All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
222 chapters
81. Marrying A Brown
Chapter Eighty One; Marrying a Brown Miller stumbled out of the casino, his mind clouded with despair and regret. He couldn’t believe he had lost all the money he made from selling the golden statue. He felt like a complete failure. With no idea where to go next, he walked into the nearest bar and ordered drink after drink, trying to drown his sorrows. By the time he staggered back to the Brown estate, it was late, and the once-lively house had quieted down. His wife, Joyce, had been looking for him, her suspicions growing as she noticed his absence during most of the family get-together after the wedding reception. When she saw him enter the house, reeking of alcohol and looking utterly defeated, her concern turned to anger. “Miller, where have you been?” she demanded, her voice sharp with worry and irritation. “You missed the entire family gathering after the wedding, What’s going on?” Miller slumped into a chair, tears streaming down his face. “I… I lost all
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82, An Old Class Mate
Chapter Eighty-Two; A Old Class Mate Chris felt the day was far spent, so there was no need for him to go to work. Instead, he decided to go home directly. Meanwhile, back at the house, Eleanor had some guests: Maria, her friend from high school, had come to visit. Maria brought her daughter, who was about Stephany’s age, and her fiancé. Eleanor had heard that Maria had been visiting all their other classmates, showing off her future son-in-law, and today was Eleanor’s turn to hear Maria’s never-ending praise.Maria’s voice filled the living room as she showcased her son-in-law’s achievements. “Oh, Eleanor, you wouldn’t believe how wonderful it is to have such a capable young man in the family,” Maria said, beaming. “He’s the son of a senator, you know. Studied abroad and even bought a house for me and my family. Isn’t that just marvelous?”Maria held up a set of shiny keys, making sure everyone in the room could see them. Eleanor forced a smile, trying to remain polite, but sh
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83, The Devil Appears
Chapter Eighty Three; The Devil Apears "Talk about the devil and he appears," Eleanor muttered under her breath as a sleek BMW S series drove right into her gates. Because the door of the living room was open, everyone could see the car from inside the living room. Maria and her family were wondering who had arrived in such a flashy car. Eleanor however, was angry, cursing in her mind. She thought Chris being here would just make them look down on her and her family even more, after all, thats’s what he’s good at. But seeing the shocked expressions on their faces, she couldn’t say anything out loud.Mark, Maria’s future son-in-law, had earlier planned with Maria to flaunt their status and belittle everyone else. He was good at showmanship, so he couldn’t resist commenting, with a sinister smile. “Wow, Steph, you’re trying to keep up with standards so much that you broke the bank to get your husband this fancy car."Stephany blushed, uncomfortable under the scrutiny. “He didn’t
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84, Diamond in your House
Chapter Eighty Four, Diamond In Your HouseChris didn’t mind the mocking glances from Maria and Mark. He totally ignored them and dipped his hand into his pocket, bringing out the diamond jewelry necklace that he had traded the accession portion with.He handed it to Eleanor in front of everyone, saying, "Ever since I became your son-in-law two years ago, I haven’t given you any special gift. I apologize for that."When he handed over the diamond necklace, everyone gasped at the sight. By merely looking at it, one could tell it was original and worth a fortune.Maria and Mark exchanged looks of disbelief. They had a limited view of Chris and wondered where a "live-in" son-in-law could get such an expensive necklace. They almost couldn’t believe their eyes and the same goes for Eleanor and her daughter. Just then, a guest arrived. One of their old classmates, Grace, who was closer to Maria, entered. Maria had earlier invited her to come and witness how she would ridicule Eleanor
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85; Henry to the Rescue
Chapter Eighty Five; Henry to the Rescue The next day, Chris woke up to an unusually quiet house. Eleanor and Stephany were not around. He glanced at the clock, it was still very early, he picked up his phone to call Stephany. When she answered, she sounded hurried.“Where are you?” Chris asked.“We're at a Preston family meeting,” she replied. “I didn’t want you to offend your kind boss by skipping work today, so I didn’t bother calling you. I thought it best for you to keep impressing him.”Chris couldn’t tell if her comment was a veiled insult or genuine concern. Nonetheless, he smiled and decided he would join the meeting later after attending to some tasks at work.As he entered his car, Chris noticed the fresh Alpine herb Shelly had given him the previous night. It looked tempting and potent. He decided to wait until he got to the office to take it, just in case there were any side effects.Once he settled into his office, Chris followed the instructions and consumed the h
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86, You Are Mine Stephany
Chapter Eighty Six; You are mine Stephany.After an hour, the house was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation. The front door opened, and in walked Tony Blake, flanked by a dozen bodyguards. Tony Blake was an imposing figure, standing at an impressive 6'5" with a muscular build that showcased years of rigorous training and discipline. His broad shoulders and chiseled chest gave him an intimidating presence, while his powerful arms and legs were evidence of his strength and agility. His skin was tanned, likely from countless hours spent in the sun, and his face was rugged, with sharp features and a confident, almost arrogant, expression. His dark, piercing eyes seemed to size up everyone in the room, and his short-cropped hair added to his tough, no-nonsense appearance. Tony's overall physique exuded power and dominance, making it clear why he was such a formidable force in the boxing world.He moved with the air of someone who was used to commanding attention and respect.
