All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
199 chapters
Chapter One hundred-thirty one
Mr. Wilde rolled his eyes, "Come on, it's not like we have another way out of this. I didn't say I wasn't going to pay them.""Yeah, you did. You said it, stop denying it," she replied as she got on her feet."What I meant by that was. I won't pay them immediately, but I was surely going to pay them later. Later when I have everything sorted out," he replied as he got on his feet."When? When will that happen? When will your daughter and I die?" She raised her voice at him."No, that's not possible. I just need you to trust me that's it. I promise to do everything within my might to get us to our past glory. I just need you to be patient with me," he replied facing the wall."You are going to do this. You are going to get us back to our past glory. You are going to fix this. This, that, many promises. But you still haven't answered my question, when? When is all this going to happen? When?" She asked as she placed her hands on his shoulder."When?" He turned towards her, "This is me b
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Chapter One hundred-thirty two
"A deal?" He asked, looking shocked. He couldn't decipher what she was talking about. The daughter he knows isn't into any form of business. Neither is she working in any business organization, what could she be probably talking about?"Yeah, you heard me correctly Dad. A business deal," she replied using a firm voice.Mr. Wilde burst into laughter. Elara wasn't surprised, she was expecting it from her Dad. Besides it sounds all odd for her to appear, and ask for a business deal."Come on baby girl, what did Ethan give you to drink last night?" He asked as he got up from his seat."I am a serious Dad. I heard your conversation with Mum. You were begging her to help you right?" He paused, and tilted his head towards her, wearing a serious look. The room suddenly became quiet."Yes, Dad, I did listen to every one of you guys' conversations. Your plan to lay off some staff, and the rest," she muttered looking straight into the eyes of her father."You were eavesdropping on our conversati
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Chapter One hundred-thirty three
"What do you mean by that can't happen? Aren't you the one who said you don't believe that I can get you back to the company?If you don't believe this, why are you still adamant about knowing what the two terms are? Wait a minute, you believe I can do it right?" She asked mockingly."Does that matter at all? What I want to know is what the two terms are. I just can't blindly accept any offer. Don't get me wrong, I am not in any way saying I don't trust you, but I just can't jump into a deal I know nothing about," he replied."You just can't? That's because you don't trust me. Come on Dad I am your daughter, you should be able to trust me. You know I won't hurt you, I don't want you to get into any form of hurt," she replied, turning her back on her father."If that's the case. Then why don't you tell me about it? I am your Dad, I see no reason why you should hide things like this from me." He asked.She huffed and turned to face him. "Fine, I am going to tell you about it. It might s
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Chapter One hundred-thirty four
Mr. Wilde was about to answer when a knock came on the door. They both tilted their heads to the door. Just before they could utter the word come in, Mrs. Wilde walked in gazing at them.She had her hands on her waist, silence filled the room. "May I know the reason why the both of you refused to have breakfast this morning?""I just didn't feel like eating anything this morning. I lost my appetite," Elara replied as she sat down on the chair close to her father."You didn't have an appetite right? Yet, you ate a plate of cookies right?" Mrs. Wilde raised her voice."That was after. I got my appetite back a few minutes later. I had to get what I was craving for," she replied, looking away."I see, you had to get what you were craving. That's not a problem, what about you? Is it also the same story with your daughter?" She tilted her head towards her husband.He chuckled as he walked closer to her. "Come on, I know you are angry. But you shouldn't, your daughter and I were just bonding
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Chapter One hundred-thirty five
"Oliver?" They both muttered staring at the door. Mr. Charlie knows he is the only one who can open his door like that. But there was nobody at the door.They gazed at themselves and returned their gaze to the door. Oliver walked in staggering with a bottle of vodka in his hands. Dude was dead drunk."Getting drunk this early in the morning? Charlie, what are you teaching your son?" Rosa asked with her gaze on Oliver who was resting on the wall."Get dressed, and let's leave. I don't have time to answer such a question," he replied and walked to the door. "Would you at least allow me to have my bath?"He closed the door and turned towards her. "No, you can do that when you get back home. I am fucking late for work, don't you get?""It's okay. You don't have to shout at me," she replied, looking around the room for his wardrobe. Immediately she found it, she walked over to where his wardrobe was and opened it."What's going on? What are you looking for?" He asked, wanting to walk towar
