All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
221 chapters
71. One step at a time
Chapter Seventy one, one step at a time The wedding was in full swing, a lively celebration of love and family. Chris had been mingling, exchanging pleasantries and trying to navigate the complex web of family dynamics. The tension with his aunt Helen still lingered, but the joy of the occasion overshadowed most of the discomfort.As he sipped his drink and watched the bride and groom share a dance, Chris noticed a figure entering the hall that made his heart skip a beat. His grandfather, Master Brown, had arrived. A wave of cold apprehension washed over Chris. It had been two years since he'd last seen the old man, and their last encounter had ended on a harsh note."I had hoped in you, child. You’re now nothing but a disappointment," his grandfather's words echoed in his mind.Chris took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The man had always been a pillar of strength and authority in the Brown family, a strict but fair leader. Despite his stern demeanor, he had always
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72. The First Daughter.
Chapter Seventy Two, The First Daughter As Chris walked back into the hall to say his goodbyes, he noticed a commotion near the center of the room. A crowd had gathered, and through the throng of people, he could see a figure lying motionless on the floor. Instinctively, he pushed his way through the crowd, his heart pounding with concern and curiosity.When he reached the inner circle, he saw a young woman sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Her elegant dress was fanned out around her, and her face was pale. People were murmuring anxiously, calling out for a doctor. A middle-aged woman stepped forward and knelt beside the girl, trying to revive her."Give her some space! She needs fresh air!" the woman commanded, waving her arms to push back the crowd.Chris stood back, watching the scene unfold. He recognized the woman on the floor as Faith, the daughter of the President of the United States. She was a classmate of his cousin Jonathan and had naturally been invited to the wedd
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73 Chris’s examination
Chapter Seventy Three: Chris’s examination. Chris squat down and examined her body. Holding her hands, he realized that her skin whixh used to be so smooth and glassy was now pale and there were signs and symptoms of dehydration. Althoughbthis maye look like an ordinary medical condition, Chris knew that it was far more than that, for the rate at which her body was changing is far great to be a normal condition. “Something must be wrong.” Chris said, causing eveyone to make a loud gasps. “Chris I thought you said you could do something, if you don’t have anything to do please leave her alone do the medics can come and take care of her.” Helen said. “The medics can not do anything about it, this is not a medical matter.” “What are you saying?” Martins steped forward. “She must have eaten something that had to do with garlic and it aggravated an evil spirit that is present here. Even if you take her to the hospital, you won’t be able to do anything.”“What rubbish are you sprouti
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74. She was healed
Chapter Seventy Four; She was healed Chris stood anxiously outside his grandfather’s study, his mind racing. He had taken a huge risk by suggesting that the goddess statue could cleanse the First Daughter, and now everything hinged on his grandfather’s response. He hoped Uncle Martins could convince him. Inside the study, Uncle Martins faced Master Brown, who sat behind his large, imposing desk, surrounded by books and artifacts from his travels. The room was filled with the scent of old leather and incense, creating an atmosphere of reverence and wisdom. “What do you want, Martins?” Master Brown asked gruffly, not looking up from his paperwork. “Father, I need to speak with you about something urgent,” Martins replied, his voice steady but tinged with anxiety. Master Brown finally looked up, his stern eyes narrowing. “What is it?” Martins took a deep breath. “It’s about the First Daughter. She fainted at the wedding, and Chris believes she might have offended a spirit. H
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75, A Reward for saving first daughter
Chapter Seventy Five; A reward for saving first daughter In the car, as the First Daughter was being taken to the hospital, she suddenly asked the driver to stop. Her bodyguards exchanged worried glances but obeyed her command. Shelly leaned forward and spoke in a calm yet firm voice, “I’m alright. I don’t need to go to the hospital. Take me to my apartment instead.”“Are you sure, ma’am?” one of the bodyguards asked hesitantly.“Yes, I’m sure,” she replied, her tone leaving no room for argument. “And bring Chris to me.”The bodyguards nodded, and the car changed direction. Shelly settled back into her seat, her mind racing. She needed to understand what had just happened to her and how Chris had known what to do.“Being that man to me.” She asked them and some of the guards went back to get Chris.Meanwhile, Chris was just stepping out of the hall when two of Shelly’s bodyguards approached him. “The First daughter wants to see you,” one of them said.Chris had kind of expected t
