All Chapters of The Goldstein Retribution Saga : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
188 chapters
Chapter 151: Damian warns Rex on potential war
Richard placed a hand on Rex’s shoulder. “Uh, let’s get through this first. We can deal with Ethan later. Right now, we need to make sure Damian gets that money, and fast.”Rex’s anger slowly subsided as he nodded. “You’re right. We finish this job, then we deal with Ethan. One step at a time.”With that, they turned and headed to the lounge. The hours ticked by slowly as Rex, Richard, and Brayden waited anxiously. Damian and his team had been working tirelessly in the backroom, illuminated by the glow of several computer screens. Everyone could feel the tension in the air, including Brayden, who is typically the most relaxed in the group. He couldn’t help but pace nervously.After what felt like an eternity, Damian finally emerged from the backroom. His expression was stern, almost too serious for Rex’s liking. Rex stood up immediately, his heart pounding in his chest.“Is it done?” Rex asked, his voice barely above a whisper.Damian nodded, holding up a flash drive. “It’s done. Th
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Chapter 152: Honeytrap Operation
Damian let out a heavy sigh, glancing from the computer screen to Rex. “You just have to be careful, Rex. I wasn’t supposed to do this for you because it could backfire.” Unfazed and confident, Rex leaned in slightly. “I don’t think so. Leander’s capture was only used as bait.”Damian frowned, his skepticism evident. “What do you mean by bait?”Rex hesitated for a second before shrugging it off. “Just trust me on this. It’s all part of a bigger plan.”He added, “Uh, just focus on getting everything done. The less you know, the better.”Damian nodded slowly, though he felt more unease. “Alright. But don’t say I did not warn you.”Without a word, Rex turned and headed for the door. He then paused for a moment, glancing back at Damian. “I will be back in 48 hours to collect the rest. Don't forget to make sure everything is ready.”Damian watched as Rex left, the door clicking shut behind him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that Rex was keeping something crucial from him, but he also knew
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Chapter 153: Honeytrap Operation II + Richard's betrayal deal
Her name was Aria, and she had been hired by Wyatt for a very specific purpose.Wyatt and Aria headed to the bar, ordered drinks, and took in the scene. It didn’t take long for Wyatt to spot Rex, who was now completely engrossed in a conversation with the blonde. Aria, who had noticed the target as well, gave Wyatt a knowing glance.“Time up! Let’s get to work,” Wyatt said, his voice low and commanding.The next moment, Aria moved toward Rex, graceful and intent. She eased up beside him at the bar, her body lightly brushing against his as she reached for her drink. Rex noticed her presence and turned, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of her.“Well, hello there,” Rex said, his voice smooth and confident. “I don’t think we have met before.”Aria smiled, a seductive curl of her lips. “Not at all,” she purred, leaning in closer. “But I have heard a lot about you.”Rex raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Is that so? All you heard were good things, I hope.”“Oh, definitely,” Aria
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Chapter 154: At Willowbrook Estate
Wyatt walked out to wait for Aria in the car. After a few minutes, his concern surged as she hadn’t shown up yet. He picked up his custom-built Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra and hesitated, deciding against calling her since she was still with Rex. Instead, he opened the FaceTime messaging app and quickly typed, ‘Where are you, Aria?’ He moved to the next line. ‘I'm waiting for you. Be quick.’Aria, still keeping Rex’s attention, heard the ding from her phone. She quickly reached into her handbag. Seeing the message from Wyatt, she realized her time was up and she needed to leave. Not wanting to raise Rex’s suspicion, she hurriedly rose from her seat.Rex, surprised, asked sharply, his voice raspy from the alcohol, “Are you okay, Aria?”“Yes, I’m pressed,” Aria shouted, slightly bowing as the urge to pee became real.With a feigned smile, Richard chimed in, “Careful, dear.”“Thanks,” Aria said before quickly disappearing from sight.Soonafter, Aria returned to Rex with three new hookup lad
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Chapter 155: Wyatt meets Princess Brianna
Princess Brianna found herself bothered by Aria’s visit, her mind focused on security concerns. As they moved into a spacious visitor’s room with Aria ahead of them. She turned to look at Master Crowley, whispering into his ears, her laced with disdain. “Sorry for saying this. You shouldn't have brought her here. You know, I don't just allow anyone to see me. I don't even know her.”Wyatt noticed the tension in Brianna’s voice and quickly shook his head, offering a sincere apology. "Oh, sorry for that, Princess."Brianna averted her gaze from Wyatt, her eyes fixing straight ahead as she watched Aria enter the visitor's room. “Uh, Wyatt. You don't need to apologize; I was only reminding you.”“Alright, princess,” Wyatt nodded in acknowledgement, his tone firm and polite.Upon entering the visitor's room, Aria couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer opulence in front of her. The room was filled with gentle sunlight pouring in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a breathtaking view
