom.She got downstairs and went straight to the door."Who is it?" She asked."It's Lawton," the voice said.Amanda opened the door and Lawton came inside, smiling softly as he saw his wife."How was your day baby?" Lawton said, hugging Amanda."It was fine baby," Amanda replied."Thank you," Amanda continued.
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CHAPTER 44: Hospitalized
Lawton couldn't believe what he just heard."My mother is in the hospital?" Lawton asked, playing dumb, trying to delay the inevitable."Call the doctor back Amanda," A scared Lawton said.Amanda called the doctor back and gave the phone to Lawton to talk to him."I have been trying to reach you, Mr Lawton," The doctor said as he answered."My phone was on silent because I didn't want to distract myself at work," Lawton said."What did you say happened to my mum?" Lawton asked."Please if you can, come to the hospital right now," the doctor said."I'm on my doctor," Lawton said, before hanging up the call.Lawton immediately rushed out of the house and Amanda followed him.They both got into the car and Lawton drove off. The hospital was 20 minutes from their house, but Lawton couldn't wait for that long, so he sped up the car.Lawton was driving so fast that it made Amanda so scared. She didn't talk at first but had to talk when Lawton kept increasing his speed."Please slow down Law
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CHAPTER 45: Poisoned
Lawton couldn't believe what his ears. His mother was poisoned! He didn't know what to say or do at the moment. Lawton was petrified!His eyes widened in frozen terror as he thought of what next to say to the doctor.Lawton finally snapped off it and composed himself."How is she now?" Lawton asked, with a puzzled look."She's stable now Mr Lawton," The head doctor said."Thankfully, the poison was quite a common one and we were able to administer the antidote on time," the lead doctor added."Wow, thank you, doctor," Lawton said, sighing in relief."I will prescribe some drugs for you, you just need to go and get them in the pharmacy," the lead doctor said."Alright, thank you doctor," Lawton said."Will my mother be fine Doctor?" Lawton asked, with a doubtful gaze."Are you sure the poison is completely out of her system?" Lawton continued."Your mother will be fine Mr Lawton," the doctor said."We have carried out all the necessary tests on her," the doctor added.The doctor then
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"I need to see you now, Smithson," Lawton said, as Smithson answered the phone."Okay, young master," Smithson said."Let's meet at the penthouse," Lawton said."I think our first meeting place has been compromised, let's meet at the second penthouse, young master," Smithson said."Okay, Smithson, please be quick," Lawton replied."I don't have much time," Lawton added.Lawton walked outside the hospital before realising he hadn't told Amanda where he was going.He rushed back into the hospital to see his wife dozing off on the chair."Babe, I'm going to see Smithson at the second penthouse," Lawton said, tapping Amanda."Should I drop you off at home?" Lawton asked."No, babe, I will stay with Mom," Amanda said."Okay, I will be back soon," Lawton said."I just need to have an important conversation with him," Lawton added."Okay, babe, drive safe," Amanda said."I will," Lawton said, rushing out of the hospital.Lawton got into his car and drove off to his penthouse. He got there in
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CHAPTER 47: The Sinister Plot
Lawton was in his car when he suddenly got a call from Smithson.He was surprised, as he had just left the Penthouse."Did I forget anything?" Lawton asked as he picked up his call."No, young master," Smithson said."So what is the problem?" Lawton asked."I just wanted to tell you to be careful," Smithson said."You called to tell me that?" Lawton said."Yes, young master," Smithson said."Okay, I will," Lawton said before hanging up the phone.Lawton smiled as he dropped his hanged-up. Although he doesn't show it often, he loves how protective Smithson is.Lawton smiled as he drove, enjoying the quietness and night air that filled his car.He checked his time and he decided to call Amanda to check up on her."Hello Amanda," he said, as she answered."I just wanted to inform you that I am on my way home to pack what you will need at the hospital," Lawton said."Is Mom awake now?" Lawton asked."No, babe," Amanda replied."Okay, baby, see you soon and please take care of yourself," L
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CHAPTER 48: Captured
The kidnapper's driver was driving so fast that Lawton had to close his eyes as he was so scared. Lawton opened his eyes after he finally mustered the courage to."Where are you taking me," Lawton said, looking at the kidnapper on his left."What do you want from me," Lawton continued."Please just let me go," Lawton said, yelling.Lawton didn't know where the courage came from but all he wanted in that moment was just to get down from their car."Shut up," One of the kidnappers said, yelling."I will not shut up until you let me out of this car," Lawton said, still yelling.Just as Lawton was about to say something else, he suddenly got hit on the head.Lawton opened his eyes only to find himself in a dimly light warehouse, he was confused and lost with no memory of how he got there.The warehouse was silent and it had a weird smell as if it had been abandoned for a long period.Lawton struggled to stand up as his head was still pounding from being hit.He touched his head and saw t
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CHAPTER 49: The Release
Lawton was carried and dropped off in front of his house by Barry's men.His unconscious body was on the floor, lying motionless.Lawton just lay there, pale and vulnerable.Amanda waited for him all night in the hospital and got tired of waiting.She tried to call him but his phone wasn't available. She concluded he might have slept off at home while he was there.She then decided to go home and pack what she needed herself before going back to the hospital.She was still inside packing when Lawton was dropped off by the kidnappers.Amanda showered and put on new clothes, ready for the day.She also ate and packed the food she was going to eat in the hospital."Lawton must have gone back to the penthouse to sleep," Amanda said to herself, as she closed the door.Amanda was on her way back outside, calling her office to inform them she wouldn't be able to make it to the office today when she saw a crowd gathered outside their gate.She was surprised and decided to take a look when she
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CHAPTER 50: The Warning
"Please stop crying," A weak Lawton said, gazing at his wife."I'm fine now," Lawton added.Amanda explained to Lawton how he found his body outside of their house, how she brought him to the hospital and also how she had to beg their neighbour to help her as nobody was willing to bring him there.She asked him about what happened to him and Lawton also told her everything that happened."I'm so sorry that happened to you," Amanda said, holding Lawton's hand."I'm really glad you are okay," She added."Mr Chris really tried, I need to call him and thank him," Lawton said."Yes babe, he is such a nice man," Amanda said."He asked me to call him whenever you are awake," Amanda said, bringing out his complimentary card."Call him, I need to thank him," Lawton said.Amanda called Mr Chris and informed him Lawton was awake and he also wanted to thank him."Here," Amanda said, pointing the phone towards Lawton.Lawton collected the phone and thanked Mr Chris for saving his life and promised
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