All Chapters of The Goldstein Retribution Saga : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
186 chapters
Chapter 081
Leander, accompanied by his new team of bodyguards, arrived at the embellished event hall situated in one of the city’s most high-end hotels. He wouldn’t miss his mom’s birthday for anything. As a billionaire, he was no stranger to the grandeur that surrounded him. Overhead, the twinkling crystal lights created a lovely ambiance, illuminating the elegantly set tables that were adorned with breathtaking floral arrangements. Despite having a very important appointment earlier, he had rescheduled it to meet here.As he walked in, the hall buzzed with laughter and chatter. He spotted his mother in the center, looking radiant."Leander! Over here!" his mother called, waving him over with a warm grin.He smiled and made his way through the crowd. "Happy birthday, Mom," he said, hugging her tightly."Thank you, dear. I'm so glad you could make it," she replied, beaming."Uh, I wouldn't miss it for anything," Leander assured her. "How's the party going?""It's wonderful. Everyone's having a
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Chapter 082
After his mother left, Leander returned to the event hall, accompanied by his bodyguards. Inside the hall, he came into a familiar face surrounded by henchmen.Leander looked at her sharply before greeting her with a warm smile. “Hey there!”The lady stepped forward with a respectful grin. “Nice to meet you, Master Leander.”“Same here.""Do you like how the birthday party is going?” Leander asked, his curiosity piqued.“It’s lovely. It was amazing,” the lady replied with a sense of urgency, her face beaming with a smile.“Sorry, are you Zara Buchanan, the popular Australian actress?” Leander asked, his tone sharp.“Yes, I am,” Zara responded, extending her hand.Leander shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure. I’ve seen many of your movies. You’re quite talented.”“Thank you, Leander,” Zara said, looking genuinely pleased. They then exchanged a brief hug. “Your mother’s party was spectacular. She must be very proud of you.”“She is,” Leander replied. “Would you like to join me inside?”“I’d
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Chapter 083
Leander approached the stunning glass doors of Beacon Realty, ready to enter the city's finest land sales dealer. His heart raced, each thump fueling his determination.He intended to get the ideal estate for his mother as a symbol of his appreciation and love.Elaine, his assistant, stood by his side. She looked at him, her eyes full of confidence and eagerness."Ready, master?" she asked with a smile.Leander nodded. "Let's do this, Elaine."They stepped inside, the cool air conditioning offering immediate relief from the summer heat outside. The interior of Beacon Realty was a mix of modern elegance and luxury. The marble flooring shined in the mellow lighting, and wide windows provided a panoramic view of the cityscape.A man wearing a well-tailored suit and perfect grooming approached them. His name tag read "Mr. Harris.""Good morning, sir, madam. Welcome to Beacon Realty. How may I help you?" he asked, his tone polite and professional.Leander extended his handshakes. "Good mor
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Chapter 084
Rex's parents have finally recognized that their efforts to compel Leander and the institution to provide their son's certificate failed. They decided to sit down and have a quiet discussion with Leander. They weren't the only ones present; one of Camila's family also supported the decision. However, Leander agreed to address the issue due to their pleadings, clarifying that they were not responsible for the delay in the certificates, but rather the institution. But no one believed him. The tension was palpable in their home as Mr. and Mrs. Kensington sat across from Leander. A stern-looking man in his sixties, who happened to be Camila’s uncle, had arrived to serve as an arbitrator. Leander leaned back, with folded arms and a calm yet determined look on his face. Mr. Kensington cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Master Leander, I guess we need to resolve this issue as early as possible.” Leander sighed softly, with a sense of worry visible. "Well, the issue isn't just th
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Chapter 085
The sound of Leander’s Bugatti Tourbillon engine echoed through the busy streets as he made his way to the park where his colleagues and course mates were gathered in the festive atmosphere.Leander’s car abruptly stopped at the park in just a few minutes. The car engine’s sound grabbed everyone’s attention, and when they saw the yellow Bugatti parked outside the park, they were both surprised and eager to find out who was behind the wheel.Camila was among those who fixed their eyes on the Bugatti. She admired the car’s attractiveness but was still eager to see who had bought it.“Wow, this car is crazy!” Camila murmured, her lips parting in awe.Inside the car, Leander connected his gaze back to Camila through the tinted windows and shook his head in disgust, even though she couldn't see him.Turning to Lindsey with a soft smile, Leander said, “Lindsey, are you ready now? I'm waiting.” His clear voice echoed under the booming backdrop music.“Oh, wait... please?” Lindsey asked, hurr