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Chapter 156: A nightmare
Brianna nodded slowly, her mind racing back to her time at Etherium University. “You know, I wouldn’t put it past her. Camila has always been... heartless. I remember when she tried to poison Leander back in university. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s involved in this too.”“Hmm... I trust you because you will always tell the truth,” Wyatt considered her words.“And now, with Leander missing, she could be taking advantage of the situation. If she has the black card, who knows what she could do with it?” Concern was evident in Brianna’s voice, along with steely determination.Wyatt sighed, finally conceding. “Ahh, you’re right. Camila is capable of anything. And that means we should locate the card to stop them from accessing the funds.”As she considered the possibilities, Brianna’s eyes narrowed in concentration. “That is true.” “If the card was used, we track it down to the last detail. We need to know who had it and where it was used. If Camila was involved, it would lead us str
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Chapter 157: A collaboration
A few hours later, Damian arrived at the Goldstein family mansion to meet Princess Brianna, despite finding multiple excuses not to visit her after she had called. When he realized Brianna was angry about his hesitation, he changed his mind and decided to honor her request.As he approached Princess Brianna, who was in the garden near the mansion, a wave of fear and anxiety surged through him as he noticed several law enforcement agencies and a few high-profile individuals present. He didn't know how she would react to him initially refusing to meet her. He felt trapped in a dilemma, with Rex expecting the remaining funds obtained from Leander's black card, while Princess Brianna was asking him to assist in tracing where the money had gone.When he was almost near her, Brianna raised her head to look at him. Upon reaching her, Damian greeted her, his face tinged with a hint of guilt. "Princess, good day!"He bowed slightly. "I sincerely apologize if I annoyed you earlier."However, Da
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Chapter 158: Flight to Turkey dismissed
A week ago, at 6 AM, the FBI raided Rex's residence to arrest him for his involvement in the incident with Leander. But after a thorough search, they came up empty. Rex was nowhere to be found.At the same time, the FBI raided Rex's parents’ home in one of the city's most expensive estates. His absence there only fueled suspicions of his guilt. However, they did manage to arrest Brayden, Richard, Sebastian, and a few others.With a clear Intel that Rex was set to depart for Turkey today, it was the break the FBI had been waiting for. They didn't hesitate to act.Agent Daniels, a seasoned FBI operative, paced in the command center. The tension in the room was thick as they tracked Rex's movements through various surveillance feeds."He is now heading to the private terminal," an analyst informed, eyes fixed to the screen.Daniel nodded, his mind racing. "Alright, everyone. We move in fast and clean.”Outside the terminal, a convoy of black SUVs pulled up quietly. Agents, dressed in tac
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Chapter 159: Freedom
It was no longer a rumor—Leander was indeed alive. The kidnappers, frustrated and angered by their inability to access the funds from Leander’s black card, had finally revealed the truth. The confirmation came just days after Rex was arrested by the FBI.Speaking out about Leander’s status, the kidnappers admitted he was with them, sound and healthy. When the money they were expecting wasn’t sent, their plans fell apart. The rift among them, caused by Rex’s arrest, led to their determination to expose the truth.With the authorities now informed about Leander’s situation, the kidnappers felt the pressure intensify. They were forced to abandon their original plans because they couldn’t keep Leander’s location secret and were at risk of being caught.The authorities negotiated with these criminals, who are typically based in Mexico and associated with the underworld, for a peaceful release of Leander. They organized a convoy to escort him home as a way to meet the terms of the deal.The
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Chapter 160: Celebration
Leander is now about to visit Willowbrook Estate, where his family mansion stood. His relatives and several high-profile guests had already gathered for the party to celebrate his return.His car was escorted by convoys, and as he approached the estate, the gates swung open. Luxury cars lined the driveway, while soft music and the heavy presence of royal guards and secret service agents filled the air.The cars screeched to a halt. One of the bodyguards quickly exited and opened the back door. Exuding a great aura, Leander stepped out, adjusting his suit jacket.At the entrance, the new butler stood, bowing slightly before leading him inside. The main hall buzzed with the chatter of guests, the clinking of glasses, and a soft hum of excitement.“It is good to have you back, Leander,” a voice called from the crowd. It was his uncle, Mr. Thompson. He extended his hand, a smile playing on his lips.“Good to see you, Uncle,” Leander replied, shaking his hand firmly.As they walked further
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