All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
187 chapters
Mondy Thinking of some secrets to increase sales from the company. This is the latest breakthrough and he must get this award in order to be promoted to a director. The man has such high ambitions However, he already feels that everything that has been done up to this point is a good thing and does not want to do it so terrible. He will be the best man in the world and show the world that he deserves goodness. Besides, there is nothing that makes him have to do a crime, his current job is so much fun and he gets a very high salary. As if the owner of this company understands how the employees work so hard that all the time and effort that has been done by all employees in this company is truly appreciated. It is not wrong if the owner of this company reportedly becomes a company leader and even a very successful entrepreneur in the near future, not because of how they are good at accelerating production which is so very enjoyable but how he is able to make employees prosperous and als
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Hearing that of course made Andreas immediately silent, what Rian Lima said made perfect sense. On the one hand of course this would benefit the company very well and promotion as a company director was one of the things Andreas could do to thank Mondy. However, you already know that the man hated him so much, so how could everything go well? It could be that all his problems and secrets in the company would be spread so horribly and of course this would destroy Andreas' company. It's like when we are faced with a very deep abyss and behind us there is a Padang full of July and that is something that no one could ever imagine. Where do we want to go, what do we do, of course this makes something that no one can ever think of and of course this will be something that no one can ever stop."How about like this, I will try very hard to meet the man in person then after this we will try how and I will also find out what the man is thinking after that. Maybe before I gave the position of d
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This morning Nicolas was deliberately at a restaurant to make an appointment with Mondy. Of course it was not intended directly if he was the one who would meet the man. He told the head of the company where Mondy worked to tell the man if the owner of the company wanted to meet him personally. Actually Andreas was also not so sure whether this would have a good impact or not, it's just that Andreas felt that this was quite a terrible thing if he was not honest because after all this was something so very important. If Mondy only found out at the end then everything would be worse because he was afraid that the man would do something so terrible by reading all the company's secrets and of course it would never be better than anyone else. Andreas just wanted to make sure whether the man had really changed and also let go of all the hatred and hostility that they had done so far or not? If the man really wanted to change and become a much better person then Andreas would be happy to imm
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Mondy could only be silent with a very stupid facial expression. This was the most unlucky day ever in his life when he loved his job so much and was so proud of what happened but suddenly he got a reality that the owner of the company was the biggest enemy in his life. And not only his enemy but the man had become the enemy of his family who was so terrible beyond anything in this world. So what should it be like? What should it be? All of that became an extraordinary question that made Mondy not know what to do, this was something that was so very difficult and also as complicated as it was understood. Of all the problems and coincidences that existed, how could an unreasonable coincidence like this be okay. Should he just quit his job? Should he keep working and then do what Andreas added? However, Mondy really loved his job so much that he had really fallen in love. Of all the systems in the company and so on, everything was perfect for him and Modi felt he couldn't if he had to l
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Andreas seemed quite shocked by the news that the company led by Cindy suffered such a huge loss because there were several products that passed the production selection in a defective and very terrible condition. Of course this was something that no one could have ever imagined, even it felt like this would be the worst thing that had ever happened in this world. Andreas' facial expression was so tense, he felt that he really had to get the figure who had been the mastermind behind all this because after all this was something that was really very serious."Rian, order them to find out who was in the production room and who the leaders of the production were. You also have to really prove who is the ruler in the production room and which directors are trying to take over the room and are also often in the room. Because after all there is probably nothing we don't know and of course this will be very very difficult. We have to try very hard to open everything but this is us proving wh
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"How was the result of your conversation with Mondi, sir? Did the man really decide to leave the company? Or did the man immediately accept the job offer that you gave him but secretly he would set a very terrible trap, namely leaking all the company's important information so that the company would be destroyed?" Rian, who had been very curious about the results of the conversation between Andreas and Mondi, was really very curious. Because after all, this was a very serious matter. Don't let Andreas make a decision that was so fatal that it would harm the company. Maybe it could be said that employees like Mondi were very talented employees and could advance the company very rapidly, but when compared to the effects and impacts that were really very terrible, shouldn't it be better not to have one Mondi than to have an employee like that, who would eventually destroy the company and make the company completely helpless. Of course Mondi would definitely think that he had to teach the
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“Okay, I have thought about all this very well and I have made a decision very maturely. I also do not know if my decision will make you like it or not, will make you afraid or not because I want to stay in this company and I want to be a director in this company. As in other companies as an employee I have really tried very hard to advance the company and I even gave so many new innovations that made the company very advanced in the last few months. Therefore I want a job promotion to be able to manage everything and even to be placed in a stable position.” Andreas heard that and immediately danced his surprise perfectly, a decision that Andreas had never imagined that Mondi would make that decision. Because after all Andreas knew who that man was, a man who was very stubborn who would never be able to say anything that lowered his self-esteem or even that man was almost impossible to stay in this company. However, suddenly Mondi said that of course made Andreas quite surprised too.
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"I think this is the best decision rather than blaming each other because no matter what, it will never find a bright spot and it can be said that if it really is something that can never be broken by anyone. I even feel that this will give the worst thing ever if we feel something bad." Andreas has told several company leaders to be much more careful and careful in this matter because after all this is a very serious thing that they must pay attention to. There are some employees who deserve moral support and there are some employees who sometimes do not deserve it, all of which are completely unimportant and this is something that no one can ever deny and it can be said that it is much better to provide support like this by promoting their positions or even giving them all more enthusiasm to work. However, of course Andreas also cannot deny so easily that sometimes employees will feel jealous and even feel rivaled and can do all the bad things just because of this problem. "After I
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“I heard this article is in trouble, is that true? What happened that one of your employees did something like this so that the product that should have gone through the selection process had to be on the market so that the company experienced some very annoying things.”Cindy swallowed so hard then she smiled too, Cindy could not possibly say it directly to her husband because after all if this would be something so very embarrassing for everyone and especially for Cindy herself."I feel so very embarrassed because you always come to help me because of the company at all. But for me this will be something I could never have imagined before because of course all the things that happen give such an extraordinary effect. We are investigating some things but we see some data leaked in one of the directors here and then we are still spying on the director, maybe the director is having a certain mission we also don't know this is something quite difficult. It's just that when I asked some
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“After a few days of not coming home, it seems like there are some things that I missed. Isn’t that right, Dad? I heard that some time ago you had come to Andreas’ company several times to ask for investment assistance. Because Andreas didn’t give it, then you came to his house and tried to talk to Chindy to persuade Andreas to give you the assistance, right? This is quite strange, considering that all this time you have hated Andreas so much and even thought that having a relationship with Andreas was something that you would never be able to do. So why did you suddenly do this? What are you actually planning? Considering that I also just heard from Mom that if you have started a business, I know that you have most likely gotten an investor for your business, right? If you already have an investor, shouldn’t you need Andreas’ help? Or is it likely that you have a bad plan to destroy Andreas again?” Listening to Mondi’s very long questions seemed to make Mr. Bowie very very hurt. He h
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