All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
222 chapters
91, Desperate Rescue
Chapter Ninety One: A Desperate Rescue“I have to go. Emily’s in danger,” Connor said, his voice strained.“What’s wrong? What happened to her?” Chris asked immediately, concern evident in his tone.Leo, standing nearby, also asked, “What happened? Is Emily okay?” Both men were well aware of who Emily was, she was Connor’s young and beautiful cousin, well rounded and endowed with the perfect figure one would think of.She is also soft spoken and kind, anyone who met her would really be drawn to her. She originally stays in Pensilvania, she came to California because she wanted to check out the lab at UCLA,where she plans to have her internship. So until everything was concluded and set, she decided to stay with Connor for the time being for the sole reason of it’s proximity to the school. Today, after coming back from school as usual, she just got off the bus and was walking to Connor’s apartment when suddenly, a mini van parked in front of her. She looked around suspicious and
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91, Men in Prison
Chapter Ninety One: The Cult of ShadowsWhen they finally woke up, the disorientation was immediate. The bus had stopped, and Connor, Chris, and Leo were still blindfolded. As their senses gradually returned, they realized they were no longer in the familiar confines of the Pinnacle Lounge, or the warehouse that they’ve driven to. They were somewhere else entirely.They were led, stumbling and blindfolded, through a maze of corridors. The journey felt interminable, with the only sound being the shuffle of their captors' footsteps and their own uneasy breathing. When the blindfolds were finally removed, the trio was greeted by an unexpected and dramatic sight.Before them stretched what looked like an ancient throne room, tucked away in the belly of a mountain. The room was vast, with stone walls etched with intricate symbols that flickered in the dim light cast by torch sconces. The ground was uneven, and the air was thick with a musty smell that suggested age and isolation. Th
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93. Desperate measures .
Chapter Ninety Three: Desperate Measures“I don’t believe you. Where’s my sister? I need to see her first,” Connor demanded, his voice taut with urgency. His eyes searched Jack Stone's for any sign of reassurance.Jack Stone leaned back in his grand chair, his expression unreadable. “Do you think you have any options now? Or that you have any time left? Okay, let’s hear it. What do you plan to do?”Connor’s mind raced, but before he could respond, Leo, struggling with the overwhelming odds and the oppressive darkness of the cavern, decided to act on their behalf. The fear of the unknown gnawed at him, and he was eager to avoid any further confrontation in this grim environment.Leo took a deep breath, stepping forward with a look of determination. “Look, we have money. I’m willing to offer thirty million dollars for our freedom. Just let us go, and you can have it, ten million for me, the other ten for Connor and for Emily. Jack Stone’s eyes narrowed. “Thirty million dollars, you
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94, Ring of Destiny
Chapter Ninety Four: The Ring of DestinyThe atmosphere in the dimly lit underground chamber was tense as the masked man with the dagger hesitated, his hand frozen in mid-air. Jack Stone’s sudden command had brought the situation to a standstill.“Stop!” Jack Stone’s voice rang out, his tone authoritative and commanding.The masked man looked at Jack Stone, confusion etched on his face. “What is it?”“That ring on your finger,” Jack Stone said, his eyes narrowing as he focused intently on Chris. “Where did you get it from?”Chris glanced down at his hand, where a distinctive ring gleamed in the dim light. The ring was crafted from a metal that shimmered with an otherworldly sheen. Its band was intricately engraved with swirling patterns that seemed to shift and flow with the light. At the center of the band was a large gemstone, a deep emerald green, surrounded by smaller diamonds that sparkled like stars. The gem appeared almost alive, pulsing gently as if it held some secret pow
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94, Tour of Shadows
Chapter Ninety Four: The Tour of ShadowsThe underground cavern was vast and eerie, with torchlight flickering across the rough stone walls. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and faint traces of incense. Jack Stone, now showing a marked respect towards Chris, decided to give him a personal tour of the underground lair.“My eminent, why don’t I give you a tour of our hub, I believe this is your first time here” Jack stone suggested. “Yes yes, you should.” Chris said and followed.Connor snd Leo noticed the change in character and asked Chris what was happening, “They think I’m someone important.” Chris said. “Haha” even at such a dire situation, Leo found it funny that the only way Chris would be treated with honor would be if they assumed him to be someone else. Chris ignored him and ekes lied to catch up with Jack stone who had already walked ahead. He noticed that the guards nodded and acknowledged him as he passed. As they walked through the dimly lit corridors
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96, A Toast to freedom
Chapter Ninety-Six: A Toast to FreedomThe throne room, bathed in a dim, flickering light, had a heavy atmosphere as Jack Stone settled back into his grand chair. Chris, still processing the gravity of their situation, noticed a large, ornate jar being carried into the room. It was filled with a rich, dark wine, its surface shimmering under the torchlight.Jack Stone waved a hand dismissively. “A special wine for our guest. Please, enjoy.”Chris smiled and accepted the jar with enthusiasm. “Thank you, Jack. This is very kind of you. You know, since I’m here, why don’t we make it a celebration? Invite everyone to join us. It’s not every day that someone like me graces your presence.”Jack Stone hesitated, clearly unsure. “I’m not sure it’s appropriate to…”“Come now,” Chris interrupted, raising his voice slightly. “It would be a sign of great disrespect if you didn’t honor my request. I would think less of you if you failed to celebrate this occasion.”Reluctantly, Jack Stone agreed.
