All Chapters of The Celestial General: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
183 chapters
Chapter 51
"I know, but you have to calm down okay? We will sort everything out just don't cry please" "You know I love you right?" He asked and I found myself smiling. "Good, I want you to smile for me in every situation you find yourself and for Deeva? I am sure she's learnt her lessons and I know you are very mad at her, you deserve to" Learned her lessons? How? My anger towards her only aggravated. I will make sure she pays for doing that to me. I will beat her up, I will tear her apart if I get to set my eyes on her . Deeva must pay. She's very ungrateful. What did I do to her that she can't forgive me? Why did she have to hate me? For what? I can't remember upsetting her even once.."I... I just want to see her" "Okay. I have her in my custody,we will go see her first thing tomorrow morning" --Deeva's - [P.O.V]I couldn't breathe. It was difficult for me to breathe out. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I grimaced in pain, wincing. "I am sorry Benita , I am sorry for whatever you
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Chapter 52
She wished she could see her and apologize to her for the last time... Just that once again.Benita's - [P.O.V]I laughed loudly as I closed the door behind me.Charles's can be very crazy. With me just wearing lingerie turned him on. I could feel his Cock bulging out of his trouser. I only planned to seduce him and it did work. It wasn't up to a minute when he followed suit. He did come in while I kept that innocent look on my face. "Baby" he called huskily coming towards me. He intentionally licked his lips wrapping his arms around me. He k-ssed my neck and I shivered to touch. Only if he knows how much effect his touch has on me. "Baby, I can't hide it anymore. I need you" "Can I?" He asked and I found myself nodding. I could see a different look in his eyes as he stared at me this time around.He turned properly to face me and I felt m
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Chapter 53
I had the best time ever. Smiling at how he caressed me, touched me and everything. I jumped out of my bed. He left already without waking me up. I saw a note and a coffee on the table and I quickly took the note. "Hey baby."I left for work already and I don't want to disturb your sleep so that's why I didn't wake you up.I wish I could just stay home to stare at your beautiful face every passing second but I can't.I prepared your bath for you already but before then, take the coffee to keep you strong for me.Love you Baby... Xoxoxo.Charles ~I smiled foolishly staring at the note in my hand. Placing it on my chest, I picked up the coffee.It was still hot, I guess he left not quite long. I sipped it and hmmm. Just like I like it. After drinking the coffee, I went to the bathroom. -- "Don't you think it's time baby?"Charles said
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Chapter 54
Benita's - [P.O.V]When I handed over my company to Charles a year ago, I wasn't stupid. I knew he was gonna handle it very well.And of course, I believe he will never run away with my properties or ditch me.Even if he was going to run away with it, the money in my account can build three of that company so I ain't worried.My company has gotten more fame, our lives are what people talk about.In Fact they envy our relationship.Charles has been the best thing that ever happened to me.He's my everything, I do rather lose everything than losing him. Next month will be our one year anniversary.Yeah. Charles proposed to me a month after I handed him the company and we are married but still struggling to get pregnant.It's been almost a year and no sign of pregnancy.That breaks me a lot. I have cried and prayed silently to God for just a child. I want a baby of my own. A ba
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Chapter 55
Benita's - [P.O.V] Loving Charles was one of the best things in my life. We built a marriage that bore lovely children too. But nothing is easy about taking care of my kids. "They're like their father." I said in my unconscious mind as I sighed tiredly running after those stubborn kids of mine. "Can you two stop making mummy run around the room?"I asked panting while they both giggled and stopped running too. "We are sorry mummy" both Sia and Erica replied simultaneously. "Now come here and get dressed for school, you don't want to get late right?"I asked "No mummy, I don't want to get late but maybe this dummy here will want to"Sia replied pointing at her twin brother who glared at her. I chuckled at their behaviour shaking my head. "Did you hear what she just called me mummy?"Erica asked glaring daggers at Sia. "A
