All Chapters of The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
199 chapters
Chapter One hundred-eighty one
Ethan nodded his head, "Yeah I do. I just wanted to know if you had someone in mind. But if you don't, I do. All I have to do is to ring his phone, and he's definitely going to get to work.""Well that's great, because I had no one in mind. But that's by the way, now back to what I was saying. Do you agree with my plan, or do you still want to go with your plan?" Oliver asked as he sipped from his glass of alcohol.Ethan kept quiet, with the looks on his face you could tell he was weighing his options. After a few seconds he spoke up, "I am going with your idea, I feel yours is more realistic, and it won't take much time.""That's great, now what I am going to do is to inform you of the day to call whosoever you believe is capable for the job. The day he comes, leave it to me.All I have to do is to create a distraction, and find a way to grant him access to President Alistair's car. Do you understand?""Yes I do. But the sad part in all of this is the fact that we don't know when thi
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Chapter One hundred-eighty two
(A week later)Ethan was seated on the bed with Elara lying on his chest. They were both in their birthday suits, "I guess you are happy now that your Dad has finally gotten himself a job."She turned her gaze towards him with a smile on her face. "Yeah I am, you have no idea how glad I am. Now I can do things I haven't been able to do. Now I can go for picnics, change the rest of my wardrobe, and the rest.""That's it?" Ethan asked, looking shocked."Yeah, that's it. Do you know how bad the last few months were for me? I couldn't even hang up with my friends, I couldn't do things I would have done. Do you know why?"Ethan was about to speak, but she beat him to it. "It wasn't even because of the crime my father committed. It was because everything my Dad had was taken away from him.I couldn't even continue or keep up with my friends, and their lifestyle. That was how hard it was, and it made me depressed. A day came, and it dawned on me that just sucking at the present dilemma won't
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Chapter One hundred-eighty three
Nathan drew out the chair for Layla to sit down. "Thank you," she replied with a smile on her face as she waited for him to sit down. "This should be our fifteenth date right?"Layla shook her head, "I have no idea. You know you fascinate me so much with how you keep record of the number of dates we have had.""Why won't I? I keep a record of things that are special to me, and since you are special to me. I have no other choice than to keep such dates and records," he reopened as he held her hands."That's great," she blushed while gazing into his eyes. They both stared at each other for a few minutes, before Nathan looked away to order a drink.He snapped his finger, and a waiter dressed in black walked towards their table. He had the same curly hair as Nathan and body structure. The only difference between the waiter, and Nathan was their voice, face, and height."What would you like to have?" He passed the tablet to Nathan. Nathan scrolled up, and down, and passed the tab to Layla.
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Chapter One hundred-eighty four
The next morning, Ethan picked up his phone and dialed the line of Oliver. "What's up bro, what's going on?"Oliver, who was walking out of his room, replied, "I am just leaving my room. What about the guys, is he ready?"Ethan got into his car, "Yeah, he is. What time should he drop by the office, and do you have everything ready?""You don't have to be worried about that. I have everything under control. This is what you should do, don't give him my contact. When he gets to the company, tell him to give you a call. Then send me a text on Whatsapp.""Do you have a problem if he has your contact?" Ethan asked.Oliver walked to his car, and his bodyguards helped him in opening the door of the car. "Yeah, I do. I don't want any random person to have my contact. That's what I am against, I am talking about future occurrences."Ethan chuckled, "Really?""Yeah, it's my principle. It's either you live by it or not, that's it," Oliver replied."No problem, I don't have a problem with that. I
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Chapter One hundred-eighty five
Ethan cared less about what his sister was saying, "That's enough, back to you. I am sure you are aware of the reason why I came here?"Fiona became confused, you could tell she was taken aback by such a question. "No I don't," she walked to her seat."It's clear you don't. Anyway, it's not like what I am about to say is a big deal. I noticed you left the house early.I am damn sure you don't just leave the house this early. There's definitely something going on, talk to me."She narrowed her gaze to him, "What do you mean by that? Do you mean I can't leave home for work early or what?""No, that's not what I mean. But from experiences, I feel something might have happened, which would have prompted you to leave home very early," he replied.She stood up, and walked towards him, "Well nothing happened, I had a great night's rest. Mark and I are cool, there's nothing."Ethan didn't believe that, "Or is he the one?"She turned, "Who are you talking about?""Who else do you think I am ta
