All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
187 chapters
"Actually, I also received unpleasant news from Edward about the Bowie family while he was in prison, sir. Mrs. Bowie apparently suffered from depression so severe that she had to consult a psychiatrist several times. More than that, Miss Bowie also had a very deep pressure within herself, so the woman just remained silent, even as if she were crazy. And when I found out all these things and then reflected, I felt that this had gone too far. It's true that they were wrong, but it seems like they were truly devastated, even Mrs. Bowie said many times that she wouldn't dare to leave the house when they were released from prison because after all this bad news had spread throughout the country and Mrs. Bowie felt that way. very embarrassed by his socialite friends."“I also heard this and of course I don't know what to say. Indeed, up until now their lives have been very luxurious and they have always been looked at with great respect. Until in the end when they get a case like this they
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" Where do you want to go?"Andreas, who was already prepared and very neat, immediately stopped in his tracks perfectly then he glanced at Cindy who was sitting pretty while reading a magazine. Is it really unusual for his wife to ask a question which of course is not something that is really very serious? Usually when Andreas would go anywhere his wife would almost never ask and in fact his wife would let Andreas go wherever he wanted. However, this time his wife's grandmother asked a very strange question, a question whose answer could never be imagined beyond anything else and of course this would be an answer that Andreas would never be able to answer honestly. How come? Because currently he has plans to meet with the imprisoned Bowie family and of course to discuss several existing problems then he will go to visit several business relations to see several new companies that Andreas will buy, this is a new achievement, even the system records that this year Andreas alone receive
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"Okay then, I hope you will always be careful. You also go home carefully and you also have to decide if this meeting will produce something good for both of you. Never ask for a profit that is far from what you are targeting, however that will never be good. I'm not asking for anything, just go home quickly because it's the weekend and actually I don't want you to leave me on a weekend like this. Especially when you're working, because I thought you weren't working and maybe we'd spend the weekend together."Andres immediately smiled, then he immediately kissed his wife's forehead and then he decided to leave. He and Ryan had already prepared, however, he had an appointment with one of the lawyers to take care of the problems that had occurred with the Bowie family, according to the promise and then his wife's wishes, he wanted to provide relief to the Bowie family because after all he had already received the shares. according to what has been agreed, the family can be released from
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This morning, Andreas was seen sitting with his legs folded, looking at the figure of a middle-aged man who was currently bowing listlessly in front of him. Just make sure this is something that shouldn't happen because after all Andreas doesn't feel like he deserves to be treated like this. An attitude that could be said to be quite insolent and unknowing, the former attitude would be a very, very bad thing for everyone.“You know, sir. The girl you ignored even asked me for permission and begged several times to get you and your family out of this prison. I'm really, really, really touched, who outsiders knows how your behavior towards your daughter is not good at all. But what is your daughter trying to do to you? Almost every day what your daughter does is think about your situation, the situation of your family, and even how after this you will live after they find out that you no longer have any wealth which can be guaranteed that you will really be in a very, very poor family f
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"Sir, our business at the police station is finished, so where do we go from here?""We will go to Mr. Gustav's company because after all I have to take care of some work there. And also tell Edward that if he asks about my whereabouts, tell him to say that I'm on a business trip out of town and I'll be home tonight. And don't Edward ever let it slip that today I go to the police station to free the Bowie family. "Because after all, I don't want to get to this point where I feel indebted to me and so on because I'm sure that sooner or later Cindy will find out about this."Rian nodded in agreement with everything, then he immediately told the lawyer to leave and he and Andreas immediately continued their journey.And the news that the Bowie family was sent to prison would certainly have very fatal consequences for the company. In fact, the company's shares actually plummeted and Andreas had to work hard to save the canal so that a crisis did not occur. Of course, this is a rescue that
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"Do you know where Andreas is right now? I know that he said that these past few days he has been very busy because he wants to meet with several business relations even though on weekends he has to work very hard. However, for some reason I feel that this is not one of the things that can be done instantly. "Indeed, I know that Andreas is not a man who would do anything so careless, but I feel like Andreas is hiding something from me."Of course, this meant that Edward, who was marked by this, ultimately couldn't say anything. On the one hand, he had to tell everyone honestly about what happened so that he felt safe, but on the other hand, Andreas had forced him to keep quiet and not say anything. . Of course this made Edward very confused, he didn't even know what to say or what to do to make things better than this. Edward ultimately tried to find a middle ground so that at least he would not be biased towards Chindy or Andrias who had made so many promises and threats to him."As
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“I was thinking about the figure who had told everyone that this had to be cancelled. While I thought all this time that the only people who hated me were the Bowie family, in the end I found out one thing that in this business world it is not something that is clean where there are also some people who hate us just because of our success or even our attitude which is considered to be liked by others. they. And I started to feel like I had a lot to learn about this and I had to learn to be careful.”***All day Mondy tries to be a hard worker, he doesn't even hesitate to give applications to several existing companies, but the problem is that he has tried that way, but not a single company has tried to accept him. In fact, he had tried to ask his friends for help, but none of his friends who had always come and sought benefits from him had provided any help. This of course made the model so incredibly annoyed that she even felt that all the friends she had were fake. There is not a si
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All of this must be reflected on, because no matter what, all mistakes must remain valuable lessons for making a change. We cannot possibly make the same mistakes over and over again, even a stupid squirrel will never be able to jump and fall into the same hole for the umpteenth time. Maybe that's what the Bowie family is thinking about now, they are all gathered in a room with quite serious expressions on each other's faces. They can only rent a simple house that is quite small, thousands of times smaller than their own house. Of course, this made them not at all comfortable at first, but slowly after they went through many obstacles and difficulties, in the end they started to accept all these things very well and they really tried to be grateful for what they got now. For they are no longer in prison, at least that's what they think now so that they no longer force something they don't have. A thing that is certainly not a good thing and of course this will provide the worst loopho
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This morning Mondy was in front of the company where he planned to apply there as a manager. Mondy knows that there is a vacancy and he is really, really ambitious to be able to pass the interview later. And it turned out that so many applicants came there that it made Mondy quite annoyed. He knew that this would be a natural thing because after all, vacancies for positions like this are quite rare on a large scale. so that anyone who feels worthy of that position will definitely try their best to get it. Seeing several employees who came in and out during his time at the company, it was very clear that all the employees at the company were very prosperous from their clothing style and also from the items they wore. Mondy then approached one of the security officers who was there and then he tried to find out what information there was. Being honest about worker matters does not deny that Mondy wants to get a suitable job, where he will get appropriate facilities and also a fairly lar
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"I think there's certainly no harm at all if we give him a chance. And tell the company if we agree to anything we can agree to. Moreover, he was able to get away with everything we have tried in the company and purely from our own efforts. We just have to observe and see what happens later because after all this is something that is quite profitable for us. As long as he works according to the company's rules well enough then just let him be, but if he makes a mistake in doing his work, even half-heartedly, we don't need to continue the employment contract with him. I think that is the best decision and you should inform our company."Rian nodded then he immediately left, making Andreas go back to work on some of his work. More than that, how long did Andreas hear a call on his cell phone? He immediately picked it up because he knew the call was from his wife."What's wrong, Cindy?"“nothing, I just need some files which you could maybe email me right away? I was confused about arran
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