All Chapters of The Goldstein Retribution Saga : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
186 chapters
Chapter 051
With each passing second, Leander’s expression darkened as he contemplated Sophia’s words. "But it won't still be enough. These people are more formidable than you think, Leander," Sophia said with a soft sigh, her face etched with a disdainful frown. Leander was deeply contemplative after hearing her words."I'll consider it, but I don't trust anyone," Unaware that he was speaking aloud, Leander muttered with doubt and dissatisfaction evident in his voice."Leander, I'm not saying you should trust them, okay? But understand, they have an edge over us. Their weapon is more potent than you realize," Sophia countered, her voice filled with confident resolve.Leander's curiosity was piqued, and he furrowed his brows. "What weapon?" he asked sharply."Influence," Sophia replied, her eyes narrowing. "These politicians have mastered the art of cooperation and teamwork. None of them could single-handedly seize Daxton's assets. They devised this plan together, backed by a few corrupt high-ran
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Chapter 052
Leander paused for a while, fully comprehending the weight of the transition. As it will become a subsidiary of his own company, Veritas Conglomerate, Etherium University is now under his responsibility. He felt a surge of determination. There was much to do, and he was ready to begin.“Having successfully bought Ethereum University, I am now free to do whatever I want,” Leander muttered to himself. In no time, Ms. Walker approached him, her smile warm and appreciative. She murmured, offering a handshake, "Leander, congratulations to you!"Leander reciprocated her smile, retorting, “Much obliged. Glad to hear you aced it”"I did nothing, Brianna took care of everything for you. She deserves those praises," Ms. Walker casually brushed off Leander’s compliments, carefully choosing her words.The mere mention of Brianna caused Leander to feel a surge of uncertainty and anxiety. Speechless, his breath turned hot as thoughts of Brianna's actions spun in his mind. He felt a whirlwind of em
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Chapter 053
Opulence radiated from the gala hall, where elegantly dressed figures mingled amidst the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Leander, dressed in a tailored tuxedo, smoothly made his way through the crowd, his eyes searching for familiar faces. Spotting a group near the bar, he made his way over."Rex!" Leander greeted warmly, extending a hand. "Good to see you here."Rex, with a perpetual smirk, shook his hand firmly. He was surprised to see Leander as he muttered, "Likewise, Leander. Didn't think you'd make it to something like this"A trace of disgust appears on Leander’s face as he fakes a light chuckle. "Oh, you know how these things are. Couldn't resist"While engaging in small talk, Leander couldn’t ignore the presence of a glowering figure by Rex’s side - Sebastian.. Sebastian acknowledged Leander with a barely perceptible nod, his cold eyes locked onto him."So, Rex," Leander began, attempting to break the tension, “how’s your thesis coming along?”Rex gave into a detailed expl
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Chapter 054
Leander looked out of his penthouse office, admiring the breathtaking view of the Etherium skyline. A private jet purchase was imminent for him, representing his success in a way that few others could match.However, he was interrupted from his thoughts by the buzzing of his phone. It was a message from Elaine, his new personal assistant, "Master, Goldstein, your 11 AM appointment is here”Leander straightened his suit jacket, took a final glance at his reflection, and headed to the conference room. While walking, he observed his employees fully engaged in their work, a sight that always made him proud. They were the backbone of his empire."Master Goldstein, good to see you," said the sales executive from Skyward Aviation, standing up as Leander entered. The tall man was dressed perfectly and exuded confidence that matched his profession. He was one of the top salespeople at Skyward Aviation, a premier supplier of private jets."Uh, it's good to see you too," Leander replied, shaki
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Chapter 055
That was three weeks ago. Since then, there have been no calls, no texts between Leander and Brianna. Just silence. Her absence left a huge void in his life. Every part of his day seemed incomplete without her. He missed their late-night talks, the way she could make him laugh with a single word, the way she understood his unspoken thoughts.Leander stood up and walked to the window, staring out at the rain-soaked streets. He found himself trapped in a tempest that he had brought upon himself. Over and over, he replayed the argument in his mind, hoping for Brianna to give him another chance. His chest tightened with displeasure, a physical pain that made it hard to breathe.Taking a deep breath, Leander picked up his phone. His fingers trembled as he typed out a message, deleting and rewriting it several times. Finally, he settled on simplicity."Can we talk? I'm sorry"He stared at the screen, his thumb hovering over the send button. What if she didn’t respond? The thought was un