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Chapter One hundred-thirty six
Rosa who was asleep felt a hand on her massaging her buttocks. She laid still, with her eyes closed. She got up immediately and it dawned on her that Mr. Charlie wasn't at home. Oliver was the one in the room.Her guess was correct, it was Oliver. He looked drunk, not only that he was also naked. His cock pointed in her direction. "Come on, let's have fun," he muttered while drawing his words."Have fun? What type of fun?" She replied with her gaze still on his dick. "How about you allow me bang the hell out of your pussy?" He chuckled, and fell backwards to the bed.Before he could think of getting up. Rosa grabbed his dick, and had it buried deep within her throat. Oliver, who was still a bit tipsy, had little knowledge of who he was making out with.He laid still, and allowed her to do her thing with her lips, and her tongue. His moan filled the room, as he went on gagging. Running her hands, and her lips around his dick.Rosa channeled all her energy into the blowjob. She sucked,
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Chapter One hundred-thirty seven
Mr. Charlie sat at the meeting paying attention to the details of different heads of departments. He couldn't deny the fact that Alistair's leadership has brought a new wave into the company.Yet he wasn't happy about it. Knowing that he wasn't really the one under the spotlight. Mr. Charlie sucks when he knows he's supposed to be the one under the spotlight, but it's not him.He had his hands crossed over his chest as he nodded, and paid rapt attention. At the course of the meeting his gaze would sometimes move to Alistair. Every time his gaze fell on Alistair, he always saw him writing.Mr. Charlie just couldn't understand why he was writing. All he had to do was to pay attention to what was being taught. Nod his head to certain discussions. Speak intelligently, and the rest.He just didn't really understand why he was this concentrated in taking down notes. It just didn't feel cool to him. Mr. Charlie felt Mr. Alistair was acting way below his position as the President of Voxx's Gr
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Chapter One hundred-thirty eight
"You think I don't know where you were last night," Rosa's sister in law said."Pardon," Rosa replied as she took a step downward. "Yeah you heard me. It's not even up to three months since you lost my brother. You are already going about exploring different dick's.Look me in the eye and tell me nobody pounded your pussy last night. Look me in the eyes and tell you didn't have another man's dick deep down in your throats?"Rosa became scared. She just couldn't understand how she found out. At the same time she felt it could just be random thoughts. Isn't that what happens during sex, blowjob's are part of sex.Rosa mustered courage, even if her sister in-law was right. She just couldn't just give in to her accusations which were true. "I won't allow you to insult, and say silly things to me in my house."Her sister in-law laughed, mimicking her in a ridiculous way, "I won't allow you to insult, and say silly things to me in my house.""Wait a minute, this isn't your house right. It's
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Chapter One hundred-thirty nine
Elara took a deep breath, this was one of her plans to get her dad back to the office. "I need your help, and that of your dad to get my dad back to the company.""Get your dad back to the company?" Oliver muttered, looking shocked. He had to repeat what he heard her say, "Get your dad back to the company, and you need my help, and that of my Dad?"Elara nodded her head, "Yeah I do. I know there are a lot of scandals relating to the reason why my Dad was sacked. But I believe there's something that can be done in restoring him back to his job."Oliver exhaled, "Elara, do you know you are asking for a hard thing? Are you aware of that?""Yes Oliver I know. That's the reason why I am telling you this. I know you can be of help. Not just you, your Dad can also be of help.""No, no, no, no. That's where you are getting it wrong Elara. There's no way I can be of help. I am not the H.R of the company. I don't even have a say. Your ex husband does.If there's anyone that should do this. It's
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Chapter One hundred-forty
"Go on, I am listening to what you are saying," Ethan said as he sat up gazing into the eyes of his sister, Fiona."For now there's nothing concrete between us. I don't know if you have an idea about what happened to you?" She asked."What did Dad do to him? What did Dad do to him, talk to me? I am listening," Ethan asked, wearing a confused look."What's with that look on your face? Please change it, you look ugly with that look on your face. I need to be sincere with you," she said laughing."Come on, I know you are just trying to pull my legs, but it's fine. Tell me what did Dad do to him, did they get into a brawl?" Ethan asked."No, Mark would never do such. There's definitely no way Dad would also do such a thing, I can promise you that," she paused, and continued."Dad met up with him, and spoke to him in an unhealthy way. You know how Dad is, and how he does his things right?"Ethan nodded his head still gazing at her, paying rapt attention to what she was saying. "You know he
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