All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
222 chapters
111, another opportunity to get money
Chapter one hundreds and eleven; Another opportunity to get moneyChris received a call from Mrs. Pete Sinclair early in the morning, just as he was finishing his breakfast. Her voice was urgent, yet polite, and she sounded a bit flustered. She explained that she needed his expertise to appraise a piece of jewelry. Chris, recognizing an opportunity to make some much-needed cash, immediately agreed to meet her.After taking a quick shower and dressing in his best business casual attire, Chris headed out to the address Mrs. Sinclair had given him. He drove through the city, the streets bustling with morning activity, until he reached the affluent neighborhood where Mrs. Sinclair lived. Her house was a large, elegant mansion surrounded by meticulously maintained gardens, a clear sign of wealth and status.Chris parked his car and walked up to the grand front door. He rang the doorbell, and within moments, a butler answered, ushering him inside. The interior of the house was just as impre
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112, A Call To Duty.
Chapter One hundred and twelve. : A Call to Duty Mrs. Pete Sinclair was in the middle of organizing her paperwork when her phone rang, disrupting her concentration. She glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was from the office. She hesitated for a moment before answering, knowing that calls from the office usually meant urgent matters. "Hello, Mrs. Sinclair speaking," she answered in her usual composed tone. "Mrs. Sinclair, this is Angela from the office. We have a situation that requires your immediate attention. Mr. Larson insisted it couldn't wait." Mrs. Sinclair sighed quietly, realizing that her evening plans were about to be derailed. “Alright, Angela. I'll be there as soon as I can." She hung up the phone and immediately thought of Chris, thinking he has not gone so far. He had just completed an appraisal for her and was on his way back home. She quickly dialed his number, hoping he hadn't gone too far. "Chris, it's Mrs. Sinclair. I need you to come back to the
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112 , the gold statue
Chapter one hundred and twelve; the good state Chris pulled up to the parking lot of the antique store, the sun casting a warm glow over the building as he stepped out of his car. The store was quaint and unassuming, nestled between a bakery and a florist. He had been meaning to drop by for a while now, but today, he was driven by an unexpected curiosity.He had been handling his affairs with a renewed sense of purpose lately, and as part of that, he wanted to keep an eye on anything that might cross paths with his ongoing issues. His visit was purely casual, but as he entered the store, his eyes immediately caught sight of something that made his heart race.The store was filled with an assortment of antiques and collectibles, each item meticulously arranged. Chris wandered through the aisles, his gaze sweeping over old furniture, vintage jewelry, and various curios. As he turned a corner, he saw a display case at the back of the store. Inside the case was a stunning statue that ins
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114, A soaring for answers
Chapter one hundred and fourteen; A sparing fir answered Chris had finally tracked down the man who had been dealing with Miller and had likely come into possession of the statue. The rendezvous point was a private gym on the outskirts of town, where the man, known as Viktor, had agreed to meet him. Chris was eager to get answers but knew this would not be an easy conversation.As Chris approached the gym, he could see Viktor waiting outside, his imposing figure silhouetted against the setting sun. Viktor was a tall man with a muscular build, his demeanor confident and almost arrogant. He greeted Chris with a smirk, clearly enjoying the power he held over the situation."Chris Brown, right?" Viktor said, his voice a deep rumble. "I've heard a lot about you."Chris nodded, trying to keep his frustration in check. "I want to know where you got the statue from. It’s important."Viktor's smirk widened. "Oh, I see. You’re here to find out the truth. But I’m not just going to hand it over.
