All Chapters of The Celestial General: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
183 chapters
Chapter 41
Charles's - [P.O.V]"Can you please tell us Sir, the relationship between you and ma'am Benita?" I narrowed my eyes at her. What sort of question is that? Does it matter who I am to her? "It's not important you know Miss, any other question?""Then, you can go back to your offices" "She hasn't woken up son, I am so worried" her mum said as I entered into her ward. This is the third day now and no single improvement. I am worried too. "She will be fine, I know she will so stop being so worked up about that Mum." I assured her. "But when? I miss her so much, I want her to wake up for me" She said tearily "You know what Mum? I came with a driver, you need to go home and have some rest. You've been here since yesterday, I am sure you haven't eaten too and you know your health condition Mum." I convinced. She shook her head negatively."I can't be fine when my daughter is still struggling with her life Charles" "I assure you she will be fine, just go home and I will take it from h
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Chapter 42
Charles's - [P.O.V]He stared at me for a while and joted down somethings."You are quite intelligent Mr. Megaborn, I am not assuring you of the contract but we will get back to you on Monday." He informs me.He said and stood up. Monday is few days from now, it seems like a year to me already. "It was nice talking with you Mr. Megaborn." he shook hands with me."Thank you for this opportunity Sir." I replied politely.He just have to give us the contract. Otherwise I will ensure his business Disappears.Deeva's - [Scene]I haven't been this shocked all my life. Is this how people die just like that? Gabriel is gone for real? Why? The accident was even a minor and he still died. God. I feel so terrified right now. Is this how God decided to punish him? Then what's my fate? You can call me heartless and all sort of names but I don't care. The truth is that Gabriel's death didn't affect me a bit. Yeah. That's because I am not attracted to him anymore but Charles. I wanted him befo
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Chapter 43
Charles's - [P.O.V]He stared at me for a while and joted down somethings."You are quite intelligent Mr. Megaborn, I am not assuring you of the contract but we will get back to you on Monday." He informs me.He said and stood up. Monday is few days from now, it seems like a year to me already. "It was nice talking with you Mr. Megaborn" he shook hands with me "Thank you for this opportunity Sir." I replied politely. He just have to give us the contract. Deeva's - [Scene]I haven't been this shocked all my life. Is this how people die just like that? Gabriel is gone for real? Why? The accident was even a minor and he still died. God. I feel so terrified right now. Is this how God decided to punish him? Then what's my fate? You can call me heartless and all sort of names but I don't care. The truth is that Gabriel's death didn't affect me a bit. Yeah. That's because I am not attracted to him anymore but Charles. I wanted him before but not anymore I was just using him to get w
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Chapter 44
Charles's - [P.O.V]"Okay Sir!" I sighed. How did she know I was here? Why is she here? To break my heart again? My heart skipped as I heard a knock on the door. I can't deny the fact that I still love her. "C...come in." I stammered seeing the door slightly opened revealing her. She was still looking beautiful like she used to. She dressed so beautifully like she's going for a seduction contest. She will definitely win if she goes for one dress this way. I couldn't help but admire her. The feeling is still there but the pain of seeing the one you love in another man's arm hurts the most. "Good... morning Charles." Charles? Really? "It's Mr. Megaborn to you Miss Lucia, to what do I owe this visit?" I asked professionally and coldly. I can't be smiling with her can I? "Charles?" She called in the auto show while I smirked. What was she thinking? That I will go running to her and hug her? Hell no. "I was busy before you came in Miss Lucia, say what you want to. I need to ge
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Chapter 45
Deeva's - [P.O.V]No one has the idea of how happy I am right now!Charles came to my house and told me he's accepted to date me. Not a night stand I asked for. Can anything else be compared to that? We even kissed.Yes. Charles kissed me. He didn't reject me and now he's brought me to his house. It's small but beautiful."You like it?" He asked, holding my waist gently.Goosebumps. That was it. The feeling was heaven. What I have always wanted. I can't believe he's mine now. I have succeeded in taking him away from Benita . That's all I ever wanted. "Of course baby, I do." I replied"I am glad you like it, '' He said and picked me up into his room. Don't tell me he wants me already. My dreams are coming true. Where is the transformer? I want to hug it. He placed me on his bed placing wet k-sses all over my body. "Well, I am going to make you scream baby" "I can't wait, just go down already."I replied seductively. "But first, I have something for you" He went under the
