All Chapters of Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
164 chapters
Chapter 81
The next moment saw Davin in his homestead, the best place he could find solace, he moved into the house Swifty, his mind settled on having a rest from the long hours at work. As he sank into the chair, his phone blared, he sighed deeply, "This isn't the time for this...I ... need to have some time for myself." He exclaimed.Hurrying to the table where his phone was kept, his eyes settled on the phone's screen. With a deep breath, he shrugged, it was a call from Niki, the lady he had always avoided like a plague. Davin hesitatingly swiped his hands on the screen and Nikki's voice blared from the speaker. "Hello, Davin." She said, "I know you should be wondering why I'm calling you, but this isn't about what you think." Davin listened without giving a response, he wasn't interested in stories that touched the heart at that moment, all he thought of was to have his nap. "Can we meet later tomorrow?" She asked. "Are you there… or are you ignoring me like you always do?" She asked,
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Chapter 82
When Davin was done with what he had to do, he quickly stepped out of the inn, but then his eyes widened at a scene that made him stutter. Three hefty men were molesting a lady just by the front of the inn, blood gushing from the lady's lips. Davin's teeth clenched, his fists tightened. He hurried towards the scene, his steps carrying the weight of the hatred he had for the men. Quickly, when he got there, he called out to one of the men. His voice heavy with anger. "Why are you doing this?... Can you just stop it!" Davin yelled. The man turned, his eyes reddened, his voice sounding stern and commanding, "And who are you to come give us orders here?.. you little brat, won't you get lost immediately if you don't want to have a taste of my anger?" Davin chuckled, "... A taste of your what?" He asked again. "And you take your hands off her!" He commanded, pointing at the other guy who was grabbing the lady's hair. He was Roland by name. Quickly Roland unleashed a slap on Davin's f
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Chapter 83
After Davin crossed back to the lady, she snubbed him. Her voice heavy with fear, “Thanks so much for rescuing me.” she said. Davin, flustered by the looks in her eyes walked closer to her, his words calm and controlled,”Why sound this way lady? … I mean no harm… all I wanted to do was help you.” Davin exclaimed. Flustered, the lady turned, her voice crackling with tension, “im happy you assisted me, but please...can you allow me? I don’t trust you.” she said.‘Really?.. is that what it is to you? Davin asked. “can you get in my car so I drop you off?” The lady shook her head dismissively, “No...I will find my way from here alone.” her voice laced with fear and pity. Davin hurriedly held her close to himself, his arms folded over her shoulders, he could feel her shivering in his arms. ‘That's alright, its fine.” Davin exclaimed. He slowly wiped off the blood stain on the lady's lips with his hands.Suddenly, two cars pulled over right in front of them, masculine looking men ali
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Chapter 84
Davis has always been calculative of his decision, he did not only gain the strongest martial skill in the world, he had money and fame, so he chuckled."A golden opportunity that if I miss... I would regret it?" He asked himself, "he isn't serious".Then he swiped through his phone and got to the intent, immediately, his eyes flickered open, "Daughter to the lord commander rescued from unknown invaders" he shook his head and glanced through the details of the news, but to his surprise, nothing of it was made mention of him "So, how do they claim that I wasn't the one who rescued her?" He whispered to himself.He quickly got dressed and decided to go meet the lord, his steps carrying the weight of the situation.An hour later, Davis arrived at coastal lane, a reserved area in Arctic land preserved for the few influential and connected men in town; he observed the talk buildings with close scrutiny before pressing the honk for the gate to be opened."Someone is at that gate!" A securi
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Chapter 85
" I never had intentions of doing that." Davin quickly replied. "And you'll never do it?" Davin pondered for a while, then he nodded, "... I'll have to prepare myself for this conversation some other time." The Lord's daughter walked past him, and sat by her father's side. Davin turned away to avoid being emotionally connected to her. "I'll have to take my leave if there's nothing else you wanted to say." Davin said, as he stood up from his seat, his steps calculated as he moved towards the door. Amazed, Puttin yelled, "Who comes to the Lord and returns without an offer?" And his guards laughed loudly. It made Davin pause, with a firm glare, he stared at him and asked, What was that supposed to mean?" Puttin nodded," and that's the truth … whatever it means to you." With folded arms Davin waited for another second before responding. Whatever he meant wasn't important to him, what he needed at most was to build his stand in order to pay Maya and her family members back for
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Chapter 86
