All Chapters of Stranded Stranger: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
49 chapters
Chapter Eleven: Wedding
Ava had been slaying the orcs one by one, but it seemed like there was no end in sight; they kept coming back. Good thing that she was a non-Mana user. But she was concerned about the old man.She thought that if she could only ask for Allen's help, it wouldn't be difficult to subjugate these monsters, but she also knew that he was busy with his own life."Master, I think we should go back now. Their number isn't decreasing at all," Ava suggested worriedly."You're right. Let's leave them to the other adventurers. I already asked for assistance from the guild, but it seems like everyone is busy," the old man replied."Let's go back to the capital. I want to know how's the condition there," Ava said."How about Ash and Shawn?" the old man asked. "Where are they?""I asked Alice to rescue them," Ava replied. "They might have gone back already. Can you use teleportation?""Don't underestimate your mentor's power," the old man replied, and they suddenly disappeared.The old man has been A
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Chapter Twelve: Spade Kingdom
If it weren't for the Land of Dusk, Shawn would never marry an ugly orc. But that was the only way to save their kingdom from those monsters.He knew it could ruin his relationship with Ava, but he could do nothing—he was forced to do it after all, even if it was against his will. Besides, he didn't know what could have happened to him if he refused King Orc's offer.Shawn hurriedly got inside the adventurer's guild. He wasn't thinking about the hundred gold coins anymore; all he wanted was to explain everything to Ava, but she wasn't there.The adventurers were drinking as he arrived. Most of them were unaware of the whole story. All they knew was that they won, not the reason why the monsters retreated, especially the orcs."What did you do to my apprentice, Shawn?" the old man asked as he walked towards him."I,I,I," Shawn stuttered, seeing the old man's glare at him. "Please let me explain everything.""No," the old man replied. His fierce stare gradually turned into calm, amazeme
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Chapter Thirteen: Grand Escape
Ava could hear her own heartbeat as she entered the enemies' territory. She hesitated, unsure whether to press on in the darkness or turn back, feeling uneasy about the situation.However, she didn't want to disappoint the old man by going back without accomplishing anything. Determined, she chose to press on until she stood in front of a forest. Without a map, she had no idea where she was heading.A moment later, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, approaching Ava with silent steps. The person remained elusive, concealed by a hood. It came closer, until Ava recognized who it was."Allen?" Ava muttered. "What are you doing here in the Spade Kingdom? Shouldn't you be in the Forbidden Forest?" Ava asked curiously."It's a long story, Ava. But would you like to come with me to my house, have some coffee, and talk about this matter?" Allen invited politely."I'm sorry, Allen, but—" Ava wanted to refuse, but she didn't manage to finish her sentence when Allen interrupted."No, i
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Chapter Fourteen: Being a Hero 
As he opened his eyes, Shawn found himself beside Ava, lying without a shirt. He didn't know how he got his hands inside Ava's undershirt. He had been squeezing her breasts, and he thought he was just dreaming all night."Let it go, let it go!" Shawn screamed in his mind, but his hand wouldn't follow his orders. He was trying to resist the temptation, but the size and softness wouldn't let him escape.Slowly, Ava opened her eyes when she felt something was wrong. Her face grew red after seeing Shawn's hands squeeze her breasts. "What—what are you doing?" She tried to ask in a normal tone."I'm sorry, Ava." But before Shawn could say those words, Ava had already stood up, and again, the shape of her palm left a reddish mark on his face as she slapped him without saying anything. It created a loud blast that pierced the silence of the morning."You pervert! Never ever sleep beside me again!" Ava shouted before she walked out of the room. What a fantastic morning he had given her.Shawn
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Chapter Fifteen: Looking for Answers
Shawn and Ash were heading to the Forbidden Forest when they met some adventurers who were also going there. Their party was composed of three men and two women. Shawn could identify their roles by just looking at them.Usually, in order to be called a party, a group must have a magician, a guardian, a healer, an assassin, and a tamer. The most important role is that of the healer, someone who heals his or her wounded members, which is necessary for their survival.But when it comes to assault, an assassin is much needed—someone who can move swiftly and inflict heavy damage against the enemy without getting noticed or caught.The protector of the party is known as the guardian. He possessed heavy armor, so one must be strong enough to carry on the equipment in order to be called a guardian.Magicians are commonly known as the most intelligent of the party. They use magic and mana to deal damage in either chanting or magic circle ways. Magicians are the most common people in this world