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Chapter 086
Chapter 086 Marcella let out a sigh, her face determined. She pitied Camila, whose expression was gloomy. "I'm not a fan of Leander," she gritted out, "but you have to know that fighting him won't solve anything.” Camila fired back at her. "I can't bow down to him because he bought Ethereum University in the first place, despite Brianna's attempts to stop him. What was his intention?” "You and I know that I don't have answers to that." Marcella exclaimed calmly, her voice just above a whisper. Camila gulped hard and gazed at Marcella, feeling completely deceived by her words. "Ergh, don't let us pretend. Let's face reality," Camila urged, her expression unyielding as she took a sip from her glass. "He acquired the university to control our qualifications under the guise of the institution management. What does that imply? Tell me." Marcella's taunts sliced through the air, her calm voice laced with confidence as she pressed on, "Well, I need you to see that dragging this out only
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Chapter 087
Noticing Lindsey's fear as the bodyguards approached, Leander didn't hesitate to intervene, "Camila, you have to get up from that seat!”Leander gasped softly, his face exuding assurance. "Don't think you're wiser this time. What happened to Lindsey previously won't repeat itself today.”Camila's eyebrow rose as a scowl formed on her face. She was taken aback by his reaction, considering he had already agreed to let her join them.Camila's frustration was evident in her internal sigh as she asked, "Leander, what's going on?" She trailed off, her anxiety building. But before she could finish, a deep guttural voice boomed from behind."Madam, get up!" The command echoed in Camila's ears, causing fear to surge through her body. She turned and saw Leander's bodyguards dressed in all black, heavily armed.Her heart halted as she spun around to catch a glimpse of Leander. But Leander seemed indifferent, focused on his own movements.With her mouth agape, she murmured slowly, "Leander..."Hi
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Chapter 088
Lindsey smiled, shaking her head in disgust. "I can't believe you intimidated Nathan into staying away from me. Is he a criminal?"She added, "He only greeted me. Is it a crime?""Yep, always has been. But no one has ever held him accountable for his crimes." Leander arched his brow at her comments before teasingly replying."Are you kidding me?" Lindsey yelled, a touch of displeasure in her voice. "Maybe," Leander replied with a shrug. "He's a bit of a wildcard, you know? A playboy type," he said, throwing his arm around Lindsey's shoulder."I find that hard to believe. You're just trying to make him look bad. What makes you say he's a criminal?" Lindsey challenged, sighing softly and meeting Leander's gaze.Leander shook his head, taunting her in surprise and disbelief. “Lindsey, are you really that curious about him?”“Uh, well… not really!” She responded softly, her voice clear.Leander paused, searching for the right words. His eyelids dropped slowly, as if lost in thought.“Oka
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Chapter 089
Lindsey grew worried as she noticed Leander taking a different route than usual. She let out a quiet sigh, but couldn't bring herself to speak. Leander glanced at her and asked, "Is there something on your mind?"He observed Lindsey's lips slowly parting, her stern gaze striking him. "Uh-oh," she began, "why taking this route?”Leander shot back with a sly grin, "I already knew that was on your mind." He paused, then continued, drawing in a deep breath. "I'd like to show you my new mansion."Lindsey spat out, "Why won't you just stay with your mom?"Leander's smile faltered as he replied, "I needed some space, and my mom's mansion is far from my workplace. It's a big change, but I believe it's for the better."Lindsey raised an eyebrow, her curiosity deepening. "Space? From your mom? I thought you two were really close."Leander let out a sigh, his face softening. "Yeah, we're there, but sometimes you gotta make your own way, ya know? It's all part of growing up." Lindsey nodded slo
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Chapter 090
Leander's car and his bodyguard's convoy sped down the road towards Zara's new residence. They were scheduled to arrive for lunch early in the afternoon, as previously agreed upon by both parties.As Leander sped down the road, he abruptly stopped as he reached the estate where she lived. Pulling up to the gate, he honked the car horn to signal the security.A man emerged from a small opening near the gate and approached them. He walked briskly towards the window where the Leander sat.Upon arrival, Leander rolled down the tinted window to display his identification. The security guard immediately recognized him and muttered with a slight bow, "Okay, you're the Veritas Conglomerate CEO" Without further questioning.In a flash, he was back at the gate and opened it for safe passage. Leander drove his car down the long entryway road, waving to the security guard as he passed by and rolling up his window once more.After parking his car, Leander and Lindsey stepped out as his bodyguards
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