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115, A new lead
Chapter one hundred and fifteen; a new lead. Chris walked into the police station, clutching the USB drive with the recorded footage from his sparring match with Viktor. The drive held a crucial piece of evidence that he hoped would exonerate him in the ongoing investigation into the theft of the golden goddess statue. His determination was palpable as he approached the front desk, where Officer Daniels, a stern-looking man with a no-nonsense attitude, greeted him."Good afternoon, Officer Daniels," Chris said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I need to submit some evidence related to the statue theft case."Officer Daniels eyed Chris warily. "Evidence? We already have a lot of that. What makes this so important?"Chris took a deep breath, trying to remain calm despite his frustration. "I recently had a sparring match with a man named Viktor, who sold the statue to a loan shark. I recorded the entire conversation, and I believe it proves that I was not involved in the theft."The
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116, not only a thief
Chapter one hundred and sixteen; Not only a thief The police investigation into Miller's finances had gained momentum. Detective Sarah Collins, a seasoned investigator with a reputation for unraveling complex financial crimes, led the team. Miller’s name had surfaced prominently in their inquiries, and the recent revelations about his questionable activities added a new layer to their investigation. The case was no longer just about the missing statue but had expanded to uncover financial misconduct that could be even more damaging.Detective Collins assembled her team in the conference room, where they reviewed the latest findings. The walls were lined with whiteboards filled with notes, diagrams, and timelines. The atmosphere was tense, but there was an air of anticipation as well."Alright, team," Detective Collins began, addressing her team. "We’ve made significant progress on the Miller case. Our primary focus now is on his financial dealings and how they relate to the missing s
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118, Vindicated at last
Chapter One hundred and eighteen ; Vindicated at last The courtroom buzzed with tension as Chris Brown waited for the verdict that would determine his fate. His lawyer, Michael Evans, stood beside him, reviewing the final arguments and evidence one last time. The courtroom was filled with spectators, including members of the Brown family, who had shown up to witness the conclusion of the case against Chris.As the judge prepared to deliver the verdict, Chris’s mind raced back to the tumultuous events that had led him here. The wrongful accusation of theft, the arrest, and the subsequent investigation had put him through an emotional and legal wringer. Now, it was time to see if justice would be served.The judge, a stern woman with a no-nonsense demeanor, began her address. “After careful consideration of the evidence presented and the testimonies provided, this court finds that the accusations against Chris Brown regarding the theft of the golden goddess statue have been unfounde
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119, A Day Of Rest
Chapter One Hundred And Nineteen; A Day Of RestChris woke up feeling the weight of the last few days pressing heavily on his shoulders. He had been through a whirlwind of events that left him mentally and physically exhausted. Today, he decided, would be a day of rest and rejuvenation. He planned to work from home, taking it easy while catching up on some much-needed relaxation.As he sat at the kitchen table, sipping his morning coffee, his wife Stephany joined him. She looked at him with curiosity."Aren't you going to work today?" she asked.Chris smiled, appreciating her concern. "My boss gave me the day off," he replied. "I think he noticed I needed a break."Stephany nodded, understanding. Just then, his mother-in-law entered the room. She had a knack for seizing opportunities, and today was no different."If you're not working today, why don't you clean the whole house?" she suggested, her tone firm. "It's been a while since you were home, and it needs a good cleaning."Chris
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119; Chris saved the drowning girl
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen; Chris saved the drowning girl Chris lay back on the plush massage table, feeling the tension drain from his muscles under the skilled hands of the masseuse. The room was dimly lit, filled with the soothing scent of lavender, and soft, calming music played in the background. It was the perfect escape from the chaos of the past few days. The massage had worked wonders, and he felt rejuvenated, his mind and body at ease.When the session ended, Chris thanked the masseuse and stepped out of the spa area. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the lounge. It was mid-afternoon, and the heat was intense. Most guests were lounging under umbrellas or in shaded cabanas, avoiding the sun's scorching rays. The pool area was almost deserted, with only a few people around.As he walked towards the pool, Chris noticed something unusual. A woman was thrashing in the water, her movements frantic and desperate. The sound of splashing caught his at
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120; Blackmail.
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty; Blackmail. Chris was reclining in his lounge chair, basking in the satisfaction of a well-deserved rest, when he heard someone calling out, “Hey you, Preston family son-in-law!” He turned his head, squinting against the bright afternoon sun, but didn't recognize the woman approaching him. She was elegantly dressed, her demeanor exuding confidence. “Don’t you know me?” she said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I am Grace, Eleanor’s classmate. I was in your house one time. You’re the Diamond son-in-law, right?” Recognition flickered in Chris’s eyes. He vaguely remembered the day she was talking about, a day when he had handed over a diamond necklace to his mother-in-law, Eleanor. Grace had been there, clearly taken aback by the gesture, and had since then apparently kept tabs on him. “Ah, yes, I remember now,” Chris replied, his voice polite but distant. “How can I help you, Grace?”Grace’s smile widened, but her eyes were calcul
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