All Chapters of The Trillionaire Takeover: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
189 chapters
CHAPTER 51: The Recovery Process
Smithson left the hospital after promising Lawton he was going find the people who the people who tried to hurt him.Amanda came back to the hospital straight from the office.She entered Lawton's room and he couldn't immediately tell something was wrong with her."Hi baby," She said coldly."How was work?" Lawton said."It was fine baby, they needed me for some urgent work," Amanda said." You look upset Amanda," Lawton said."Are you okay?" He continued, looking at her."I'm fine baby, I'm just stressed," Amanda replied."What about you baby, how do you feel now?" Amanda said."I'm fine baby, Smithson just left," Lawton said.Amanda was about to say something when they heard a knock on the door.Amanda asked the person to come in and it was the doctor.He checked up on Lawton and told Amanda he was fine and was going to be discharged the next day."Wow, doctor, thank you," Lawton said, as soon as he heard he was going to be discharged."Just please stay away from trouble," the doc
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CHAPTER 52: The Unfamiliar Face
Amanda and Roxanne looked at the strange man as he introduced himself to them. They didn't know he was but was polite and acted natural towards him."I'm guessing both if you do not know who I am from the look on your faces," Logan said, looking at Amanda."I'm a friend to Lawton's father," He said smiling."I know you guys might not know me but I know the both of you," He continued."Please tell Lawton I said hi," He added, before leaving abruptly.Simone and Roxanne found the interaction funny and weird but continued with what they had both come there for.Roxanne was looking for the perfect dress for the both of them but had no idea what exactly they should go for.They were both walking around the store when a worker at the boutique walked up to them and asked them what exactly they were looking for.Roxanne explained to her they had a party the next day and needed something perfect because they were going to a celebrity party.The worker told them to come with her as she knew a s
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CHAPTER 53: A Surprise Revelation
"We will have to go back to the store Amanda," Roxanne said."We can't possibly go to the party without shoes," She said, smiling at Amanda."We can't," Amanda said, laughing.Amanda and Roxanne got into the car and made their way back to the boutique.They soon got to the store and made their way inside.They were welcomed warmly and asked if they had forgotten anything."Yes, we forgot to get shoes," Roxanne said."Come with me, I will show you to the shoe section," the worker said."Okay, thank you," Amanda said, as they followed her.She showed the shoe section and Amanda and Roxanne tried on different pairs of shoes before finally choosing their favourite.Amanda went for beautiful black heels with a glossy finish and a delicate strap at the back of the heel, while Roxanne settled for a pink heel with glitter and a flower detail at the toe.They were both so happy and Satisfied. They left the store after they paid and made their way into their car.They entered the car and Roxann
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CHAPTER 54: A Worried Mind
"You met Mr Logan," Lawton said, facing Amanda who was smiling.Lawton was so worried that he forgot to ask where Amanda met him. All he cared about was if he said or did something to her."Yes babe, he just introduced himself to us and left," Amanda said.Lawton felt a sense of dread as his wife mentioned Logan introducing himself to her.Logan met his wife and just let her go?He didn't know what to think or make of this encounter."He just introduced himself and left?" Lawton said to himself, his voice barely above a whisper."Yes, It felt weird but he was cool," Amanda added, snapping him out of his thoughts.Lawton panicked inwardly for a moment as he remembered the warehouse incident from a few days ago, in which Mr Logan was the threat."Did he say anything else or do anything," Lawton said inquisitively."No, babe, he didn't," Amanda said."Please call me next time he tries to talk to you or approach you," Lawton said."Ok, babe," Amanda said.Amanda looked at her husband's fa
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CHAPTER 55: Playing Dumb
Lawton carefully walked up into my room and picked his my phone gently.Lawton then walked down the stairs as he dialed Smithson's number.Lawton called Smithson as he needed answers."Hello young master," Smithson said, as he answered."Why are you still awake at this hour young master," He added."I couldn't sleep," I said.Lawton then explained the current development to Smithson and told Smithson everything Amanda had told him.Lawton also told Smithson how it has been bothering him and asked what they were both going to do next."Do not do anything rash young master," Smithson said."We need to keep calm and act oblivious to his taunts," Smithson continued."He is definitely doing this for a reason and I'm going to find out why," Smithson added."So you are suggesting we don't do anything," Lawton inquired."Yes young master, we have to let the enemy think we are ignorant," Smithson said."We need to do so in order to avoid unnecessary complications," Smithson added."Okay, I tru