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87, A Boxer Versus A Cultivator
Chapter Eighty-Seven: A Boxer Versus A CultivatorChris entered the Preston family home just as Tony Blake was making his unwelcome advances. Tony, the towering national boxing champion, had his eyes fixed on Stephany with a disdainful smirk. “You’re far too pretty to waste on an impotent man like your husband. You should be with someone who can truly appreciate you,” he said, his tone dripping with arrogance.Chris, having just walked in, heard the remark. His face hardened with anger. “Are you that desperate that you go after people’s wives now?” he retorted, his voice cold and challenging.“Who the hell are you?” Tony asked, annoyed that someone had spoiled his fun. “I’m her husband,” Chris simply said, “Now ket go of my wife, or else..”Tony’s ego was pricked. His expression darkened as he turned his gaze toward Chris. “Or else what? You think you’re a match for me?” he growled.Before Chris could respond, Tony's fist flew out. The punch landed squarely on Chris’s jaw, sendin
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88; Ordinary Men
Chapter Eighty Eight: Ordinary Men Once they left the Preston's house, Officer Connor gestured for Chris to enter his car, while the remaining police officers handled Tony Blake. Chris, a bit puzzled, smiled and asked, “Wasn’t I going for questioning?”Connor shook his head and chuckled. “We know how arrogant Tony is. Even if he got beaten up, he must have done something to deserve it.”Hearing that, Chris smiled and replied, “So, I’m not giving any report?”“Do you want to give a report?” Connor asked. “We can go to the station and go through the regular processes if you want.”Chris laughed, “No, bro, I was just asking.”As they drove away, Connor commented, “I’m really impressed you took down Tony. It must not have been easy to take down Blake all by yourself, I figured you must be a cultivator now.”Chris nodded, his eyes gleaming with pride. “Yeah, I am. I’m actually a level two master now.”Connor whistled in admiration. “That’s impressive, Chris. Really impressive.”“How did
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89, Cunning man
Chapter Eighty Nine: Cunning Man Chris was taken aback when one of the men in the group claimed to recognize him. For a fleeting moment, he thought they might have figured out his true identity as Brown, from one of the richest families in America.Though he wasn’t displayed to the public from a young age, however, those close to their family knew the Brown children and grand children. He wondered how long it would have taken them to figure it out. However, his relief was short-lived. “Aren’t you Chris? The poor, lame live-in son-in-law of the Prestons? You married such a beautiful and worthy woman with nothing to give her. You must feel like you’ve won in life because I wonder what you’re doing here,” the man sneered. Connor quickly intervened, “Guys, give him a break, please. He’s my guest.” “But he’s not like one of us,” Leo retorted. “He’s not rich. He shouldn’t be here.” “Does it matter if I brought him here?” Connor replied firmly. “Okay, for your sake, we’ll let him
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90, A Dire Call
Chapter Ninety: A Dire CallJust as Connor finished making his call and was heading back inside, he encountered Chris outside the private room. He had overheard the disparaging remarks his friends had made about Chris.“I’m sorry, Chris. I didn’t know they were going to react that way,” Connor said, his tone apologetic.Chris just shrugged but couldn’t help but wonder why Connor was friends with jerks like Leo. Normally, he would mind his business and not bother, but it seemed to him that Connor was a genuinely good guy.Hence he had to ask, “Why are you friends with people like them?”Connor hesitated for a moment before replying, “They’re not so bad if you get to know them.”Connor’s brief response hid a more complicated reality. How could he explain that his father worked as a personal assistant to Leo’s father in their company and that Leo’s family had significantly helped his family during a crisis? When their house burned down, it was Leo’s parents who took them in and suppo
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