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Chapter One hundred-eighty six
(Thirty minutes later)Oliver was seated in Mr. Alistair's car. Beside him was the mechanic who was to do the job just like he agreed with Ethan."I believe you know what to do right?" Oliver asked as he narrowed his gaze towards him, and quickly returned his gaze to the road."Yes sir, I know what to do. Mr. Ethan has explained everything I need to do," he answered with his gaze at the road."That's great, what matters right now is that you understand your job, and you are going to deliver. Talk to me, how do you intend to do this?"He turned his gaze towards Mr. Oliver, "I don't mean to be rude sir. But trust me when I say you are going to get bored of listening to what I have to say."He exhaled, "Thanks for telling beforehand. Anyways you are going to get rewarded handsomely, just make sure you do a good job. If I may ask, you are definitely going to work on it when we are returning right?""Except you want us dead before we return," he replied, looking away."Come on, what would
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Chapter One hundred-eighty seven
Elara's joy knew no bounds when her phone beeped, as she saw the money come in. Since her Dad got employed. Her life has taken a new turn.Activities she wasn't able to do before, she could now do it, and it gave her so much joy. She was slowly getting the respect she lost from her female friends. They now invited her to luxurious parties, unlike before where they all forsook her.In all she learned her lesson. A lot of people won't want to have anything to do with you if you are poor. But if you are rich, they would definitely be all over you.She smiled as she walked into the bathroom to take her bath. Her plan was to visit Mr. Alistair at his office, and thank him for what he did. Even if her father didn't return to Voxx's Group, at least he got a job at Voxx's Technologies.What else could she ask for than that? All she wanted was for her father to get a job. Mr. Alistair kept true to his word, and helped her with it. That's the only thing that matters right now, and not if he got
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Chapter One hundred-eighty eight
(One Hour Later)Mr. Alistair and Nathan both walked into Mr. Gabe's office. "Gentlemen, please have your seat. I am in a hurry for a meeting, so I won't be wasting time.I will go straight to the point, and I will be out of here. What I am about to hand over to you, is something very important. Your father was the one who handed this over to me.It's very important that you keep it safe, and protect it with all your might. Keep what I am about to give you like you would keep gold or anything precious to you."Mr. Gabe stood up and walked out of his office. They both gazed at each other looking confused, "Your guts was right, but this wasn't what he told me the last time I came here," Nathan muttered."Let's say he wasn't certain about doing this, but along the line, he changed his mind," Mr. Alistair replied.Mr. Gabe returned to the office with a small golden purse in his hands. He walked over to his seat and sat down. He stretched the golden purse to Alistair. "This was what your f
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Chapter One hundred-eighty nine
The elevator opened up, and they stepped out. "Well, we are heading towards my late father's office. There's something important we have to do, and I need every one of you to be sharp, and also be on alert.""Yes sir," they replied as they moved late to Mr. Bane's office. They got in, and it was fucking dusty, different spiders had made the office their colony. "Are you seeing the cobwebs, are we really going to do this?" Layla asked."I think you are asking the wrong question, it's not us. Layla, you are the one who's definitely going to do this.""What?!" She turned towards them looking shocked. "What do you mean by that?""I don't think that's a question you need to ask. You aren't just going to swim through the cobwebs," Mr. Alistair brought out the key. "Here, we need to find which safe, or locker this key can open."She looked at the key and returned her gaze to Mr. Alistair. "Are you fucking serious?"Nathan, and Mr. Alistair both nodded their heads. Reagan wasn't cut in for wh
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Chapter One hundred-ninety
Alistair woke up with a call from Fiona which was strange. "Good morning Alistair, hope you had a great night's rest.I heard what happened last night, hope you are fine?"Mr. Alistair sat up, "Yeah I am, I am sorry we couldn't meet up yesterday.""Come on Mr. Alistair, you and I both know that you can't meet up after what happened last night.""Do you know what? Let's meet today, we could have lunch, or dinner today. What do you have to say about it?"She kept mute for a few seconds pondering on what to say. She would want to spend her evening with her boyfriend, Mark. "Lunch will be fine with me, I have something important to do at night.""That's fine with me, we will meet today during lunch. Please be early.""Yeah, I will, same location right?" Fiona asked."Yes, of course, same location," he replied."That's okay, take care, and have a great day," Fiona hung up. His gaze moved to the file, and flash drive which was on his couch. He directed his gaze back to the chandelier."I am
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