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76, exchanged
L Chapter Seventy Six; exchanges As Chris and Shelly waited for the attendant to bring the herb, Chris decided to lighten the mood with a bit of humor.“Are you saying we’d wait for him here so he could go to Mount Everest and bring the herb to us? How long would it take?"Shelly smiled at Chris's goofiness, appreciating the attempt to break the tension. She knew he was joking but decided to indulge him with an explanation. “It is true that these herbs only grow on Mount Everest. However, what makes them thrive there is the good weather condition and lack of restrictions. If one can create an environment that replicates Everest's conditions, then the herb is bound to grow there."Chris raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Are you saying that there is a place like Mount Everest very close by where he could get it?""That information, Mr. Brown, I will not divulge," she said, a playful yet firm smile on her face.“Please, call me Chris,” he said, feeling awkward being called Mr. Brown, es
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77; Memories of home
Chapter Seventy Seven; Memories of Home After saving the First Daughter, Chris left the party almost immediately. Now he was back, He needed to retrieve the potion for Shelly and collect his car from the Brown estate. The turn out of events became more dramatic especially when he found out that the first daughter of America was a cultivator. As for the others at the wedding, they stayed for a little while longer, but soon guests began to filter out. The celebration gradually wound down until it was only the groom’s family and close friends who remained. They decided to continue the festivities in a new building on the Brown estate, which was now the home of the newlyweds. The laughter, music, and clinking of glasses drifted into the night, filling the air with a sense of joy and warmth.Chris arrived back at the Brown estate, his car was parked close to the entrance, when he was about to get it, he noticed the lights glowing from the new apartment by the waters. The sounds of
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78, A deal with the first daughter
Chapter Seventy Eight; A deal with the first daughter Chris had been standing by his car for what felt like an eternity, lost in the flood of memories. The laughter and music from the new apartment, where Jonathan and his new bride were celebrating, barely registered in his mind. He was back in the past, reliving the events that had changed his life forever. The day his parents died was etched into his memory with painful clarity. The pride in his father's eyes, the warmth in his mother's voice, the sudden, wrenching loss—they all came rushing back.Suddenly, the shrill ring of his phone's alarm jolted him back to the present. Chris glanced at the screen: 1:30 PM. Shelly had given him precisely one hour and thirty minutes to retrieve the potion from his car and bring it back to her. If he didn't make it back in time, she had threatened to publish a damaging story about him and his family, accusing them of poisoning her and blaming it on evil spirits. The thought was absurd, it
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79. Saving the family
Chapter Seventy Nine, saving the family Miller’s heart pounded as he tried to reason with the loan sharks over the phone. He could hear the menace in their voices, the underlying threat that made his blood run cold. “Listen, I just need a little more time,” he pleaded. “I’ll get you the money, I promise.”“You’ve had enough time,” one of the loan sharks growled. “We want our money, and if we don’t get it by tomorrow morning, we’ll storm into Brown’s Conglomerate and cause a scene. We’ll tell the world that a Brown owes us.”Miller’s stomach churned. The thought of the family’s name being dragged through the mud terrified him. He knew he had to act fast, but what could he do? As he watched Chris driving out of the estate, an idea struck him. He remembered the events of the evening—the First Daughter, the goddess statue. If he could get his hands on that statue and sell it, he might just have enough to pay off the debt and have some leftover. No one would suspect him, and he co
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80. Miller the gambler
Chapter Eighty; Miller the gambler Miller drove through the dark streets, gripping the steering wheel tightly. The golden statue lay in the trunk, a heavy reminder of the risk he was taking. He knew he had to sell it quickly and pay off the loan sharks before they made good on their threats.He arrived at the meeting spot, a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of town. The area was eerily quiet, with only the sound of distant traffic breaking the silence. Miller parked his car and took a deep breath. He grabbed the bag with the statue and stepped out, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him.A man with a scar across his cheek stood by the entrance, smoking a cigarette. He looked up as Miller approached and flicked the cigarette away.“You got the statue?” the man asked, his voice rough.Miller nodded and opened the bag, revealing the golden statue. The man’s eyes widened slightly as he inspected it.“Nice piece,” he said. “Follow me.”They walked into the warehou
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