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97, A late return
Chapter Ninety Seven: A Late ReturnThe clock ticked past midnight, and the once vibrant hum of the city outside had faded into a quiet, peaceful stillness. Stephany had spent the entire afternoon waiting for Chris, as he had promised he would come back that day. She was worried that the police might not believe Chris report and hold him back or even imprison him. And most importantly, she was worried that Chris might be injured, despite winning the fight with Tony, Tony was still strong and may have injured him somewhere. She was eager for him to come back and report that everything was good and sorted out.All the while, she thought of how cool her husband was for him to be able to beat Tony Stark up. She had prepared a meal with care, setting the table and even trying her hand at a few new recipes, hoping to surprise him. Her anticipation had kept her busy, but as the hours passed and the sun set, fatigue began to creep in.She had moved to the couch in the living room, hopin
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98, I will protect you
Chapter 98: I will protect you. Stephany stretched lightly, still feeling the soft warmth of their morning together. “Morning,” he mumbled, grabbing a cup of coffee.“Good morning,” Stephany replied, “did everything go well at the station?” She asked, “Hmmn, yes it did, Chris said”“That’s good,” Stephany replied. her voice warm and cheerful. She set a plate of scrambled eggs on her plate and ate.“I need to talk to you about something.”Chris looked up from his coffee, his brow furrowing slightly. “What’s up?”“I have to head to the Preston house for a family emergency meeting,” Stephany said, her tone a mix of resignation and concern.Chris’s face fell into a look of mild frustration. “Why are there so many meetings? Seems like there’s always something new.”Stephany sighed, setting her coffee cup down. “Well, this one might be related to the events of last night. They’ll probably discuss what happened and maybe figure out the next steps or address any new issues that have come u
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99, They Will beg you.
Chapter 99: They will beg you The Preston family gathered in the grandiose meeting room, the air thick with tension. The room, usually a symbol of unity and calm, now seemed to pulsate with underlying conflict. Chris and Stephany arrived, but as they walked in, an unexpected wave of hostility met them.Grandma Preston, seated at the head of the table, was the first to address them. Her expression was stern as she looked at Chris. “Chris, I’m afraid you’re not welcome here today. This is a family meeting, and we need to discuss matters privately.”Chris stood his ground, his jaw tightening. “I’m part of this family, Grandma. I’m here because I have a right to be.”The words were barely out of his mouth when Henry, one of the more vocal family members, laughed derisively. “Part of the family? Don’t make me laugh. You’re not really one of us, Chris.”Henry’s laughter was grating, and his eyes were cold with disdain. He was still bitter about the previous night's events, particularly
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100, Fifty Shared
Chapter 100: Fifty Shares The room was thick with tension. Chris and Stephany had just been faced with Grandma Preston's harsh ultimatum, and Henry's derisive laughter echoed in the heavy air. As the argument continued, an unexpected knock on the door interrupted the scene, causing everyone to pause.A young assistant opened the door and announced, “Mr. Cradwell from Web 3.”He was the very one who had bought fifty percent of the shares form their company when they were having issues, he holds most of the manager right of the company.Though he saved the Preston’s when they were broke, at this point, he was the reason they started having this series of meetings. He held too much power that the company practically belongs to him. What was he doing now?The name was met with surprise and murmurings of confusion. Grandma Preston’s eyes widened. Mr. Cradwell was known for his significant investment in the company, holding a considerable share of management rights. His sudden appearan
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