All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
222 chapters
121, Two times in trouble
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty One; Two times in trouble Eaelier, before Chris arrived hom, he was driving back home, the gentle hum of the engine almost lulling him into a rare sense of peace, when something caught his eye. At the corner of a dimly lit street, he noticed a young woman struggling with a hulking man who was trying to force her into a car.The sight sent a jolt through him, he recognized the girl immediately, she was the lady he had just saved from drowning.For a brief moment, Chris considered driving past. After all, getting involved could mean more trouble, and trouble was something he had enough of. But as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, he knew he couldn't ignore what he was witnessing. His conscience wouldn’t let him. With a resigned sigh, he turned the car around and approached the pair.He pulled up beside them, his mind racing for a plan. The man was large, clearly muscular, and from the looks of it, intent on forcing Emily into the car. Chris
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122, Quite the player
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Two; Quite the Player. Grace sat in her car, fuming at the way Chris had dismissed her earlier. How dare he ignore her, especially after she had given him a clear opportunity to avoid trouble? It wasn't in her nature to let things slide, especially not when she felt slighted. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through the pictures she had taken of Chris and the woman he had just saved from the pool."Let's see how you like this," Grace muttered under her breath as she selected the best shot for this scenario.She picked a particularly incriminating one where the woman, scantily clad in a swimsuit, was hugging Chris after he'd administered CPR.To anyone who didn't know the context, it looked like something far more intimate was going on.Without hesitation, Grace forwarded the picture to Eleanor, Chris's mother-in-law. Along with the image, she added a message dripping with malice: "Your diamond son-in-law? More like a diamond in the rough. Look at
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123, Good Meal
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Three; Good Meal Chris sighed heavily as the conversation with Eleanor started to spiral into dangerous territory. Divorce was not something he looked forward to, he loved his wife. Just as Eleanor was about to say something else, the door creaked open, and Stephany walked in. Her face lit up when she saw them, but she immediately sensed the tension in the room."Why are you talking about divorce?" Stephany asked, her voice laced with concern as she looked between Chris and Eleanor.Chris quickly stepped forward, offering her a warm smile. “Don't worry about it, Steph. It's just a misunderstanding." He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, guiding her towards the dining area. "I cooked your favorite today. Why don't we sit down and eat?"Stephany hesitated, glancing back at her mother, who still looked upset. "Are you sure everything's okay?" she asked, her voice softer now, clearly worried about the argument she had walked in on."Everything's
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123, Guilt Tripping
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three; Guilt Tripping The next day, Chris was sitting at his desk, trying to focus on the paperwork in front of him, but his mind kept drifting back to everything that had happened recently. The tension with Eleanor, the investigation into Miller, and now the uneasy peace they were trying to maintain at home, it was all starting to wear on him. But just as he managed to find a sliver of focus, the door to his office burst open.He looked up, startled, to see Joyce, Miller's wife, storming in. Her face was flushed with anger, and her eyes were red, either from crying or from the rage that seemed to radiate off her. Chris immediately knew this wasn't going to be a pleasant encounter."Chris!" Joyce shouted, slamming the door behind her. "How could you do this to Miller? He's your cousin, your blood!"Chris sighed and set his pen down. "Joyce, I know you're upset, but this isn't something I can control. The authorities investigated and found evidence ag
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125. Miller in cell
Chapter One hundred and Twenty Five; Miller in cell From MTD, Joyce did not go home directly, she went there to meet her husband directly.Joyce walked through the heavy metal doors of the prison, her heart pounding with every step. The place smelled of damp concrete and despair, the echoes of distant voices bouncing off the walls. She was here to visit her husband, Miller, who had been locked away for the crimes he had committed. She never imagined she'd see him in a place like this—a man who once had everything but now reduced to a mere number in the prison system.She was led to the visitor's area, where a thick pane of glass separated the inmates from their visitors. The guard gestured for her to sit and wait, and after a few tense minutes, Miller was brought in. He looked disheveled, his usual clean-cut appearance replaced by a shadow of stubble and dark circles under his eyes. His once confident stride was now a shuffle, and the bitterness etched on his face was palpable.
