All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
221 chapters
61. A Familiar Face In The Shadows
Chapter Sixty One: A Familiar Face in the ShadowsChris crouched in the shadows, his heart pounding as he watched the graverobbers unload their spoils. The eerie silence of the graveyard was only broken by the occasional murmur from the men and the rustling of leaves in the night breeze. He kept a careful watch, ready to act if needed, but also acutely aware of the danger he was in.Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. The men stopped their work, their heads snapping towards a sound coming from the opposite direction of where Chris was hiding. His breath caught in his throat. He had been sure they were about to discover him. But no, they were looking somewhere else entirely.From the shadows opposite Chris, a figure emerged, moving cautiously yet deliberately. As the figure stepped into the dim light cast by the graverobbers’ lanterns, Chris's eyes widened in recognition. It was Officer Connor.Chris was stunned. What was Connor doing here? How had he found this place? As he watched
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62. The Guardian Spirit
Chapter Sixty Two: The Guardian SpiritChris and Connor waited in the dark, abandoned cabin, listening intently for any sign of the graverobbers. The silence stretched on, and the forest outside seemed to hold its breath. Chris finally let out a sigh of relief. “I think we lost them,” he whispered.Connor nodded, cautiously getting to his feet. “Let’s get out of here before they come back.”They crept to the door, peeking out to ensure the coast was clear. Seeing nothing but darkness and trees, they quietly slipped outside and began making their way back through the forest, sticking to the shadows.As they neared the cemetery, Chris noticed something that made his blood run cold. Standing in the clearing, not far from where they had first hidden, were the graverobbers. They were scattered around, talking in hushed tones and looking agitated. The leader, the small man who had confronted Connor, was pacing back and forth, barking orders.Chris grabbed Connor’s arm, pulling him back
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63. The six sects of k****u
Chapter Sixty Three: The Six Sects of Kung Fu As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Chris and Connor trudged back towards town, their minds still racing from the events they had just witnessed. The silence between them was heavy, each man lost in his thoughts. Finally, Chris broke the silence. "Connor, why do you think that spirit—or whatever it was—left us alone?" he asked, his voice low and contemplative. Connor looked at him, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "You mean you really don't know?" Chris shook his head, genuinely confused. "No, I don't. I thought maybe you did." Connor's smile faded into a look of surprise. "I thought you were just messing with me. I assumed you knew what was going on." Chris stopped walking, turning to face Connor directly. “I'm serious. I have no idea. All I know is that those spirits went after the graverobbers but didn't touch us. Why?" Connor sighed, realizing he would have to explain. "Alright, sit down
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64. The Medallion and the elixir
Chapter Sixty Four: The Medallion and the ElixirAs Chris and Connor continued their walk towards the road, Chris's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and memories. One particular memory stood out which was the fact that Dante had given him a drink once, a peculiar drink that made him feel weak for a while afterward. Could that be it? Or perhaps it was the medallion given to him by the old man he had helped when he went to Brown's to sign the papers. Ever since he had that medallion, his leg had miraculously healed, enabling him to walk perfectly well. But how could it be?Chris instinctively reached for his pocket, where he usually kept the medallion. It wasn't there. He realized he must have left it at home, having been too preoccupied with the premier, Loretta’s accident, the family meeting, and Mrs. Sinclair’s urgent call. This meant it had to be the liquid Dante gave him.As they reached the road, Chris drove them to Connor’s house, not far from the graveyard. The house was a
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65. The unexpected visits or.