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Chapter 056
In a secluded corner of the campus, near a lush, manicured garden, Leander sat on a bench in deep contemplation. Returning to Etherium University, once a dream, is now a reality that he can’t believe.He had come to this place for silence, but he anticipated that someone would find him soon enough. Leander wasn't just another student. The once-hidden billionaire is now revealed, and his recent actions have stunned everyone, especially those who despised him. It had all changed at the auction last week. Bid after bid, he surpassed everyone, increasing his stakes and staying unwavering. And by the end of the day, he secured the most valuable artifacts, leaving the rest in stunned silence.Now, as he sat in the tranquility of the garden, he saw them approaching. Rex, with a perpetual sneer; Brayden, with his carefully groomed appearance and calculating eyes; and Sebastian, trailing slightly behind, his usual smirk replaced with a gaze of uncertainty.Rex was the first to speak. "Leande
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Chapter 057
Despite the late hour, the triowas abuzz with activity, Rex, Sebastian and Brayden murmuring about the recent turn of events.Rex paced back and forth, his face flushed with anger. "I can't believe he did it. He actually bought this university?"Brayden limped back to his chair, shaking his head. "We should have seen this coming. I think it's all our fault for relying secretly on Brianna. This isn't what we agreed on. Her friendship with Leander was supposed to be our buffer”Sebastian, seated on a dusty chair, looked up at the two. "This is more than just unexpected. It's a power play. He's got us exactly where he wants us"Rex stopped pacing and turned to Brayden and Sebastian. "We can't let this stand. We have to stop him before he starts his revenge. We should know what he's capable of"Before either of them had a chance to answer, the door to their temporary meeting room opened, making a creaking sound. Brianna’s serene demeanor was a striking difference from the tense ambiance i
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Chapter 058
Master Crowley finally visits Veritas HQ to meet Leander and finalize their business partnership, propelling their empires to new heights.While adjusting his cufflinks, Leander’s guest arrived as a soft chime came.The door opened, and in walked Master Crowley. “Leander,” Crowley greeted, extending a hand “Crowley,” Leander replied, grasping the offered hand firmly. “Please, have a seat.”Taking a seat on the plush leather chairs positioned by the edge of the office, they admired the breathtaking skyline vistas offered by the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a sleek glass table serving as a centerpiece. Two crystal glasses and a whiskey decanter were poised, silently inviting a calmer exchange of words.GASP!"I've been following your work with Veritas," Crowley began, pouring them both a drink. "Uh-oh, I guess your expansion into semiconductor technology is impressive"Leander received the glass, enjoying the warm hue of the liquid before taking a sip. "Thank you. It's an area with
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Chapter 059
The pulsing beat of electronic music and neon lights brought the club to life. Leander and Lindsey stood at the entrance, Lindsey adjusting her dress and Leander straightening his collar. The excitement of the night hung in the air. "Are you sure this is your scene?" Lindsey asked, raising an eyebrow at him.Leander grinned. "What, you think I can't handle a little dance?"Lindsey laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Well, you do seem more like the quiet dinner type""Hang on, I guess you might find this surprising," he said with a wink.As they made their way through the crowd, the music intensified. Inside, the atmosphere was electric. Lost in the music, people moved and swayed to the rhythm as he cheered. "Uh, drinks first?" Leander suggested, nodding towards the bar."Hmm, lead the way," Lindsey replied.They made their way through the group of dancers to reach the bar. Leander motioned for the bartender and ordered a pair of cocktails."So," Lindsey said, leaning in closer to be heard
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Chapter 060
Exhausted but satisfied, they found a corner table as the night club drew to a close. Recognizing the need to rehydrate after hours of dancing, Leander asked for a few glasses of water."You've got some moves," Lindsey said, taking a long drink of water."I aim to impress," Leander replied with a wink."Well, consider me impressed," she said. "This night has been amazing.""It has," Leander agreed. "And it's not over yet.""Oh? What else do you have planned?" Lindsey asked, raising an eyebrow."Uh, you'll see," he said, standing up and offering her his hand. "Come on"Curious and excited, Lindsey took his hand and let him lead her to a more secluded part of the club. There was a VIP area, roped off from the rest of the crowd. Leander gave a nod to the bouncer, who then lifted the rope to allow them to pass."How did you manage that?" Lindsey asked, impressed."I have my ways," Leander said.Inside the VIP section, the music was still loud, but the atmosphere was more relaxed. Guests h
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