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Chapter 56
"I am sorry buttercup, maybe I should still leaving the greeting to later. Here take this, rush to your room, put on the dress and meet me down here" He commanded shoving a bag in my hand. I narrowed my eyes at him giving him a questioning look. "We're are we going to Charles?"I asked. "Do you have to ask buttercup?"He groaned. "Well if you must know, I saw a job interview and its starting by 8am. Just 25minutes left so go dress up" My face lit up at I heard that. A job interview? "Oh my God. What is the job about? Is it a company? What position?" I asked curiously. "Calm down will you? It's J group of company, the CEO is in need of a personal assistant and I am sure you will fit perfectly for it, are we cleared now? Hurry up we don't have all day" "Thank you so much for this Charles, I owe you a lot"I replied jugging into my room excitedly. "I love you too buttercup.." He said. Whate
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Chapter 57
Immediatetly our eyes met, I shivered in fear. He's so handsome like a demigod. Pink lips, pointed nose,cute face. Grey eyes, long lashes and spotless skin but why is his face so cold? "If you are done checking me out, you might as well sit or get out of my office" He flared his nose angrily while I gulped embarrassingly. I quickly took a sit opposite him trying not to stare. "Good... morning Sir." I greeted stammering. Even the aura around him is intimidating. Now I get why those ladies were crying. "Keep your damn greetings to yourself and place your CV" he snarled. Why's he angry now? I haven't committed any offense aside checking him out. I dropped my CV in his front and he took it. He flipped through it before tossing it back to me. "Give me five reasons why I should hire you as my assistant, your CV is good but you don't have any work experience, how am I supposed to work with you? How am I sure you are not
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Chapter 58
Immediately our eyes met, I shivered in fear. He's so handsome like a demigod. Pink lips, pointed nose, cute face. Grey eyes, long lashes and spotless skin but why is his face so cold? "If you are done checking me out, you might as well sit or get out of my office." He flared his nose angrily while I gulped embarrassingly. I quickly took a sit opposite him trying not to stare. "Good... morning Sir." I greeted stammering. Even the aura around him is intimidating. Now I get why those ladies were crying. "Keep your damn greetings to yourself and place your CV." he snarled. Why's he angry now? I haven't committed any offense aside checking him out. I dropped my CV in his front and he took it. He flipped through it before tossing it back to me. "Give me five reasons why I should hire you as my assistant, your CV is good but you don't have any work experience, how am I s
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Chapter 59
"Thank you and please call me Benita" "Right and I am StLucia" she smiled. "I advice you not to get Mr. Wilfred angry, he gets angry easily and won't hesitate to fire you instantly. In just a month, he fired three of his personal assistants" Huh? Three in a month? Goodness. Does that mean I will be fired too? I heard a roar of laughter, StLucia was laughing. "You don't have to freak out, just make sure you do anything he ask you to and on time, he hates tardiness and lazy people around him" I sighed softly placing my hand on my desk. Mr. Wilfred is really a big problem to deal with. "Yeah, I will try. Thank you StLucia." "You are welcome, see you later" she waved her hand leaving my office. Now where do I start from?There are lots of files on the table and I have to reply the emails again but first.I need to call Charles to pick my kids.I brought out my p
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Chapter 60
Charles's - [P.O.V] I came down from my car searching for Sia and Erica amongst the pupils. I am glad Benita found a job, she's strongest woman I have ever seen. The fact that she put herself through hell even so we have everything is like something so similar, I'd do for revenge or something evil, but her strength to do this for our families future is why I love her even more.She have handled everything that comes her way bravely.Going through a lot but she's still struggling for her kids. My eyes caught some children fighting and I discovered it was Erica. He was beating up a boy. Goodness. I quickly ran to him separating him from that boy His face and mouth were swollen while the rest of the pupils were laughing. "Erica, why did you beat him up?"I asked sternly. He looks so angry like he wants to murder someone right now. I have never seen him this way and it amuses me. <
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