All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
187 chapters
Andreas still seemed busy with all the documents, then he took a deep breath. I don't know why he has to be more selective in choosing employees, especially as this is the head of a company who can't even be compared with anyone else, who has a huge responsibility and the risk of betrayal is quite big too. “However, Ryan. What I look for in company leaders is not only those who are intelligent and talented, but also those who have very high loyalty to their work and more importantly, those who have very high levels of honesty. Because you know the heads of companies at Kendari level are very high which can even destroy or even develop the company and I don't want one of them to think about acting first and then get something more profit for their privacy or even more than that, they I have another letter intention, Ryan, I leave everything to you because I am sure that you will definitely know about all this and regarding company matters which I will manage myself, is everything runnin
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This morning Andreas was busy with various kinds of work. After he got three new company leaders, Andreas returned to the system, now the level has changed to 80%. Of course, this really made Andreas very excited because after all, studying business was a very good thing that no one could ever imagine. Andreas also doesn't feel like he has done anything, he is just trying to collect existing shares, then collect property that he can at least use in the long term, then he is trying to rebuild several businesses that may have been destroyed at first hand. And now Andreas, after getting many very useful things, of course it will be much better than anything else that exists. Andreas looked again at several documents in front of him, then he saw Ryan, who had been busy with several other documents. "I never thought that there would be a very annoying problem like this. If I could choose to work using energy, it would be something that would be very enjoyable compared to having to look at
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Right, who wouldn't be hurt by being treated rudely like that? Being considered despised and disgusted is something that Ryan and Andreas could never have imagined experiencing all this for so long, just because he married a woman from a rich family. Indeed, money and position are a very real disease. "As far as I know, in the business world, Mr. Bowie is a very arrogant business figure. Several years ago, when his family's company started to reach the world market, it became one of the most prestigious and even fastest growing companies in this country. Many of his business contacts who tried to do business with him were rejected. He only accepted a few business people who had very good qualities, which made the business people start to feel annoyed at his very arrogant attitude. Maybe when Mr. Bowie was reprimanded by the destruction of his company, many businessmen laughed and even threw a party at Mr. Bowie's failure. And for some reason I feel that something like this will happen
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This afternoon, Andreas accidentally met Mondy. There were some serious things he really wanted to talk about with this irresponsible man. Andreas will never accept that Mondy puts his wife in danger and of course that is something that Andreas will never be able to remain silent about. "What is it? Why do you want to meet me so badly? Don't you know that I'm a busy person? Your attitude is really very satisfying, not because you are a creditable person who brought me together with your friend and then you act as if you are the smartest person. Until you have such a strong right to meet and also regulate my life, let alone the life of my family. Now I will give you time to explain briefly or I will really leave here and never care about you again." Mondy seemed too lazy to look at Andreas, even now the man was really wearing a very annoyed look. Underestimating Andreas was a very real job and school was a habit that would never be lost in his life. An ingrained habit that sometimes m
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“Why do you seem so upset that you said this to me? Do you think that you should be the head of the company if I quit to lead our family company?" Mr. Bowie smiled then he put the magazine he had been carrying on the table. "Don't be so naive, Mondy, you yourself know that you are not a suitable entrepreneur to carry out our company's leadership mandate. You have worked as a manager there for several years but what happened, you even stole some of the company's money and made the company even more ruined. Therefore, I think that it would be better for you to just stay at home or do your starting activities rather than having to smile again in the corporate world and you could destroy our company. "Whatever happens, this is a cold war that I am waging with our biggest investor, so I hope you don't have to interfere, let alone be a know-it-all about whatever I do." Mondy seemed increasingly annoyed with his father, he didn't understand what was going through his father's mind at all un
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"Father, don't you think that there is something very strange about Andreas? The man's attitude since he had a new house and was also able to do everything that rich people do was really very arrogant. He always emphasizes saying something that is pointless and then he always thinks that he is in charge of the money that his friend has. That investment seemed to be the most important reason for him to blackmail me and also stop whatever I was doing. It seems that Andreas is a typical man who doesn't know himself, who at any time will always carry out very annoying actions and also doesn't know the rules at all. And I thought that this would be something bad as it was thousands of times I tried to keep him quiet while eating until whenever he continued to do such very annoying actions. He's tried to contact me twice and made very annoying behavior, then several times he also wanted to meet me then yesterday we met and even we remained the same about something that shouldn't have been do
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Ryan didn't understand this problem, a very difficult problem that no one could ever face, as if he understood who the bad guy was but couldn't catch him just because of a lack of evidence. "If that's the case then I can't do much, sir. Because after all this is a very, very complicated problem. Madam has her own interests and you also have your own interests where the two cannot be mixed together. Currently Madame is in the learning stage but she is being tested in a very terrible way. However, believe me, nothing will be in vain, especially in how we continue to fight on the path of truth. "And one day, if Mrs. is serious about studying, believe me, let alone her adopted brother, even Mr. Bowie will feel defeated by what happened." I wish that was all Ryan could say, because after all this is the most correct thing. forcing the enemy to admit mistakes is of course impossible, unless we always try to be the best, until the enemy is unable to touch us at all, of course. “Are you sur
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This morning, Andreas had a guest from his company, really a very important figure and this of course made Andreas have to leave his job, which was probably very busy at the moment. However, this is one of the things that must be done. Meeting someone who is considered important is something that is much more valuable than if Andreas ignored it. He, accompanied by Ryan, both came there and gave them some of the documents until finally the person studied some of the documents and then smiled. Of course, this is very important for the continuity of Andreas' business life and from several other aspects too. "I've tried to learn all this very well and I'm really, really impressed with you." The gray-eyed man was seen sitting with his legs crossed, then he took the coffee that was in front of him. His gaze was so calm and warm that it made Andreas feel so happy, especially when he was flattered like that, who wouldn't feel happy, right? "But somehow when I look at this proposal and also
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"I will arrange everything according to your wishes, sir. I have even predicted the sales of each item to minimize profits or at least consumers get used to it first, then we try to attract as many customers as possible until finally our product is known in society or even throughout the world and that is the first goal we must achieve. and we must achieve it. The 10,000 products that we have produced must show this attitude, it will become a very extraordinary and best-selling product in one production. Or even if we have a visa, we have to produce our product several times and show that we are able to compete with several companies that have the same product." Andreas nodded his head again, then he raised one eyebrow. Remembering Cindy's problem somehow made Andreas, who should be happy today, but became unhappy because of Cindy's problems. "I shouldn't be happy now, but Cindy makes me unhappy." Ryan took a deep breath when he heard Andreas' words. This problem was indeed the most
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"Are you still reluctant to believe that I wasn't the one who did all this?" The manager of the Bowie family's finance division also said this repeatedly every time someone entered a three by four room where there was really nothing but a long table and two chairs opposite each other, one of the chairs was occupied by the manager. "Why do you keep forcing me with things that I don't do at all and of course this really makes me not know what to do because after all, your treatment is really, really, really annoying. All this time I have always tried to be good, but up to this point you have continued to pressure me in various ways and for some reason you always say that I am the one at fault in this case. Do you really think honesty is meaningless? So you think that this will be something that you really consider to be a lie or even just hypocrisy?" Andreas looked at his temple which felt so sore, he had no idea that there would be a stubborn person like the manager of the financial
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