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128, Jack and Brown’s
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Eight. Jack and Brown’s Joyce was very angry, her heart still heavy from the confrontation with Miller. She felt utterly drained, both physically and emotionally. The house felt colder than usual, the silence almost deafening. She was about to collapse on the couch when she heard a sharp knock on the door. The sound was jarring, like a demand rather than a request. With a sigh, she dragged herself to the door, not in the mood for any more surprises.When she opened the door, she was greeted by a sight that instantly set her on edge. Standing before her was a tall, imposing man, dressed in all black, with an air of menace that seemed to radiate from him. Behind him were several equally intimidating men, their expressions cold and unreadable. The man in front, with his sharp features and piercing eyes, seemed to be the leader of the group."Good evening," the man said, his voice smooth but laced with something sinister. "I'm looking for Chris Brown. I
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127, Brown’s would be wiped out
Chapter One Hundred and twenty Seven; Brown’s would be wiped out As Jack Stone and his men walked away from the Brown residence, a tense silence hung in the air. The confrontation had not gone as Jack had planned, and he was seething with anger. The rejection, the insults, and the defiance he had faced were enough to make his blood boil. But just as they reached the gate, the sound of loud voices carried through the air, drifting from the Brown household."You see how they strutted in here like they owned the place?" a voice said, dripping with disdain. "Chris is better off without those thugs in his life. If they ever come back, they’ll get more than just a verbal thrashing.""And did you see the look on that leader's face?" another voice chimed in. “I bet he's used to everyone cowering before him. Well, not here. The Browns won’t be intimidated by anyone, especially not by the likes of him."The words were like gasoline poured on a fire. Jack stopped in his tracks, his fists cle
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128, Surprise Call
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Eighty; Surprise Call Chris was seated at his desk, fully immersed in the tasks before him. The day had been busy, filled with back-to-back meetings, reports to review, and deadlines to meet. Despite the chaos, he had planned to stay late and tackle the remaining workload. His dedication to his job was well-known, and he rarely left anything unfinished.Just as he was about to dive into another report, his phone buzzed on the desk, the screen lighting up with an incoming call. Seeing the name "Stephany" flashing across the screen, Chris felt a warm smile spread across his face. It wasn’t often that she called him during the workday, and he couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement as he answered."Hey, sweetheart," Chris greeted, his tone light and affectionate. "How's your day going?""Chris, I’m feeling great today," Stephany’s voice came through the line, filled with a sense of joy that immediately caught his attention. "I was thinking… how
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128, Surprise Call
Chapter One Hundred And Twenty Eighty; Surprise Call Chris was seated at his desk, fully immersed in the tasks before him. The day had been busy, filled with back-to-back meetings, reports to review, and deadlines to meet. Despite the chaos, he had planned to stay late and tackle the remaining workload. His dedication to his job was well-known, and he rarely left anything unfinished.Just as he was about to dive into another report, his phone buzzed on the desk, the screen lighting up with an incoming call. Seeing the name "Stephany" flashing across the screen, Chris felt a warm smile spread across his face. It wasn’t often that she called him during the workday, and he couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement as he answered."Hey, sweetheart," Chris greeted, his tone light and affectionate. "How's your day going?""Chris, I’m feeling great today," Stephany’s voice came through the line, filled with a sense of joy that immediately caught his attention. "I was thinking… how
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127, Brown’s would be wiped out
Chapter One Hundred and twenty Seven; Brown’s would be wiped out As Jack Stone and his men walked away from the Brown residence, a tense silence hung in the air. The confrontation had not gone as Jack had planned, and he was seething with anger. The rejection, the insults, and the defiance he had faced were enough to make his blood boil. But just as they reached the gate, the sound of loud voices carried through the air, drifting from the Brown household. "You see how they strutted in here like they owned the place?" a voice said, dripping with disdain. "Chris is better off without those thugs in his life. If they ever come back, they’ll get more than just a verbal thrashing." "And did you see the look on that leader's face?" another voice chimed in. “I bet he's used to everyone cowering before him. Well, not here. The Browns won’t be intimidated by anyone, especially not by the likes of him." The words were like gasoline poured on a fire. Jack stopped in his tracks, his fi
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