All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
187 chapters
Chapter 71: This Food is Just For You
  I was filled with so much excitement after receiving the notification that I was now a level three player. My smile became so wide that I became afraid that my lips were going to tear up to the sides of my head if I didn't stop smiling at that moment. "I can't believe I'm now a level 3 player!" I didn't know when I yelled again. Paulina stirred again and mumbled something in her sleep. After I saw that she didn't wake up I heaved a sigh of relief as I looked at the other notifications which hadn't yet disappeared from the air. "One billion coins," I muttered to myself as my eyes became shiny. "More money, more power." "System, convert the coins into money and transfer it into my bank acco
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Chapter 72: Testing Out
  After having the sumptuous meal I took my bag and left and thanked her. I didn't even turn back to glance at her like I usually did and dashed out of the sitting room. I got into my car and sped out of the mansion to a far distance. Well, the reason for going so far from the mansion wasn't for me to keep my new player skill a secret. No, Paulina already knew that I had skills. There wouldn't be any difference if I stayed at the mansion to practice my new skill since she already knew. The reason for leaving my mansion was for uncertain events. I wasn't really sure of my new player skill apart from knowing that it would help me to download information which I've studied accurately and store it in my brain. The information would then be transmitted into my body so that I would be a master of what I'd studied. Read more
Chapter 73: Soaring Great Heights
When I found myself several meters off the ground I was scared down to my pants. This was because I was actually afraid of heights. If not for the fact that I now had two respawns I wouldn't have attempted something as dangerous as this. Falling from a great height would mean instant death from me. Even my Rush Absorption wouldn't be able to save me once I fell from a great height."I can do this," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again before stretching out my hands. "I can soar to great heights."I then focused on maintaining this flight ability I had gotten from the Download skill. The next time I opened my eyes, I found myself high up in the sky. You couldn't imagine the terror I had that very moment when I stared at the ground. Everything had become very small from where I was hovering. I could feel the wind blowing against my face, giving me a cool sensation. I almost felt sleepy but something wild awake in my mind stopped me from doing somet
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Chapter 74: Basketball Captain Contest
The last player skill I had to test out was my Luck skill and I had very high hopes for it. This was because this skill had actually helped me to escape death when the level ten player had me in his clutches and I hadn't been able to escape even with all the strength I had accumulated from Rush Absorption.This Luck skill had proven to be a very important player skill that I had. Even when the other skills were locked, I was still able to go far with my Luck skill. Although it wasn't a skill which helped me in direct combat, it was still great. Imagine trying to blow me up with a lightning strike and then the opponent ends up blowing up his companion or even himself due to the luck I had. It was really insane."Activate Luck skill," I told the Enigmatic System as I decided to test something out right now. It would be definitely dangerous but it was worth the risk.[LUCK SKILL ACTIVATED]"Great," I immediately responded. "Now I want you t
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Chapter 75: Him
After hearing about the basketball contest which would be held to choose the captain of the school's basketball team, I couldn't help but become excited as I began looking forward to that very day. My Joker personality acted at that moment, making me smile more than usual. Well, the other students weren't bothered and began talking to me."Make sure you defeat Dominic so shamefully like you've done before!""Yes! Defeat him so hard that he wouldn't be able to get back up.""Yes!"As the students relayed their thoughts to me I couldn't help but take a deep breath and smile. For once in my life people were now placing their trust in me. They were now hoping for me to do something. There was a strange feeling to it but I was enjoying that feeling."I won't disappoint you," I told the students. Then I asked, "When will the contest be held?""By next month," a female student replied. "I think the school is waiting for Domin
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Chapter 76: A Threat
I didn't dare run when the man walked in my direction. He had already seen me but I suspected he hadn't yet known I was the one who sneaked into the police headquarters and made away with Dominic's criminal records. If he actually knew I was the one then I was as good as dead. After the fight that day I knew that this man didn't care about using his player skills in public. In fact he could even kill me right here on the campus and no one would be able to stand up to him. And as usual, the whole matter would be swept under the carpet.I didn't stop as I turned around and walked towards him casually with my hands in my pockets to hide their trembling. I almost laughed out loud but I ultimately held myself and didn't do so. If I did that then the man would be able to link me to the person from last night. And that was not what I wanted to happen.Soon we neared each other and stopped at the same time as if we had been reading each other's movements. I stare
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Chapter 77: "You Have Bad Luck"
During lunchtime, I went to the cafeteria to have my lunch and as usual I paid for the lunch of the students who followed me. I also didn't forget to deliver my usual speech to keep their hearts and blood beating and boiling for me. If I wanted to become the school's big face, then this was a necessary step I had to take. Nothing could be gotten without a sacrifice. As I sat down to have my meal of oatmeal cookies and a chocolate drink, several girls passed by and winked at me. I only smiled at them politely but I wasn't interested in any of them. I knew they were only trying to get my attention because of the wealth I possessed. They weren't ready to fall in love with me but the money I had. As I ate the oatmeal cookies I discovered that they didn't taste that good and were overcooked, making them all look soggy like toothpaste. The chocolate drink however diluted the taste, giving me a refreshing feeling.
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Chapter 78: Sophia, My Ex
I decided to leave this place before something happened and get to class. I didn't want to bump into anything that would be a form of danger. I'd already met Darwin Blade who threatened me today. I didn't need to encounter any more people like him who would endanger my life. [THE PLAYER IS REALLY GETTING A LITTLE SMARTER. I THOUGHT YOU WOULD DECIDE TO HEAD INTO THE CROWD] I couldn't help but ask the Enigmatic System, "Why did you think that I would do that? I'm not naive, you know." [IT SEEMS YOU'RE FORGETTING YOUR LITTLE PLAYER PERSONALITY. WAIT, I THINK IT'S ME WHO'S FORGETTING YOUR JOKER PERSONALITY AND NOT YOU.] "I think you have a Joker personality yourself," I said as I resisted the urge to slam my head into the nearby fountain. The system was really getting on my nerves today and I really couldn't take it anymore. [SUIT YOUR DELUSIONS, PLAYER]Read more
Chapter 79: Public Confession
The girl was very shocked when I revealed my identity. It was at that moment I knew that I was indeed very popular on campus. Although the girl didn't recognize me by appearance at first, she was still able to know who Jason Lewis was. That indeed meant I was very popular. [DON'T BE SO FULL OF YOURSELF. YOU NEED TO THANK YOUR MERIT POINT] After reading what the Enigmatic System's message I immediately turned around from the girl so that I could reply to it without having to look weird. What it just stated right now made me become short of words. I couldn't even believe my ears. "It's not the merit point who's making me popular," I immediately said. "Stop attacking me every time!" [SINCE YOU WON'T ACCEPT THE TRUTH, THEN I'LL HAVE TO TAKE BACK THAT MERIT POINT] I immediately smiled when the Enigmatic System told me that, "I was just joking. Can't you tel
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Chapter 80: "I Love You"
When Sophia made this confession to me I didn't know how to react. I was stumped and stood in one place for a very long period of time. And soon all the students began to murmur among themselves. "Is he going to accept Sophia back? Or is he gonna reject it?" "Wouldn't it make him stupid if he accepts her back? She betrayed him once and I believe she's going to betray him again if given the chance." "It won't make him stupid. The girl has actually come to apologize to her in the public. Give her some break." "What break are you talking about? She's a rich brat and that's all that matters. A leopard will always have its spots. She cannot change from her behavior!" "Who are you to judge her? Have you dated Sophia before to know that she can't change?" "You aren't even getting what I'm saying. This girl left Jason for good when he was poor and wen
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