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CHAPTER 56: The Unusual Silence
Amanda couldn't sleep after her phone call with Roxanne. She checked the time again and discovered it was already time for work.She then decided to get ready for work as she was already running late.She showered and threw on a pair of black pants and a white shirt.She styled her hair and put on her favourite fragrances, ready for the long day ahead.Amanda went downstairs after she was done and left for work.Amanda bumped into Barry as she walked into the office but she was surprised by his unusual silence.He passed by her quietly as she walked and went straight into his office.This confused and also surprised Amanda as this was very unusual of him to act reserved towards her."Did Barry just ignore me on purpose," Amanda said to herself as she walked into her office."Maybe he had a lot on his mind and he didn't see me," She continued."Or could he have had a chance of mind," Amanda added.Amanda thought of different reasons why Barry could be ignoring her and decided to let it
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CHAPTER 57: The Suspicious Mind
Amanda woke up the following day, feeling refreshed.She woke a tired Lawton up from his sleep and told it was time to get ready for work.Lawton went into the shower while Amanda went downstairs to make breakfast for the both of them according to their every morning routine.Amanda decided to make pancakes and eggs and served the food as soon as she was done.She then went upstairs to get ready for work too while Lawton was dressing up for work.Amanda also got ready for work and they both went downstairs together to have their breakfast.Lawton finished his breakfast before Amanda as he was already running late."Have a nice day beautiful," Lawton said hugging Amanda who was still eating."I will call you, take care of yourself," Lawton added, before rushing out."You too, bye," Amanda said, as she watched him leave.Amanda then started to worry about how hard he was working.He was barely taking care of himself. His work was so demanding.She wondered if he was really fine but soon
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CHAPTER 58: The Party
Amanda woke up the following morning to see Lawton who was already getting ready for work."Good morning baby, you didn't wake me up," Amanda said, looking at the time."You looked like you were enjoying your sleep and I didn't want to disturb you," Lawton said."Don't worry about cooking, I made breakfast for us already," Lawton added."Thank you, baby, you are the best," Amanda said, walking towards him to give him a hug.They both went downstairs after and had their breakfast.Lawton bid Amanda farewell and told her to make sure she enjoyed the party before leaving.Amanda assured him she was going to have fun before watching him leave.Lawton met Roxanne by the door as he was about to walk out of the gate.Lawton greeted Roxanne and asked her to please look after his wife before leaving for work.Roxanne walked into the house and saw Amanda who was still eating on the dining table."Good morning Roxanne," Amanda said, surprised to see her."Good morning," Roxanne said smiling."I
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CHAPTER 59: The Evening Of Elegance
The distance from the studio to the venue was just ten minutes and they soon got there.Roxanne drove into a huge mansion where the party was going to take place.The mansion had a beautiful big black gate which was opened for all the guests to drive in.Amanda smiled as they drove on. The venue was beautifully decorated with beautiful flowers.The compound of the mansion had beautiful water fountains and sculptures which made the environment even more serene."We are here," Roxanne said, as she parked her car."Wow Roxanne, everything about this party is amazing," Amanda said,as she looked around."Everything looks so beautiful and elegant," Amanda added.Roxanne smiled at Amanda as she watched her admire the beautiful surroundings."It's beautiful," Roxanne said, smiling.Amanda and Roxanne then walked out of their car and walked towards the entrance of the beautiful mansion.They were stopped at the entrance by the security as their name needed to be confirmed on the guest lists be
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CHAPTER 60: A Night to Remember
Roxanne was about to walk out of the bathroom after her call with Barry when she remembered she had to call someone else.Roxanne smiled as she dialled the person's number."Hello Roxanne," The voice said, as she picked up the phone."Where are you?" Roxanne said."I'm on my way," the voice answered. "You have to get here before the party fully begins," Roxanne said."Okay," the voice replied."Be quick, the party is about to start" Roxanne said, as she hung up the phone.She then walked towards the bathroom mirror to check if her makeup was still intact."Everything is going according to plan," Roxanne said, as she looked at her face in the mirror."Amanda is in for a night she will never forget," Roxanne added, smiling.She then walked out of the bathroom, smiling as her plans were going according to the way Barry wanted.She walked back into the party, looking for Amanda.She looked towards the place where they were all before but couldn't find her.She wondered where Amanda could
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