The loud sound of Puttin's laughter filled the room, "Have you heard that? Can you hear all of that?" He said to the guards, turning to Davis, he asked, "What would you want me to offer you as a reward for your services?" Davin's eyes sparkled, "what if I mentioned something so clear to you?" Puttin smiles stopped abruptly, "And what would that be?" He asked again. Davin thought for a while, "your ring" he said.Immediately the clouded stare on Puttin's face disappeared, he wasn't expecting that as a response, "my ring? What for?" He asked.Puttin had several rings on his fingers, but then there was a particular one that caught Davin's' attention, "The ring in your index finger " he said pointed at it.Puttin quickly dragged it out, "what am I to use this for? It was given to me by a friend some years back, and I rarely put it on" he brought it out and dropped it on the desk.Davin had heard of the brown crystal ring, he knew it had several powers in it, but he pretended not to know
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Chapter 87
The tension in the room crackled as Davin and Puttin faced each other, their confrontation reaching its boiling point. Puttin’s guards stood by, their expressions a mix of shock and apprehension. The Lord’s daughter, having returned to the room, clapped with a mix of approval and awe.Davin, his composure unwavering despite the charged atmosphere, turned to address Puttin. "You've made your point. But I came here seeking a conversation, not a fight."Puttin's face was a mask of both disdain and curiosity. He straightened up, his gaze fixed on Davin. "You think you can come here, show off some tricks, and then just walk away? You’ve got nerve, I’ll give you that."Davin took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing. "I’m not here to prove anything to you. I came because I need answers and respect. What I’ve shown you is just a fraction of what I’m capable of."Puttin's lips curled into a sly grin. "Respect is earned, not given. If you want to prove yourself, then you’ll have to step into the
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Chapter 88
Aside from Davin being in control of the Lord’s ring, he had other intentions he had in mind to achieve, “I will have to leave. I have other work to handle after now.” He said as she hurried into his car. When he entered the car, his eyes turned and at once it locked onto the lord's daughter's eyes. It spoke volumes as he quickly drove out of the gate. Some minutes later, Davin arrived home, he quickly opened the door and rushed into the house, “I have some links to ensure that I am able to trace my mother.” he announced to Veronica. “How is that even possible… how come you were able to handle that?” Veronica asked, her voice quivering. “I understand you must have been so amazed by it, isn't that so?” Davin responded. “no, not at all… I am not amazed, its so surprising to know about that.” Veronica said. Davin hurried into his room, he had a cut on his elbow that bled profusely, but he needed to hide it from her. He got into the bathroom and at once, he leaned on the w
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Chapter 89
The city lights blurred past Davin’s car window as he drove into the night. His thoughts were a whirl of anticipation and dread. The power he’d felt when the ring’s energy surged through him was exhilarating, but it also filled him with uncertainty. His mother and sister were out there, and he had to reach them before it was too late.As he drove down the streets, the familiar hum of his phone broke the silence. It was Veronica’s number. He answered without hesitation.“Hello, Davin?” Veronica’s voice was laced with concern. “Yes, Veronica,” he replied, keeping his tone steady. “What is it?”“Why did you ask me to lock the house? And why did you hang up so abruptly?” She pressed, her voice trembling slightly.Davin hesitated, weighing his words. “There’s something I need to take care of. It’s important for your safety as well as mine. Just follow the instructions and make sure everything is secure. I’ll explain everything when I can.”Veronica’s frustration was palpable. “I don’t u
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Chapter 90
DEALS, AT WHAT COST?He knocked the door but she remained silent. She had to fake her anger, after all nobody knew she eavesdropped. Michael knew she was offended and he had once invaded her privacy and this time, he didn't want to.“I'm sorry mum, please can we talk?”“There's nothing to talk about, go away!” Rose said, acting in anger.“Mom, I'm coming in.”“You'll do no such thing. Speak from wherever you are but don't come into my room.” Rose said audibly.“Mom, I just want to say I'm sorry. I'll return the diamond necklace to you tomorrow and I'll stop using the white G-Wagon.”“Is that all you've got to say?” Rose asked, still pretending to be angry.“There's a lot to say mom and I know I can't remember all my shortcomings but one thing is sure, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, from the bottom of my heart.” Michael said, sniffing out loud.She knew he was remorseful but could he be so remorseful to shed a tear. She didn't believe he was crying so she opened the door and poked her hea
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