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Chapter Sixteen: Skylanders
It had already been a week since Shawn started to look for the demon lord, but he hadn't made any progress at all. The Diamond Kingdom itself was huge, so it was possible that one of these creatures had an idea that would give him a clue.Some creatures told him to stop looking for the demon lord because he would be attacking them after all. They told him that he should be prepared for what could happen instead.However, those words didn't discourage Shawn; they even fueled his interest in continuing what he was doing. He knew that once the demon lord transformed into a dragon known as Boris, it would become invincible.Although he wasn't there when the tragedy happened to have killed Ava's parents, Shawn didn't have a plan to witness the same event again. He didn't want to hear the scream of every creature, asking for help, but he could do nothing.Ava noticed that Shawn disappeared every day without telling her where he was going. She didn't want to act like a mother to him, watchin
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Chapter Seventeen: Dungeon
Cyrene, the Green Dragon, brought Shawn to its nest and laid him there beside her eggs, treating him like a baby as it tried its best to cover the wound on his back. It seemed like they had developed a deeper connection."I'm sorry for what happened, my dear guest," Cyrene apologized in a worried tone, although Shawn was the only one who could hear her due to his communication capability."Don't worry, Queen Cyrene. It was my fault that Ava suddenly appeared here; perhaps she scared your fellow dragons, and I should be the one to apologize," Shawn replied politely.Alice sighed with relief upon seeing Shawn. She was so worried that something might have happened to him. For sure, Ava would never forgive her if that happened. She slowly walked towards the green dragon's nest and asked if she could take Shawn with her.The dragon seemed to refuse. She wasn't letting go of Shawn. He had already become her baby, until Shawn told Cyrene that it was okay and that Alice was his trusted friend
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Chapter Eighteen: Level One
Ava had no idea that Shawn was planning to enter the dungeon in the Fire Kingdom. After what happened in Skyland, she realized that she shouldn't be so strict with the people around her.All she knew was that Shawn would never do something crazy, so she didn't want to cause him similar trouble again. She regretted it and blamed herself for his suffering.Meanwhile, Shawn wanted to grab the opportunity when nobody was trying to stop him; he didn't want anyone to get involved with his stupidity. It might sound stupid, but if he could save the kingdom from the upcoming danger, he wouldn't hesitate to do it.Along the way to the Fire Kingdom, Shawn met someone he didn't expect to meet. It was the old woman who looked creepy with her long, curly, black hair that spread around her shoulder.The landlady of a boarding house in the capital city of Owl. Her name was Jessica Marchant. Shawn wondered how she got there.Shawn chatted with Jessica. He learned from her that she decided to move to t
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Chapter Nineteen: Armored Guy
This mysterious world was filled with peculiar creatures, but Shawn didn't want to fight something he couldn't see, like a ghost. A few moments later, he began hearing some weird sounds and laughing around him, making him a little bit uncomfortable.The laughter grew louder and louder, and Shawn noticed that it came from a girl. Her laughter was harsh, like that in a horror movie, but Shawn tried to strengthen his stance. In case there was a ghost, he wouldn't hesitate to run."Who are you?" Shawn asked, with fear in his voice. "Please don't play with me; show your face!"Someone suddenly appeared in front of him. Shawn got into a position of being ready to run as fast as he could, but instead of doing such things and seeing who it was, he couldn't move his feet."Ava?" Shawn asked in a confused tone. His jaw drooped in surprise; he was stuck staring right at the gorgeous lady with long, curly black hair and lilac eyes. "What are you doing here?""What am I doing here?" Ava repeated t
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Chapter Twenty: Camouflage
Shawn and Ava have reached the third level of the dungeon, where they will fight some skeletons who are controlled by dark magic. This time, Ava used her skills to cut them into pieces; however, they were going back to their normal state."Step back, Ava," Shawn ordered, as he got an idea on how to defeat those monsters without letting them come back to life, though they were already dead a hundred times. "I have a plan."Ava stopped behind her boy. She watched Shawn carefully as he would defeat those skeletons, studying every move he made and familiarizing herself with how he'd fight, especially when he said he had a plan.Shawn used fire magic to burn them in just one single blow; he turned them into ashes, leaving no trace of their existence in this world. In that way, they weren't able to regain their bones."How did you do that, Shawn?" Ava asked with amazement in her voice. "You didn't even use a spell or magic circles to defeat them. Are you really a magician or what? Can you t
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