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Chapter 46
Charles's - [P.O.V]I know some people might think what I did was wrong but I had my reasons. I am not wicked of course. I just wanted her to taste how it feels to be a sex addict. How it feels to be heartless and inconsiderate. I injected her with it because I know she can be cured even right now. That's simply for the fact that hers is just in the mini stage. Those drugs Benita takes to subside hers can cure Deeva immediately. So yeah. I will make sure she's cured since she already tasted how it feels. Donatus will check up on her too. I am not heartless, you know. She did what she did over. For whatever reason it might have been, she shouldn't have done that to her best friend despite knowing how dangerous the drug can be. What did Benita do to her? Within these few days I have spent with her during her recovery, all she does is to talk of Deeva this , Deeva is the best friend everyone could ask for, Deeva helped her, Deeva stood by her, Deeva this and that.All Benita d
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Chapter 47
Deeva's - [P.O.V]I woke up with a body ache and a migraine. Gosh! This is the worst place I have ever slept. My back hurt like hell and my head was pounding. Guess it's from crying yesterday. I felt a lot better after those guys fucked me so hard. Only God knows how much I don't want to experience that again but I think I am stuck with it forever like I did to Benita . I now regret everything. Fear gripped me knowing that Charles could have told her everything by now. I am so done for. I regret everything I did now I know how it hurts. I know I have committed a great sin against her but I hope she forgives me. I just do hope so. How do I face her? I lost our friendship just like that. How do I survive it? She might collect all her properties from me including the roof under my head. I cursed the day I met PhilCharles's - [Scene]I paced to and fro in my room. I can't believe I almost kissed her. Now she will be very mad at me. What I don't understand now is my emotion
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Chapter 48
Deeva's - [P.O.V]"Okay, please let me go I beg you please." "That's not possible you know, but like you know too, I am not heartless. I am going to get you cured not because I feel any sympathy for you but because I did it so that you could have a taste of what you did to Benita." Huh? Cure? There's a cure for it? He found the cure? I stared keenly at him as he brought out some drugs and handed it to me with bottled water.Huh? "Take it, it will let the pain go away and you will become your normal self again plus I will send in a doctor to check on you tomorrow." I glanced at him then at the drugs in my hand. Should I trust him? Or is he trying to get back at me for what I did to Benita? What if it's those drugs I gave her that worsen her addiction? "I am not as wicked as you are Deeva, stop thinking twice and take this shit! I have lots of things to do" I nervously took the drugs in my mouth, washing it down with water. I stayed mute for about five minutes and truth to hi
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Chapter 49
Charles's - [P.O.V]I stood up in embarrassment avoiding everyone's gaze. Why did they plan this?Is mum aware that I love Benita or what? My cheeks reddened as I hid my face stylishly in my palm. I couldn't walk away nor move while they laughed at me.My heart seized seeing Benita coming closer to me. Gosh! I have never been this nervous and scared all my life. I watched as she wrapped her hands on my shoulder. The sensation I was feeling was unexplainable. The way my heart is beating I am sure she's definitely hearing it. W... what's she tryna do? She brought her face closer to mine. My breath hitched, I stayed stiffed without being able to utter a word. What's she doing to me? My eyes ran into mum's and she gave me a thumbs up then took a picture of us. Oh my goodness. In this position? I am so dead. "So Charles, as you can see. I am now awake, you promised to say something to me when I wake up so yeah, I am listening." Huh? Did she mean it? I can't possibly tell her I
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Chapter 50
Benita's - [P.O.V]I walked majestically into Charles's room only to find it empty. Where's he? I checked around the room but he wasn't there.Oh! In the bathroom. I can hear the shower running. "Baby." I called seductively sitting on his bed. I should wait for him. "Give me some minutes, I will be out." He shouted. I laid on the bed reminiscing over the few days I became his girlfriend. A smile crept on my face as I remembered the way he kissed me tenderly. He's so romantic, caring, loving and to crown it all he knows how to take good care of his woman. Charles is the best thing that has ever happened to me. We've gone on a date a few times and the Media is all about us. I don't care about their thoughts, all that matters is that I love Charles and he loves me too. I picked up his phone trying to open it but it was locked. I entered his name but it didn't open, I entered Dam, but no. I entered his number but it didn't.Then an idea struck my mind. I entered my name and wo
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