All Chapters of General Noah: Chapter 181 - Chapter 186
186 chapters
“Santos Junek?” Lois replied with a smile.“I have never heard of that name before. Why will he take interest in me without approaching me for once?” Rieka said with an arched brow.Lois sighed, “It’s possible you’ve not been paying attention to other men because of Noah. He gave me his card so anytime you are ready to see him, it is just a call away. I also heard he is a military man. From the convoy I saw accompanying him, I can confidently say he is far richer than Noah. Getting hitched with him will make Noah regret ever treating you in this manner.”“Hmm!” Rieka reasoned with what Lois said. A thought of revenge crept into her heart.Why was Rieka having such thoughts? Having a relationship with someone wasn’t by force.“Give me his card, I’ll call him. I want to get some information from him.”Rieka asked politely.Lois picked a card that was on the table and handed it to Rieka.So fast, Rieka picked up her phone and called the number which was on the card.“Hi, It’s Rieka. My
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Noah glanced at the Grand Commander. The news about who will become the next Chief of Army was yet to be announced publicly.“I have an urgent assignment to do here and it has to be kept a secret. Apart from all of us here, who witnessed my arrival, no one must know that I have returned.”Noah was led to a large room. It was the Supreme Ruler’s room in Fristico.Ever since Noah left, no one had dwelled in the room. However, the maids always kept it tidied daily.Noah freshened up and sat on the couch as he stared at the space.Knock, Knock, Knock.Some knocked on the door.Noah had already made it clear that he wanted to be left alone till he said otherwise.Who then was knocking on the door?With a frown, Noah went to open the door.Noah welcomed a man and a woman in.“You, so you had plans of coming too. Why didn’t you just say it? Did you have to make it a surprise?”Noah said with a smile beaming on his face.“I had to come along with her. We can’t just leave you. You need us mor
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At that moment, Santos picked up his phone and placed a call.“Hi Santos, is anything the matter? You hardly call me.”“Jacob, I can see you know me well. We need to meet tonight, it's urgent.”Jacob was a high-ranked soldier and he was a member of the military council.All along, Jacob has been the one giving information to Santos about all that was happening because Santos handsomely rewarded him. Jacob was also a close friend of the former Chief of Army Staff.Now, he felt something was happening and he couldn’t figure it out. He had to hear from Jacob.Nevertheless, Jacob had assured him that he would become the next Chief of Army staff.Meanwhile, at the Supreme Ruler’s residence in the military base.Noah, Andy, and Giddy were standing.Noah rubbed his forehead and said, “This is more complicated than I had imagined. I don’t want to get rid of anyone but I can’t help but defend myself.”“I have a suggestion.” Giddy paused. Then he continued, “Let us visit Santos. Not to harm him
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“What?”Santos expressed and gave a mocking laugh. “Who do you think you are?”Just then, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Noah.Andy and Giddy also pulled out their guns and pointed at Santos.“I have nothing against you. I can see your greed and selfish interest is what is making you want the position of the Chief of Army staff at all cost.”Slowly, Noah approached Santos.“One more step and I’ll pull the trigger.” Santos roared.Noah sighed and he took another step. Bang!Santos pulled the trigger.Swiftly, Noah dodged it.Thank goodness no one was standing behind him.“All that happened here has been recorded. It would be used against you. You are not even worthy to be called a soldier.”Noah uttered with a frown.“Against me? We’ll see about that.”Santos said confidently.“No matter what, being soldiers, we are one,” Noah said as his eyes scanned through everyone present. For no just cause, Santos Junek wants to get rid of me. From his action, you all can see that he is n
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Noah smiled, “Sincerely, she owns a dear place in my heart.” With a serious expression, Noah asked. “Do you think getting hitched with her again is a good idea?”Andy nodded. “Of course, she’s the only woman you’ve ever loved.”“Okay! Let’s have a quiet walk then.”Meanwhile, at the Fullams’ residence.“Can’t you talk sense to your daughter? Is this how she wants to end her life?”Lois uttered coldly as she looked at Jack.Jack tilted his head.“It is her life; her choice and I cannot influence her decision because you want me to.”Lois widened her lips and asked. “Are you serious?”Coldly, Rieka said. “Mom, I have a lot to deal with. What is all this about?”“If you wait from now till infinity, Noah will not welcome you into his life. Beauty fades, you have to give another man a chance. I’ve spoken to some rich folks and they all agreed to get married to you not minding that you are a divorcee.”After saying that, Lois angrily left.Rieka stared at the space. Thoughts of Noah grippe
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Minutes passed by and the groom was nowhere to be found.Lois covered her face in shame and cursed inwardly.‘Rieka isn’t a lucky child. Just imagine the dignitaries present at this wedding and yet the groom is not present.’‘Could it be someone is trying to humiliate my daughter?”The guests were tired and a voice rang out coldly.“Is this a scene in a movie?”Soon whispers filled the air.“We’ve been waiting for long, let’s just leave.”“The groom must have eloped.”Only the soldiers present in the hall remained calm.Just ten, they heard a blaring siren approaching.Soon, silence filled the air again.Tears were already welling in Rieka’s eyes. She bowed her head slightly in shame.A man cladded in his soldier uniform with many stars on it approached the podium and whispered to the clergyman.The man was the Grand Commander.At this point, the Grand Commander held the microphone, and happily, he said.“Today, we have two celebrations. Permit me to welcome the new Chief of Army Staf
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