All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
187 chapters
This morning Cindy really looked ready, she was dressed neatly in very beautiful work clothes. Andreas, who saw his wife so beautiful, smiled in the end, what Andreas was fighting for after it became a reality, namely seeing his wife become a respected figure in the Bowie family and more than that, now Cindy has become the head of the Bowie family company so perfectly. Andreas pressed Cindy's shoulder very gently then he kissed Cindy's cheek sweetly. This is a reality that is so beautiful that it even feels like Andreas' life is truly perfect now. The life that was once in ruins and could be said to be the worst life because it was so very poor suddenly turned into having a very beautiful life. Who wouldn't be happy? Even though in her heart Cindy was still asking, who was Andreas' friend who was so kind-hearted that he didn't just provide business, but provided all the extraordinary facilities that made Cindy not even know what to do. "I will really be very happy if in the end you a
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Cindy immediately cried and then hugged her husband's body very, very tightly. Somehow all the feelings were mixed together and Cindy didn't know what to say now. There was only one thing that made Cindy really know that her husband really loved her until this moment. A husband who is very responsible, a husband who accepts Cindy for who she is, and a husband who has even accepted gossip and even insults from Cindy's extended family. And who doesn't feel sick about it all? However, Andreas was able to suppress all feelings of selfishness and pain so that he was able to provide help and also make improvements to Cindy's family. This is something that Cindy will never forget, how Andreas became such a perfect figure for Cindy. *** This morning, Mondy was seen sitting with his father. However, up to this point, Mondy's mind was really very confused, there were many things that made Mondy very curious, what is going on? Like a storm that suddenly came in his family, that's more or less w
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Andreas is now sitting with Mondy. The two men seem to be thinking about something very, very complicated about each other, huh? Andreas seemed to be smiling because after all, he was very sure that Mondy's coming here was to talk with his tongue so that he could get any information about Andreas' friend. Even though it is very clear that Andreas does not have friends like that and all the money he gets is purely from a system that happens to choose Andreas as the right person to manage the money. Andreas danced his eyebrows again perfectly. The man in front of him seemed very indifferent as if he didn't care at all about Andreas and even still thought that Andreas was a trash collector who didn't deserve to be friends with him. Moreover, being part of the family, of course Mondy will never be willing to do that. “I think you came here to offer a favor or even ask me for help. However, the problem is that since you were here about an hour ago you have still been silent like a mute. "I
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"Let me introduce myself, this woman is the daughter of the Bowie family, who will replace Mr. Bowie to lead the company here." This voice sounded very loud at a meeting called suddenly by Mr. Bowie, but unfortunately, the man who had been serving as the head of the company did not appear at all. In fact, Mondy and his other children were not there, and of course this succeeded in making the entire board of directors and all share owners very confused by the meeting. “Her name is Cindy Bowie and by all accounts this lady will do an excellent job. "So I think all of you, as Miss Bowie's subordinates, do your job well and if there is something that Miss Bowie doesn't understand, you also give an explanation and help Miss Bowie to solve some problems that might be quite difficult for her." Everyone there looked at each other, they all thought that this had something to do with several things, including news that the Bowie family company was in danger of going bankrupt. However, a few
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Cindy immediately smiled, apparently feeling that what her husband said was true. Difficult work is not something that has never been done, but difficult work is when we can only imagine the work without having any intention of doing it at all. *** "Goodnight Sweetheart. I never thought you'd end up coming home in the middle of the night like this." Andreas, who saw that Cindy had just come home, immediately came to Cindy and then kissed his wife on the cheek very, very gently. He sat back down and saw how tired his beloved wife's face was. "At first I thought that if you work as a company leader then you will go home according to what you want. If you want to go home in the afternoon then you will go home and so on, who would have thought that now I would be the one feeling bothered myself seeing you busy working at the company and I was only at home accompanying your beloved brother for several hours and he kept forcing me to meet my friend. . I don't know at all and I also have
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This morning Andreas was ready to meet with one of his trusted people to take care of some existing business. There are several companies that are almost collapsing and these companies offer shares that are very, very light. Andreas deliberately looked for a company like that to take over, then he developed the business himself and resurrected the company which was almost bankrupt with several trusted people who Andreas thought were truly capable of managing this company. Of course their services are not cheap, but Andreas is confident that in their hands the company he has purchased will be able to develop rapidly and provide far more profits than before. "I have tried very hard to analyze several companies that you just took over, sir." The handsome man with jet black eyebrows also gave several documents to Andreas, and of course this made Andreas try to examine the documents. Because even though Andreas couldn't, thanks to the teachings of the figure in front of him, he more or le
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Hearing this, Andreas became very angry, he had no idea that the Bowie family would really be so outrageous. How could they get those two security guards to bar him from entering? Of course, these two security officers had previously been informed of his identity and even a photo of his face, so the two security officers easily recognized him and then forbade him from going any further forward. Andreas then fell silent, he tried to find a way to get in to meet his wife, but he seemed to have run out of ways. He wanted to contact his wife but Andreas thought that it was very unlikely. Andreas didn't want to bother his wife because he wanted to give her a complete surprise. Until finally Andreas had the idea to contact Mondy. “What is it, damn scavenger? Don't ever disturb my life, let alone my very beautiful nap. Stop contacting me or I will treat you the same as the dogs in my house." Andreas, who heard this, was silent for a moment. Damn, Mondy. Calling him a damn scavenger was som
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“Andreas, it's great to see you here. Why didn't you tell me beforehand that you wanted to come here? I really didn't know you were coming and look, I was so very busy with all my work and it was even full of various kinds of papers. Come to me and sit here with me and help me sort out a few things because after all I'm sure that you now understand a little about business matters." Cindy, who saw her husband coming, was so very happy, she even immediately came over to her husband with a very happy expression on her face. Cindy then handed over several files to her husband, then her husband took the files and sat in front of where Cindy had been sitting. Andreas took a deep, long breath, seeing how Cindy looked busy like this certainly made Andres feel sorry too. Andreas doesn't want Cindy to get tired, but this is a risk that Cindy has to accept as head of the company. "I think you are really exaggerating, because I am also in the learning stage and I can't possibly learn all this w
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The secretary, who was standing while checking the files there, immediately fell silent. The woman who looked so fashionable approached Andreas to check the certainty of Andreas' words. "Just a moment, sir. I haven't even checked this file yet.” His secretary Cindy immediately took the file that Andreas had brought and then examined it very carefully. Until then the secretary immediately frowned perfectly. This is really very strange and of course this is something that no one could ever imagine. "I've just seen this and of course it's very fatal to calculate and also the difference between incoming and outgoing costs, this is something that must be resolved immediately because otherwise I'm very sure that one day it will definitely result in cost overruns and this will definitely the excess will definitely go into private pockets and it could be said that this is corruption." The expression on Andreas' face became even more serious, because after all, this was something that could
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"It seems our plan has been discovered, Ineke. What we planned was completely ruined.” Mondy was very emotional and told his sister about the problem he had just faced and of course, Ineke, who heard this, became very confused. A start to the discussion which according to Ineke was very strange, which has always been a characteristic of Mondy. "I didn't think at all that what we were planning would have been discovered. Cindy wasn't as stupid as we thought. This woman already knew that we had inflated production funds. This was really, really, really scary. I can't imagine if Cindy later finds out who ordered the employee to make this calculation. And if the employee confesses and then says that we were the ones who did it then Cindy will definitely feel very upset and think that we have committed fraud and that will destroy our dignity and really make us very embarrassed. Of course I don't want that to happen, because after all I don't want my pride as a legitimate member of the Bow
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