All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
187 chapters
"Sir, isn't that your father-in-law? Why is he here now? Today is quite strange because it seems like you have made an agreement not to meet each other and not even to get to know each other. His presence here certainly raises a very deep question and I am very curious about what he was thinking until he decided to come here? Can you provide the best solution so that at least I understand what is happening, sir?""How can you ask me? I don't even know at all why the man suddenly came. This is very annoying because after all this will be a very complicated challenge to reach. Let's just get out of the car and then we'll see what kind of drama the man will do. It's such a stupid thing because I saw his son working so hard these past few days and I even heard from some trusted people that his son doesn't feel ashamed and has changed a lot in his character and I feel so proud. Or is it really his father who is so greedy that he still feels reluctant to admit his defeat?" Andreas and Rian
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“What’s wrong with that man? Why is he so arrogant and proud? I never thought that a young man like that who should respect his own father-in-law because after all I am his wife’s father so how could he act so arrogantly? I never thought that he felt so sorry for coming here because after all this is what is called tarnishing my good name and I don’t accept it at all. I never thought that there was a young man who didn’t know the rules like that and this is something that is the beginning of his downfall.”“In my opinion, who has been working with you all this time, even though he is a very easy man, he is very kind and understanding. He always knows what the people around him want and need without everyone around him saying and begging for attention from him. And if you feel disgusted and say something so annoying, it could be that the one who made the mistake was that person and that person is certainly not God, so I think instead of always saying something bad to you, shouldn’t you
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In various life experiences sometimes knowing something is better is from an experience that is so very valuable because after all this will be a calculation that no one can ever imagine. More than that is human life in this world gives a meaning that will never be expected that will never have any meaning at all if we keep trying to do something bad and don't even accept fate in its own way. This is something that is quite terrible and it can be said that this is something that no one can ever imagine and no one can ever imagine that is being chased more powerfully and it can even be said that if this will give a gift that can be imagined by anyone, this will certainly provide a cooperation that could never have been imagined before. Not knowing the timeline and not giving a rule that is so very sweet and so on.Andreas of course tries to reflect on all this while sitting sweetly and enjoying all the food there is because after all this will be a price that is so very sweet beyond an
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“So, I want to let you know that there is Mr. Bowie outside. He really wants to meet you and also talk to you face to face because there is something important he wants to tell you. Do you want to meet him or not? If you don't want to meet him then I will be happy to help you to talk to him if you don't want to be disturbed by anyone because no matter what I understand and understand that sometimes in family matters we also don't have the right to force each other to be good or not because after all that is another matter and of course all of this will become something that no one could have ever imagined. " Cindy was quite shocked to hear that because after all this was something that could never have been imagined before. How could everything be like this? How could Cindy's father come here? With a very serious expression Cindy immediately stood up from her seat then she approached the waiter who had been talking to her. "How can father be here? I never expected that father would co
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Cindy heard her father's request and became very confused, this was a request that could be said to be almost unreasonable and was Cindy able to grant her father's request? Because after all Cindy understood and knew that her husband hated her father and his family so much. Moreover, this was an investment that definitely required a very large cost, after Andreas gave his trust by giving so much money to his family to help the company almost not go bankrupt but many times his family did something very cruel, namely by lying and trying to destroy Andreas."Dad, I don't know at all what to answer your request. If the monthly money you feel is not enough then I can add as much as you want. However, the problem is if you expect Andreas to invest in your company that I don't even know what business we are starting and what you are going to build I don't know at all then how can I help you? This is a problem that has no end at all and it seems I can't promise you anything. You know, the las
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Cindy shook her head perfectly, because the woman was really not used to having to wait for her husband to come home in the room, of course what Cindy did was sleep on the sofa and even that had become one of the routines even when they were both still poor. For Cindy, it was taboo for her to sleep in the room while her husband was so very tired from work and of course this would be the best reason for Cindy to learn to be a wife who really understood her husband.“Relax, this is still in the house and I feel so very safe and also warm. If you are sleepy, you can go to sleep immediately while I will be here to wait for my husband. Never think of anything strange because after all this is my decision. You guys just go immediately, I have no problem with that at all and I also feel that this is quite a fun thing.”Meanwhile on the other hand, the party was still running so smoothly, while Andreas was still trying to understand all the contents of the party even though his head really hu
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“Have you come back from the party? What do you think about the party? Did everything go well? Did you find some really fun business relationships? I am so curious about this and I want to ask you because after all this is something quite exciting because for the first time you want to join a party held by all business relationships and of course it will add experience and also acquaintances for you. Isn't that so exciting?”Hearing that of course made Andreas who had just taken a sleeping position nod his head perfectly then the man seemed to look at his wife with a loving gaze. He also did not expect that in the end he would be able to see all the businesses in this country and they all gathered together. Something that could never have been imagined before because of course this would be something so very special.“What you said is true, my wife. I got so many new acquaintances and they are such sweet people. So far I have always tried to avoid them but what Ryan said is indeed som
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“Did something happen, sir? Why do you look so upset this morning? I think the work is fine and everything is under control, there is nothing to worry about anymore.”Hearing that of course made Andreas immediately look at Rian with a very big gaze then he took a deep breath. Andreas didn't know what to do because no matter what, Bowie's family problems made him almost crazy.“I don't know how to respond to this problem but it seems like my life is not going well and I think this will be a very serious problem. From several things that exist, I think a lot that the Bowie family will never let me go forever. At first I thought if Mondi worked at the company everything would be fine but it seems that the one who has such a rotten mind is his father, he tried to come to ask for help and even when I refused he immediately rushed to the house and tried to influence Cindy, and you also know how Cindy is, right? My wife really thought about this very deeply And I am very sure that at this ti
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Hearing that, Cindy felt so grateful, because there were so many holy people to help her work so Cindy was not too worried about leaving some of her work so far, more than that this would be one of the best things for Cindy to take a break for a while because after all, in this pregnant state Cindy really needs quite a lot of rest."Then after this, is there a schedule for up to start work? Are there any meetings or anything else? Or has Edward taken over some of that work considering that until now I haven't seen him at all and even just entered my room for a moment, where do you think that man is?"“Sir is disciplining him and I think it is part of the job so that Edward can work much more enthusiastically, Madam does not need to think about something so far because of course when you see how Edward tries and works so hard, believe me he will really change into a responsible man. And an employee who you can really rely on.”***“Have you not been able to persuade Andreas or Cindy to
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Mr. Bowie had some pretty exciting thoughts, The old man always tried so hard to be able to melt Andreas' heart and give him a very high chance to find everything that could be said to be something that was so right. This was the most important thing to do because after all the money had been obtained and he didn't want to have to return the money while the money had been arranged and processed again to do some of the existing work of course."It seems that the last few days you have seemed to be enjoying all the things that are quite fun, I never thought you would be so busy. It seems that this job will be a job that will never be able to have an unimaginable assessment, and I always support you no matter what happens. If I may know what kind of job are you currently doing? If I may know of course this will be the best thing for all of us because I will definitely help you find some relationships that will develop your business. You know that my father used to be a very great busines
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