All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
187 chapters
"There were at least 100 missed calls, 150 text messages, and also 90 offers to meet today even up to the next two weeks, Sir. However, I didn't read any of them and I also replied to them because after all you have to have very high self-esteem and you have to prove to them all that you are not easy to seduce. Once they release you as one of the best baits for them then they should never work with you forever at least this can prove that you are very competent and you can also prove to everyone that you can. "Andreas immediately interrupted then he smiled quite widely because after all this would be one of the very important problems to be solved if he listened to whatever Ryan said. Even though it seemed very scary or even could be said to seem very three all of that would not mean anything at all because after all it would be something much better than everything.“Whatever you say I will always agree because I understand and understand what you do is for my own good and more than
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Mondy, who got that question from his father, initially wanted to go straight into the room but finally decided to sit on the living room sofa with his father then he smiled very widely. After getting the job with great difficulty, the man seemed to really enjoy his work. It could even be said that the man had changed drastically and this was enough to make everyone around him feel very happy. How could they not? As a man who usually always wastes money and never cares about anything, of course this will be one of the things that is very serious and no one can ever imagine how a man can be such a sweet person like this. No one can ever imagine it. And even this will be something that is very sweet again for those who know it. The man then looked at his father so deeply, he knew that his father had been very busy for the past few days, it seemed that his father had not finished some time ago when he tried his best to try to do anything but similar. His father looked so much calmer now
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“I am really happy to hear today, especially knowing that you personally came to meet me. It is such a very pleasant honor and I think this is something very funny. I want to tell you honestly that there are some things you have to do before you beg me to let go of all your business relations that I took. Wouldn’t that be one of the most enjoyable things?” Andreas seemed to smile hearing Robi’s words, it was unimaginable if there was a man who was so very confident in saying something that was above Andreas’ thoughts, even Andreas did not have the slightest thought to beg Robi to ask for some business relations back because according to Andreas it was completely unimportant and useless at all. So how could Robi be so loud and shameless in saying something like that? Andreas smiled then he drank the wine in front of him, of course this would be one of the most interesting shows when someone was so confident in all the crimes he had committed. Even he openly said honestly whatever he ha
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This morning Mrs. Bowie seemed quite surprised to see her husband ready to wear work clothes. Because in the last few weeks her husband preferred to lock himself in his room or read the newspaper and also read some articles to find out which market was good or what kind of business he should build. But how come now her husband looks so fresh and also neat as if he was getting ready to work and do something as if he already had operational funds to do his job. Even though it is clear that the remaining savings are only a few and even to rent a house, to buy groceries for a year will never be enough.“Can I ask you if you have got a job that is so very enjoyable? It seems like this morning your face is really very bright and also very happy and I can even feel how you look so very happy today. More than that you are wearing neat clothes as if you are going to the office and doing a very serious job. Now try to explain to me what you are going to do? Maybe you have had the initiative to
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Edward who heard the question from Cindy immediately turned his head with a very warm smile. The man had been bringing several files to be examined and also to be checked before handing them over to Chindy to receive several signatures and also some input. And it seems that Chindy has far-reaching thoughts so that she always feels worried about some things that exist and of course it is a very human thing for everyone and can never be imagined by anyone. Until finally Edward rubbed it roughly because no matter how many times Cindy explained this problem, Cindy would definitely still ask whether there was work or not and it seems that the woman really wanted to go back to work. The only problem is that the woman has no power whatsoever, her husband strictly forbade her from going back to work in the last few days. And Edward also agreed with that, I also Cindy just got out of the hospital and everything was not normal and of course it was quite a center of attention and scary for her f
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“It seems that sooner or later the man will fall into the lion's trap and in the end he will be destroyed by himself because of emotional problems that no one can ever control. And you just have to wait for the time to see everything happen because no matter what I am so sure how he will never be able to control his surging emotions and of course it will be something that is very important. Sir, you have to focus on continuing everything that you are currently doing and never be influenced by anyone because what is it only me this is your focus now. Being a company leader and supporting some of your own work is something that is very important rather than you having to be afraid, don't do everything then it will destroy your own career. The system will never care about the polemics that are happening to you and the system will never want to know anything you feel because after all the system's job is to continue to monitor everything that has happened and of course the system will be
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This morning at least became something so very pleasant for Cindy, because this morning she was fed by her beloved husband and of course this would be something so very pleasant. Cindy looked at Andrias who seemed not too angry anymore then she smiled so very sweetly. Andreas must have a very big sense of responsibility towards his wife and Cindy is sure that over time Andreas will also melt with Cindy's apology."Thank you very much, my husband. I never thought that in the end you would come here and give me so many extraordinary things. I thought you would never talk to me let alone be sweet to me because you were angry with what I did some time ago. Then I saw you here feeding me this morning was something so very pleasant. ""I'm not mad at you, not at all. I'm just worried about you that's why I'm angry. What you did was so very high risk and of course this would be something so very terrible for anyone and I don't want anything to happen to you. Now you understand what I mean, r
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“Sir, I have received very good news and I think this will be happy news for all of us! And I am very sure that this news will have a very positive impact on the company that we have currently pioneered and our family has bought.”Andreas danced one eyebrow when he heard Ryan say that with such enthusiasm. After all, this is very good news for everyone and Andreas felt very happy to hear the news. It proves that the performance of everyone here is the best performance ever and Andreas is very grateful for having a team that is so very enthusiastic and works hard on this matter.“I will treat everyone to dinner together because after all this is a very extraordinary achievement after I have experienced several problems in this company and also about our business relations. Actually, I think what the past people said is true if when we get so much bad luck, one of the things that triggers everything is that we will get a very beautiful and extraordinary gift from God if we are patient.”
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"You try to come to your son's company then try to beg and say if you need help because after all you are his father-in-law. Maybe the first or second time you will be embarrassed or even you will get very annoying words from the man but believe me after a while the man will feel resigned and will give you very valuable considerations and of course this will be enough to give you various choices that are very good and more than that you can live very decently. Then after you succeed in getting an offer from him you try to approach him and also steal whatever ideas have been prepared for his company And I have to get that idea and I have to make copies and work much faster than him so that he is unable to produce anything. Of course this will be a very tense game but haven't I given you a very big reward? " Mr. Bowie who heard that could only be silent with a very stupid facial expression. He never expected that the plan that Robi wanted was a plan that required him to become the lowes
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Tonight Cindy couldn't sleep at all, not because there was a problem that made the woman unable to sleep, but here she felt so very happy that she thought if this was a dream, Chindy was afraid that if she opened her eyes the next day everything would be over, a news from her husband saying that currently her husband had won a tender with a very large profit certainly made Cindy feel very very happy, because after all this was very pleasant news after the last few weeks here thought that there was no other way for her husband to stand firm again against all the relations who continued to pressure and also asked to unilaterally terminate the contract signing. This was a miracle, and Cindy just believed what Edward said if she really shouldn't always interfere in Andreas' problems. After all Andreas was a man who had made a decision to get involved in business and of course as a man who was ready physically and mentally he must have thought about the negative impacts and also the worst
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