All Chapters of The Goldstein Retribution Saga : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
186 chapters
Chapter 101
She sighed, reluctantly turning to face him. "Leander," she said coolly, her tone sharp and dismissive.Leander's smile faltered slightly at Camila's icy tone, but he pressed on. "Uh, it's been a long time. I see you've done quite well for yourself."Camila's lips curled into a smug smile with a hint of pride. "Yes, well, I suppose I have. I'm an actress and I run a billion-dollar real estate empire, and my finance company tends to keep one busy.”Leander's eyes widened in shock, and he gave her applause. “What? A billion-dollar empire? That's impressive.”“Thank you,” Camila replied, her tone dripping with pride. “And I have Rex to thank for a lot of it. He’s been my rock. He is a good partner indeed, not just campus friends anymore in every sense of the word.” She cast a fond glance at Rex.“Just imagine; you said that's impressive. If I were still with you with your poor lifestyle, then I wouldn't have reached this point,” Camila taunted, her soft voice underestimating.Rex stepped
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Chapter 102
Camila's jaw dropped in shock. "What? Are you sure he was here earlier?" She shook her head, her brows furrowed in confusion. "No one saw him, and we can't even identify him," she protested.“He was here earlier, I swear! He was talking to people,” the young man persisted, leaving Camila, Rex, and Naomi speechless.“Damn it. How did we miss him? Is he a ghost or something?” Naomi exclaimed, her fists clenched in anger. Camila slapped her forehead in frustration. But she didn't let it slow her down; she quickly thought of a solution.Rex was perplexed too. He couldn’t help but ask sharply, his expression stern and curious, "Okay, you know what? Do you know his name? If we have his name, we can find him.”The young man shook his head slightly, his gaze uncertain. “I don’t know his name. Someone among us pointed him out while we were talking.”With a sense of urgency and curiosity, Rex demanded, “Do you know where he is right now?”The young man glanced around nervously before responding
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Chapter 103
Elaine then called his attention to something strange. "Master, look over here!" she exclaimed.However, she pointed towards a small shelf in the corner that seemed out of place. Among the neatly arranged personal care items, there was a fancy box that looked like it belonged in an antique shop rather than a modern supermarket. Leander became curious when he noticed the intricate carvings and faint glow."What's this doing here?" Leander muttered, stepping closer to check the box. As he reached out to touch it, the store manager rushed over, looking nervous."Excuse me, sir. That item is not for sale," the manager said, trying to sound firm but clearly worried about Leander's interest.Leander raised an eyebrow, even more interested now. "Why is it here, then?"The manager hesitated, looking around nervously. "It's... complicated. It's part of a special event we're planning, but it's not supposed to be on display yet. I apologize for the confusion."Leander exchanged a glance with Ela
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Chapter 104
He quickly composed himself, turning back towards the staircase. At an urgent pace, he abruptly turned back, his mind in a state of chaos and disbelief.As he approached his waiting henchmen and Elaine, he couldn't mask the shock in his voice. "Uh, it's time to leave, now," he instructed, his tone firm.Leander, who didn't seem to be in haste, continued out of the supermarket with his henchmen, remaining silent.***The Dean of Science at Etherium University, Ms. Walker and Dr. Nguyen, held a meeting with Leander Goldstein in the administrative hall to discuss their plans for the new academic year, as Leander had recently acquired the university. The reason for this discussion was the circulating rumors that Leander had not yet agreed to a two-year incentive from Veritas Conglomerate for the university.Leander sat comfortably in the plush leather chair, appreciating the blend of modern technology and classic elegance that characterized the hall. Bookshelves lined the walls, filled wi
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Chapter 105
“Having dinner with my ex? That sounds kind of weird,” she thought to herself before responding, her voice playful with a hint of pride. She hinted to her left and smirked. “Sorry, I can't have dinner with you because here's my real man.”Leander's eyes followed her finger to see Rex standing there, his presence charismatic and dominant, adding an extra layer of tension to the moment.Camila sneered, her eyes dripping with disgust and uncertainty. "Uh, can you see that you're not husband or boyfriend material?”Leander met her gaze, unflinching. "Is that really what you think, Camila? Or are you just trying to convince yourself?"Camila's smirk faltered slightly, a flicker of doubt crossing her face. "I don't have to convince myself of anything. I've moved on.""Have you?" Leander's voice was calm but piercing. "If you're so sure about Rex, why does my presence bother you so much?"Rex stepped forward, his demeanor intimidating. "Is there a problem here, Camila?""No problem at all,"
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Chapter 106
