All Chapters of The Goldstein Retribution Saga : Chapter 181 - Chapter 188
188 chapters
Chapter 181: Local market
Leander strolled through the local market in Greece, enjoying the sunny day. The market was bustling with activity. Vendors shouted out their offers while people wandered from stall to stall. Leander was here to pick up some fresh fruit and snacks.He approached a stall overflowing with fruits. Apples, oranges, peaches, and plums were neatly arranged. The vendor, an older man with a weathered face, smiled as Leander approached.“Good morning! Fresh fruits today,” the vendor said in a warm tone.“Good morning,” Leander replied, looking at the display. “Everything looks great. How much for the peaches?”“The peaches are two euros per kilo,” the vendor answered, pointing to a box of ripe, juicy peaches. “They’re just picked this morning.”Leander picked up a peach, feeling its softness. “They look really good. I’ll take a kilo.”The vendor nodded and began to weigh the peaches. “Anything else you need today?”Leander glanced around and spotted a pile of bright oranges. “Yes, I’d like som
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Chapter 182: On the Acropolis site
Leander stood in front of the grand entrance to the Acropolis, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Greece. Beside him, Eleanor gazed up at the ancient ruins with a smile, her eyes bright with excitement.“This is amazing,” Eleanor said, her voice full of wonder. “I’ve read so much about the Acropolis, but seeing it in person is something else.”Leander nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets as he looked around. “It’s impressive. The history behind this place is incredible. I’m glad you suggested we visit.”Eleanor turned to him, her blonde hair blowing slightly in the breeze. “Well, since we finished the business deal early, I figured why not? It’s not every day you get to explore Greece.”They started walking toward the grand staircase that led up to the Parthenon, the most iconic structure within the Acropolis.“So,” Leander began, “what’s your favorite part of traveling?”Eleanor thought for a moment before replying. “Honestly? It’s the culture. I love learning about
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Chapter 183
Leander stood in front of the grand entrance to the Acropolis, one of the most famous tourist attractions in Greece. Beside him, Eleanor gazed up at the ancient ruins with a smile, her eyes bright with excitement. “This is amazing,” Eleanor said, her voice full of wonder. “I’ve read so much about the Acropolis, but seeing it in person is something else.” Leander nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets as he looked around. “It’s impressive. The history behind this place is incredible. I’m glad you suggested we visit.” Eleanor turned to him, her blonde hair blowing slightly in the breeze. “Well, since we finished the business deal early, I figured why not? It’s not every day you get to explore Greece.” They started walking toward the grand staircase that led up to the Parthenon, the most iconic structure within the Acropolis. “So,” Leander began, “what’s your favorite part of traveling?” Eleanor thought for a moment before replying. “Honestly? It’s the culture. I love learning
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Chapter 184
Leander and Eleanor set out for another adventure in Greece, this time heading to the vibrant Plaka neighborhood, known for its lively atmosphere and rich cultural heritage. The narrow, winding streets were filled with small shops, charming cafes, and colorful buildings.As they walked along the bustling streets, Eleanor’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Plaka is famous for its traditional Greek vibe. I’ve heard the food here is amazing.”Leander nodded, glancing around at the lively scene. “Sounds like a good plan. Let’s find a spot to eat and explore.”They strolled down a quaint street lined with restaurants and street vendors. The smell of grilled meats and fresh herbs filled the air. They stopped in front of a small, inviting taverna with tables spilling out onto the street.A friendly man with a thick Greek accent greeted them. “Kalimera! Welcome to Taverna Opa. How can I help you today?”Eleanor smiled at him. “Kalimera! We’d love to try some traditional Greek food.”The man’s
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Chapter 185
Leander and Eleanor set out for another adventure in Greece, this time heading to the vibrant Plaka neighborhood, known for its lively atmosphere and rich cultural heritage. The narrow, winding streets were filled with small shops, charming cafes, and colorful buildings. As they walked along the bustling streets, Eleanor’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Plaka is famous for its traditional Greek vibe. I’ve heard the food here is amazing.” Leander nodded, glancing around at the lively scene. “Sounds like a good plan. Let’s find a spot to eat and explore.” They strolled down a quaint street lined with restaurants and street vendors. The smell of grilled meats and fresh herbs filled the air. They stopped in front of a small, inviting taverna with tables spilling out onto the street. A friendly man with a thick Greek accent greeted them. “Kalimera! Welcome to Taverna Opa. How can I help you today?” Eleanor smiled at him. “Kalimera! We’d love to try some traditional Greek food.” The
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Chapter 186: Lindsey begs Leander
Leander walked into his house in the heart of Etherium City, the familiar feel of home surrounding him. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and his mother, Sophia, was in the kitchen preparing lunch. After spending several weeks in Greece, he was finally back, but there was a heaviness in his chest. Greece had a break, but it hadn’t resolved everything. “Welcome home,” Sophia said, looking up with a warm smile as Leander entered the kitchen. “Thanks, Mom.” He leaned against the counter and sighed, running his hand through his hair. “It’s good to be back.” Sophia eyed him carefully. “You don’t sound too sure about that.” Leander chuckled softly. “It’s just... coming back means dealing with everything I left behind.” Before Sophia could respond, the doorbell rang. They exchanged a quick glance. “Were you expecting anyone?” Sophia asked, wiping her hands on a towel. “No,” Leander replied, frowning. He wasn’t sure who could be at the door. “I’ll get it.” Sophia
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Chapter 187: Boxing match + offer
The energy inside the arena was electric. Crowds roared, chanting the name of the local favorite as punches flew across the ring. Leander sat in the VIP section, his eyes focused on the fight but his mind elsewhere. The plan was to have a night of fun, a break from the monotonous routine. But no matter how loud the crowd got, his thoughts always shifted back to his work.His inherited company, Veritas Conglomerate, had been growing rapidly in the tech and infrastructure sectors, and the pressure that came with it was relentless. Contracts, deadlines, investors—it all weighed heavily on him. But tonight, he was here to enjoy the match. He needed the break.As the final round began, Leander leaned back in his seat, hands clasped behind his head. The fighters danced around the ring, the sound of each punch hitting flesh echoing through the stadium. The crowd around him was wild, shouting with every move, but Leander’s mood was calm, detached even.Suddenly, a man slid into the seat next
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Chapter 188: Finalizing the deal with Dorian
Felicia nodded slowly. “Either way, we need to be ready.”Leander sat back in his chair, contemplating the mix of opportunity and risk. The room had fallen into a heavy silence after Dorian’s departure. Felicia and the rest of his executive team looked to him for direction, but Leander’s mind was still processing. He drummed his fingers on the table, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows.The proposal was more than tempting—it was a golden ticket. But the speed at which Dorian had dropped this opportunity in his lap set off alarm bells. In business, when something seemed too good to be true, it usually was."Felicia," Leander said quietly, still looking out the window, "what’s your take?"Felicia folded her arms, thinking carefully before she spoke. "It’s bold. It’s definitely within the scope of where we want Veritas to go, but I’m worried about the timeline. They want this done fast, and we’d be committing a lot of resources. A single mistake could have devastating consequences f
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