Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted
Mysterious Billionaire: The Son-in-Law They Never Wanted
Author: Author Jarviz
Chapter One

How dare you present such cheap and dirty necklaces to my daughter as a gift on her special day?!” Victoria boiled in anger, staring wickedly at Davin.

All the guests present in the party turned their attention to the scene. Today was Maya Windsor's 25th birthday party, hailing from one of the most influential families in the city. It was a very big one.

“What did you expect from a scumbag like him, I'm pretty sure that thing isn't even up to $100” Isabella chipped in.

The entire family broke into laughter, each throwing taunting words at Davin, the fella on the other hand remained silent, his fist clenched tightly as he bowed his head slightly.

He then looked in his wife Maya's eyes, waiting for her to say something, wanting to know if she'll stand by him this time around, of course she wouldn't, she had never supported him, but yet he hoped she could today.

‘Come on Maya, say something’ he said to himself.

Maya looked at the necklace in her hand, though it was cheap, but it was still beautiful, she was lost in its design. She had long wavy brown hair, olive skin and blue eyes. She was wearing a pink dress that fell just below her knees.

Victoria and the other family members watched her in anticipation, waiting for her reaction, they were almost disappointed thinking she would accept such a cheap gift.

“What do you take me for Davin?” Maya's expression changed, she hurled a terrible gaze at Davin.

“Since three years of our marriage you haven't been able to get me any gifts, and today being my birthday you got me this?” She sneered.

“Maya, that's all the money I have in my bank account, and it's not that cheap. I got it for $250” Davi tried explaining.

Maya throwed the necklace at him, “there, take it back” she stared irritatedly.

“You think $250 is not cheap? Three years of being in poverty have messed with your brains I think” Maya felt insulted,  her mother is among the top ten richest business women in Starling City, and it's such a slap to her face to receive such cheap present on her birthday in front of her guests, even the media was present.

The entire family was enjoying the show and so were the guests.

“How did Maya even meet up with such a low class man in the first place?”

“Wait. Is this man Maya's husband? Maya of all people?”

“Yeah I was shocked too, at first I thought he was one of the house servants”

“I could smell poverty all around him”

The tauntings from everyone was unbearable, it made Davin feel smaller, he was unable to move and his legs felt too weak to carry his weight.

“You know what Davin. Go and do the laundry my clothes are dirty” Victoria instructed, increasing the intensity of the laughter.

Davin was about to leave before someone interrupted.

“What's the matter My love, what's making you upset on your special day” the voice was no other than Derek, Maya's college friend. He appeared in a tailored black suit, and his jet black hair was combed perfectly, and a black glasses. He was overall a handsome man with a lot of riches spelt around him.

‘Not this clown again’ Davin gritted his teeth.

“Oh thank goodness you're here Derek, I can finally see someone worthy enough to be with my daughter, not like some poor wretched man” Victoria taunted even more.

Derek greeted the family and kissed Maya on her cheek. “Hi Derek, when did you arrive?” Maya asked joyfully.

“Well not too long, I just arrived from the US, I wouldn't miss this day in a lifetime. Happy birthday Maya” Derek's tone sounded like a flirt.

“Aww that's so lovely, thank you”

Davin felt his intestine being uprooted from his stomach, seeing how another man was flirting with his wife and she was enjoying it, there's nothing more painful than that. But there was nothing he could do, Derek was far better than him in everything. Davin was on a very cheap cloth that wouldn't even sum up to $40 and Derek on the other hand was blooming with millions of dollars on his clothing alone, the difference was clear.

“Oh and I brought something for you dear” Derek announced creating anticipation in the family members.

Derek then signaled one of his bodyguards as he handed over a small box to him. Derek opened it and revealed a beautiful glowing diamond necklace. He raised it up as everyone ‘Wowed’ covering their mouths with their hands.

Maya was so excited. “It's beautiful Derek” she said then gave him a tight hug.

“Wow that's nice of you Derek, I'm glad you came quickly to eliminate the shame some useless person was about to cause tonight” Victoria indirectly mocked Davin.

“It's nothing mother, Maya is my best friend. I'll do anything to make her happy,” Derek replied with a smile. “Can I wear it on your neck?” Derek asked romantically.

“Sure you can” Maya blushed, turning around for him to wear the diamond necklace. Derek chuckled softly as he placed the necklace around her neck, fixed the lock and kissed her on her shoulder. The congregation went wild as they clapped and took pictures.

“Hey, that's my wife! Know your boundaries!” Davin let out his anger.

“Who's that?” Derek asked with an irritating look.

“That's…that's my useless husband” Maya replied, she felt so ashamed addressing Davin as her husband.

“How dare you speak to him like that!” Victoria lashed back, her face was all red up, she felt like killing Davin in an instant. This poor wretched man thinks he could talk to Derek of all people like that?.

“Maya is my wife's mother and I can't bear to…”

“Oh shut that dirty mouth of yours” Victoria cuts him short.

“You dare call yourself my husband? You should be ashamed of yourself Davin, Derek here is doing what you fail to do, and you're here acting so defensive. For three years being married to you, you've never done something like this. You're a curse to my life Davin” Maya's words pierced David's heart like a knife, he clenched his fist even tighter.

“Ignore him Derek, he's not worth your time” Maya said as she locked her arms in his. “Let's go dance for a while,” she said, smiling.

“Alright dear” Derek then wrapped his arms around her waist, he then caressed her waist a little, extending down to her butt, before holding her waist properly and they both walked away.

“They look so cute together,” Victoria said adorably.

Davin was boiling, he was at the zenith of his anger but yet there was nothing he could do. He picked up the necklace from the ground and clenched his fist tighter as the metal properties of the necklace pierced through his palm resulting in bleeding, but Davin didn't even feel the slightest pain, the sight of his wife with another man was more painful. After which he walked away.

He went outside of the party, sat on a corner and reminisced on his life.

Three years ago he met Maya in the city, they quickly became friends because she loves his calm and gentle nature. At that same period Maya lost her Dad the CEO of their family's business, the Windsors and after that their business began to crumble, from financial crisis to improper management. Davin out of love gave up his life savings to Maya, 100 million dollars. It was the money he wanted to use to start up his own business. Maya handed it over to her mother Victoria who became the new head of the family.

After which Maya decided to marry Davin to show gratitude for his kindness. The family accepted him with love, and he was Victoria's favorite person at the moment but after one year passed their business booms back to life, and Davin was no more important.

They thought he was some rich dude when he first came, but after noticing he had nothing else to offer apart from that hundred million dollars, the hatred and tauntings began. Even Maya became sick and tired of him, there was nothing else he could provide for the family, and they made him do all the household chores in exchange for his stay in the mansion.

“Davin! Get over here!” the voice of  Isabella snapped him back to reality.

Davin hurriedly ran back inside to know why she was calling.

“What's the matter sister in-law?” He asked in a polite manner, but was shocked to receive a very hot slap in response.

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