Leander’s face displayed a combination of surprise and amusement as he turned. His eyebrows raised a little, and a gentle laugh slipped out. “Mom?”Sophia exclaimed, a mischievous glint in her eye, her smile teasing yet warm. “I was thinking more along the lines of fiancée, don’t you think?”Lindsey blushed deeply, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her dress as she glanced at Leander. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Mom, one step at a time,” Thomas laughed heartily, clapping a hand on Leander’s shoulder. The weight of his amusement was palpable. “Well, it sounds like you’ve got some high expectations to meet, young man.”“Just imagine; they’ve been together for so long,” Sophia added with a soft sigh and a firm tone, her eyes gleaming with a mix of affection and expectation.Leander chuckled again, his smile widening as he looked at Lindsey, who offered a shy smile. “Mom, you’re making Lindsey blush.”Lindsey, indeed blushing, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her vo
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Chapter 107
“Yeah, I know you won’t,” Leander said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Now, let me get you settled in.”They walked to the elevator, which whisked them up to the top floor. The doors opened to reveal the presidential suite, a luxurious expanse of elegance and comfort. The living area was adorned with plush furnishings and floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the city skyline.“This is incredible,” Lindsey murmured, taking it all in.“Only the best for you,” Leander replied with a smile. “Remember, if you need anything at all, just call me, okay?”“Thank you, honey,” Lindsey said, her gratitude evident. “I’ll make sure I’m ready for tomorrow.”With a final, reassuring nod, Leander left the suite, leaving Lindsey to settle in.Outside the hotel, Leander met a billionaire friend, Mr. Whitman, a tall, slender man in a crisp suit who radiated professionalism and authority.They both exchanged greetings and handshakes with cordial smiles. Leander, a bit confused, asked s
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Chapter 108: Lindsey decline $30 million offer
“Maybe we should schedule it for another day,” Lindsey snapped, her face flushed with anger. She turned her back to him, crossing her arms tightly.Mr. Whitman grabbed his checkbook and waved it in front of her. “Just thirty million dollars, okay?”She glared at him. “Unlock it. Now.”“Or you won’t like how this ends,” Lindsey shot back.As the door clicked open, she shot him a final, cold glance. “Good night, Mr. Whitman.” She walked out, leaving him behind without a second thought.Lindsey left Mr. Whitman’s suite, her heart racing as she returned to her suite. She felt unsettled after the encounter with Mr. Whitman but recognized the need to prioritize her focus.Trying to calm herself, she decided to call room service for some tea to help her relax.When she dialed the front desk, the receptionist answered, “How can I help you?”“I-I, uh, this is Lindsey Hughes in the presidential suite. Could I please have some tea sent up to my room?”There was a brief pause, then the receptioni
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Chapter 109: Leander defends Lindsey
Leander arrived at the hotel with his henchmen the day after the conference had commenced. His face etched with curiosity and concern, he walked boldly into the reception area, his presence commanding attention.Approaching the receptionist, he demanded, “I’m Leander Goldstein. I booked a presidential suite for my guest, Lindsey Hughes, yesterday.”The receptionist raised an eyebrow but nodded in acknowledgment. “Yes, sir. You’re all set.”Leander turned away without another word, his mind racing with thoughts of what Lindsey had promised to reveal. With his henchmen matching his stride, he headed to the elevator, which took him to Lindsey’s floor. Upon reaching her suite, he grabbed his phone and dialed her number.“Hello, dear! I’m at the door,” Leander said as he stood outside.Moments later, the door opened. Seeing Lindsey safe, Leander let out a deep sigh of relief, his pulse racing. They embraced tightly.“Are you okay, Lindsey?” he asked, his concern evident.Lindsey nodded, he
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Chapter 110: 15 percent stock market decline
Leander, regaining his composure, went to the hotel manager's office alongside Lindsey. Upon entering the office, Leander shot the manager a deadly gaze, goading him into submission.Leander, trying to identify the figure before him, asked sharply, “Uh, you were the man that came around earlier claiming that we should solve the issue in your office, right?”Taking a deep gasp, the manager glanced at Leander, unable to resist his intense gaze, before beseeching softly, “Yeah, sir. We genuinely apologize for the inconvenience; it won't happen again.”The manager looked helplessly at his assistant, who stepped in, addressing Lindsey directly. “Ms. Hughes, we are truly sorry. We take our guests' safety very seriously. We’ll handle this immediately.”Leander’s eyes narrowed. “Handle what? You should’ve handled it before it even happened. Your failure is unacceptable.”Leander bellowed, grabbing the chair in front of him and sitting down quickly, “Keep your apology to yourself. It’s worthl
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