Chapter Sixty Five: The Unexpected VisitorChris was about to question Connor further on why he was being sent away when the door opened, and a young, beautiful woman entered. She had an air of grace and confidence, her presence immediately commanding attention. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her shoulders in soft waves, framing a face that seemed almost too perfect to be real. Her eyes were a striking shade of green, bright and lively, sparkling with curiosity and warmth. Her lips curved into a gentle smile, revealing perfect white teeth, and her skin had a flawless, sun-kissed glow.Chris couldn't help but feel a jolt of surprise and admiration at the sight of her. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit: a light blue blouse that complemented her eyes and a pair of fitted jeans that accentuated her slender figure. There was an effortless charm about her, a combination of beauty and ease that made her instantly likable."Hello," she greeted them casually, her voice me
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66. The Preston Family Meeting
Chapter Sixty Six: The Preston Family MeetingThe atmosphere in the Preston household was tense, charged with a palpable sense of betrayal and anger. The family gathered in the large, opulent dining room, but instead of the usual cheer that accompanied their gatherings, a dark cloud hung over them. Charles, Stephany’s father, sat at the head of the table, looking defeated. His wife, Emily, and daughter, Stephany, sat beside him, trying to maintain their composure amidst the storm of accusations."You've ruined us, Charles!" Uncle Henry bellowed, his face flushed with rage. "How could you be so careless? How could you let this happen?""Calm down, Henry," Aunt Margaret interjected, though her tone was anything but calm. "We need to figure out what to do next, not just point fingers.""It's easy for you to say," Cousin Olivia spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "Your business is safe. But now, two of our major partners have pulled out. They don't want to be associated with us anymore!"
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67. The family’s savior
Chapter Sixty-Seven; The family’s Savior. The usually lively room felt heavy with the burden of their recent financial catastrophe. Charles, who had been the one to unwittingly give away their entire family fortune to scammers, sat with his head hung low, guilt and shame written all over his face. "We need a plan," Grandpa Preston said, his voice strained. "We can't just sit here and let everything we've built fall apart." "We've contacted the police, and they're doing what they can, but it’s not enough," Grandma Preston added, her voice quivering with worry. “We need immediate funds to keep the company afloat." Just as the family was debating their next steps, the doorbell rang. The butler hurried to answer it, and moments later, he returned with a distinguished-looking man in a tailored suit. The family recognized him immediately as Mr. Cradwell, the CEO of Web 3 Tech Company, the largest tech company in America. "Mr. Cradwell, what a surprise," Grandpa Preston said, risi
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68, The Portion Of Ascension
Chapter Sixty Eight: The Potion of AscensionChris sat in his office, surrounded by the various ancient books he had collected from Connor's house. He wanted to increase in knowledge about the sects and everything Connor had told him. The room was a blend of modernity and antiquity, with sleek, contemporary furniture contrasting with the old, leather-bound tomes scattered across his desk. The soft glow of his desk lamp illuminated the pages, casting shadows that danced with the flickering of the candle he had lit for ambiance.He had spent hours poring over the texts, his eyes scanning the intricate illustrations and ancient scripts. One book, in particular, caught his attention. It was a detailed manual on creating potions, specifically one that could accelerate a person's progress through the sects of kung fu. Chris's heart raced as he read through the instructions, his mind buzzing with the possibilities."This is it," he muttered to himself. "If I can create this potion, I ca
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69. The potion’s effect.
Chapter Sixty Nine: The Potion's EffectChris felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation as he drove to Connor's house, the vial of pink potion securely in his pocket. The drive was peaceful, giving him time to reflect on the events of the past few days and the strange journey that had led him here. The ancient books, the Heart's Bloom, and the successful creation of the potion had filled him with a newfound confidence.When he arrived at Connor's house, he was greeted by a quiet, inviting atmosphere. The house was surrounded by a well-tended garden, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. Chris knocked on the door and waited, but there was no answer. He tried again, louder this time, and after a few moments, the door opened.It was not Connor who answered but a young woman. She was strikingly beautiful, with long, flowing hair and bright, curious eyes. Her presence seemed to light up the room, and she greeted Chris with a warm smile."Hello, can I help you?" she
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70. A family’s Wedding.
Chapter Seventy: A Family’s wedding Chris woke up the next day feeling a mix of excitement over his potion's success and a tinge of disappointment that his plans for more herb gathering would have to wait. His uncle Martin's call about his cousin's wedding interrupted his newfound interest in herbalism."Why did you tell me this today?" Chris asked his uncle, a hint of frustration in his voice.Uncle Martin sighed apologetically over the phone. "Chris, I've been swamped with wedding arrangements and it slipped my mind. It was actually Jonathan who reminded me to call you."Chris understood. Despite his tentative reintegration into the Brown family, he wasn't surprised at being left out of the wedding preparations. His relationship with his cousin Jonathan had always been close, but kept at arm's length by his mother's influence.Nevertheless, missing Jonathan's wedding was out of the question. He immediately called his secretary to prepare a thoughtful gift and set off to buy a ne
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