All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
187 chapters
Mondy sat in front of Andreas with a very annoyed expression on his face, but of course for Andrias the man in front of him had absolutely no right to speak. In fact, according to Andreas, the man in front of him is the only root of the problem in the Bowie family which has even made the Bowie family fall apart. And the family shouldn't even have a son like this bastard, because after all, this son has committed a very bad act and has even had a very chaotic impact on his family.Andreas didn't want to say much, he immediately asked the lawyer to provide several documents so that none of the Bowie family would sign them so that at least this would be much better because the document handing over all assets and also shares of 60% of the Bowie family would be legally valid. the law and they will never be able to sue him again."I have known for the past two weeks that what you have done is not trying to get a loan from anywhere, but instead what you have done is something that is very a
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"What's the next decision, sir? I don't even know what to say hearing this today because after all, as a family member, of course this will make you feel very, very hard, but as a businessman you have suffered losses so many times and of course this is not something good. I also don't want you to be taken advantage of just because you don't feel at home with that family and then in the end they will do everything they can to make you destroyed alone. They are a very evil group and in fact they are a group that will never understand anything because after all they will definitely do various reasons and also various ways to destroy even to make them really feel advantaged under any circumstances. Therefore, I hope that you stop continuing to apologize because after all it will be useless and they will never even give you something good because after all this is something that no one can ever refute. "Sir, you are working to become an entrepreneur by a tough system that has followed you
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“We have proven how hard we are and how good we are to get this very rare opportunity. And I am very sure that soon you will again be seen as the most phenomenal entrepreneur in the world. Sir, your talent is so natural and it is something that no one can ever compare, therefore I feel that I should no longer need to be beside you because after all you can stand alone and you are also good at doing all the management there is and it's just so much fun.”Hearing this from Riyan certainly made Andreas very sick, he never thought that Ryan would say something like this. Even though Rian himself previously said that he would always be with Andreas and would always be by Andreas' side no matter what happened, then how could he suddenly say something so very strange like that?“ What are you trying to say, Ryan? What is this? You say things like this as if nothing had happened and of course this would be something I could never have imagined before. How could you have the heart to say somet
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Cindy felt very shocked by what her husband said because after all this was very surprising news. Almost everyone would definitely not believe this and they even thought that this would be something that no one could ever imagine. It seems that even remaining silent will not solve any problems because after all things will become more terrible and something that no one can even imagine. The look on Cindy's face was very clear that she was not okay, but Cindy tried to calm her husband because after all, this was something that could never be denied if her husband was in such a devastated state right now. After all, the one who wants to go into business and even the one who teaches her husband about business is Riyan."Darling, I know that this is a very difficult thing for you and I even feel that it is very unfair if in the end all hearts can never be imagined forever. I even feel that this will be a nightmare that will never be good and I truly believe that whatever we have tried wil
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Meanwhile, for Renata, the woman chose to remain silent and didn't even say anything. The woman looked very calm and it could even be said that of all the family, Renata was the only person who never made any objections when the police came to make them angry. material for questions that ever existed."So what should we do now? It seems like there is nothing that can really help us because after all this would be a very big problem. We keep trying to be good but in reality what can we improve? Everything has become so very confusing and in fact this will be something that can never be imagined for ever and it seems that thousands of times we try so hard to solve this problem we end up sinking deeper and deeper.""If only you men had a little brain and a heart and didn't mention anything that happened to Andreas and Cindy, surely things wouldn't be like this. Both of them have helped us and we have even gone through times of crisis because of the two of them, but how could you both com
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Cindy could only remain silent with a very stupid expression on her face because after all she had no idea that in the end her parents or even her family would suffer like this. However, Cindy also didn't dare to blame anyone because after all they were in this position because of their own actions. Cindy tried to reflect on what happened, but thousands of times she tried to blame anyone or even give testimony to anything, of course this would be something that no one could ever imagine. The woman immediately sat limp until in the end Edward tried to make the woman have a little hope again which would definitely make everything better."Madam, I hope you can understand and understand the situation that is happening. However, Sir, you have tried very, very hard and many times, Mr. gave you the opportunity to get out of this matter. However, the problem is that your parents really are parents who will never deserve a third chance and so on because no matter what they do, what they do is
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"Sir, I heard that your wife's family is involved in a very terrible case. They have committed fraud from one of their biggest business relationships so that they are very devastated because of this problem. I never imagined that this could happen because after all, as an entrepreneur, making the decision to get investment and also a trusted investor is not something that is easy. "But how could he actually take a reckless decision by breaking all the previously agreed rules so that a penalty was obtained and in the end family figures and even businessmen who were once very well known in this country are now prisoners and they are poor."Hearing this for some reason made Andreas not really like it, it was true that he was very annoyed with his wife's family, but in the morning Andreas said something excessive and even seemed to be badmouthing one of the parties, which was not a good thing. Andreas understands and understands that as a businessman then they lose everything and fall int
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“Cindy, stop saying things like that and if you want to go then go. Currently our mental condition is not good and don't ever give us messages beyond this because after all you are still trying to get used to and accept all these situations. So I beg you to stop saying or doing things that I really hate."Cindy finally agreed with what Renata said because after all this was a very, very difficult day that they probably could barely get through and Cindy's arrival here of course made them very, very upset, not because they were upset about Cindy's arrival. However, they were annoyed because Cindy's words seemed to be the most perfect person ever, which made them really annoyed."Sorry if I said too much, but believe me, I don't have any special reason because after all, I really want to help you."Don't ever teach about being grateful, so many problems have come that have made me so devastated. This is something that could never be imagined if one had some existing reality and of cours
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" I want to say something!"This sentence came out of Cindy and Andreas' mouths as if they both really wanted to say the same thing, but the problem here is that the expressions on their faces are so very different and of course this will be something they can never imagine at all because after all this is it's a very serious thing. Cindy wanted to say something with a very sad and worried face, but Andreas wanted to say something with a very happy face. Seeing Andreas so very happy now certainly makes Cindy feel curious because after all, as a wife she has rights and will also be very happy when she sees her husband also happy."Tell me quickly, my husband. What makes you so incredibly happy that you can't even hide it at all?”This was indeed what Cindy had to say because after all she had to know what made her husband so very happy. For the past few days, her husband had been very upset and even always felt that apart from the company, so many problems were coming and of course thi
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Andreas didn't know what to do because of Cindy's request. Because after all, initially Andreas had a desire to just keep quiet and let all this happen, but what else could it be like, Cindy seemed to want something else and of course this made Andreas barely know what to do.Andreas was silent for a while and didn't even say anything directly like what his wife had said at length earlier. I don't know why Andreas thought that it would be the wrong decision if he took a decision like this because after all this is not something anyone can be proud of and also today it is not something anyone can understand. Because according to Andreas what is wrong will always be wrong no matter what the reason. However, what his wife said also made sense, because after all, the family had received very real karma and had even received all the possible rewards. The family has also lost everything, it's certain that when they get out of prison they will definitely not live in poverty or even live in t
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