All Chapters of Return Of The Warlord: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 chapters
I'am Crazy
Alexis quickly rolled to the side. Although he hit his head on the edge of the door leaf, he tried to stay strong enough to stay conscious.The red flash of lightning was followed by gunfire, just as he dodged. From the slowness of the shot's arrival compared to his evasion, Alexis could tell there were two possibilities, either the shooter was an amateur or he was wounded.Alexis tried to take advantage of everyone's poor visibility due to the smoke and the few remaining fires by quickly moving forward, back into the main area of the prison.The only misery slhe had to deal with now was the burning in the soles of his feet. Alexis had to balance his right and left feet so as not to simultaneously feel the heat coming from the floor.Alexis' shoes were so disfigured and unfit for use that he had to walk on tiptoe, all the while keeping his sharp eagle-like eyes as natural binoculars."Come on, we'll have to use the prisoners' belongings to put out the fire." Said the commander of the
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They Wanted To Kill Him
Alexis' gaze was like that of a hunting dog. Thirsty for a catch, with all his might.Alexis crept along, alternating between the pain in his arms and legs from the residual heat of the newly extinguished fire.Alexis quickly squeezed under the door leaf, right under the muzzle of the rifle Penn was pointing out.Alexis was already certain that Penn was in a weakened state, where he had been wounded, although he had no idea of the type and location of the wound.Alexis tried to grab the door handle, but let go again, just to estimate how hot it would be when he opened it.Alexis then made a warning sign with both hands to the prison guards in front of him."Stay low, until I can get the gun," Alexis said quietly, pointing the muzzle of the gun Penn was holding inside with his index finger.After getting a nod in return, Alexis quickly turned around, pulled the muzzle of the long rifle fast and hard, got it under control, and then threw it forward until it made a loud thumping sound.A
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Man With The Hat
"What do you mean, Martin?"Who wouldn't be surprised, when something related to humanity, turned out to be a terrible thing, even though this was a place where criminals were."I've been close to Pedro since he was brought in here. From the beginning, I've come to the conclusion that he's not actually mentally ill. I don't know what you'd call it, but according to my observations, he's still sane," Martin explained."So you're saying that the therapy for Pedro is an attempt to make him crazy and keep him that way?" Alexis concluded."Yes.""Was it purely on the orders of the warden of this prison or were there outsiders who had power or interests over Pedro?""It seems that Pedro is a key witness to a case.""Did Pedro ever tell you about the case? I noticed that you seem to be close to him."Martin looked right and left, before continuing to answer Alexis."Why are you so scared like that? Are you afraid of who might overhear our conversation?" probed Alexis, suspecting that Martin
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"My hands are itchy."Alexis' thoughtless reply. He scratched a few times where the prisoner's bracelet was."Are you allergic to sanitizer or something?" asked the medic who turned to look at his with compassion. "Hum...this, is it?" Alexis followed the medic's gaze to the bottle of cleaning fluid he had placed next to the vacuum cleaner."If you have an irritation problem, I can give you some painkillers." "No. I don't think I need it."Alexis' words fell on deaf ears as he was distracted by the moaning of the person in the next room, which Alexis assumed was Pedro."Wait here," the prison medic pleaded with Alexis. But Alexis was going to find out. He pulled the vacuum cleaner a few steps away from its original position, eavesdropping on any conversation that might be going on inside between Pedro and the medic."Calm down!" the medic snapped until he could be heard outside."I don't want to drink it. Why are you always forcing me!" Pedro was clearly rebelling, refusing to comply
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Trust Me!
As usual, Alexis did not respond. His gaze was focused on what they were facing at the moment. Ahead, two policemen entered from a side door. Alexis came out from behind a pillar, and then grabbed both men from behind. Alexis smashed their heads together until they collapsed, then gave Pedro a coded wave to follow him. Once Pedro was close behind him, Alexis opted to find a way out via a fire escape that was rarely used.After reaching the first floor, Alexis held Pedro back to stop first."I need to call someone. You sit down," Alexis ordered and took Pedro by the shoulders to help him sit down. Pedro's labored breathing also made Alexis feel compassionate.Alexis activated the special prisoner bracelet to contact Andre. Having been in the room most of the day, the battery was not completely full, so Alexis tried to speak quickly and effectively."Zero. Report." Andre's voice was on the other end of the call, but was interrupted several times by the lack of signal."Pedro is with m
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I Need You, Pedro
Too long for Alexis to wait to be questioned, as soon as the policemen followed him, he went forward and pulled both of them quickly to avoid CCTV surveillance, and then knocked them to the floor together.Unlike what he had done before, this time the policemen still tried to get up and fight back.They were on all fours, trying to get back to their feet albeit with slightly blurred vision, but still trying to fight Alexis.But their efforts were no trouble for Alexis, who delivered a punch to the cheek, then spun around to deliver a kick to the other side, sending both of them crashing to the floor again."Damn it!" cursed Alexis as they both tried to pull out guns, which of course were pointed at him at the same time. Alexis tucked his body between the cleaning tools, and then stepped to the back of the wheeled area where the cleaning tools were stored.Two gunshots from the two policemen were unavoidable, and that meant more consequences for Alexis. The sound of sirens soon echoed,
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