All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
222 chapters
130, Famous Designer
Chapter One hundred and thirty; Famous designer As Chris, Stephany, and Sandra walked away from the boutique, the whispers of the onlookers grew louder. Those who had witnessed the scene couldn’t believe what had just happened. The man who had confidently paid for the expensive dresses and then returned them must have been putting on a show. It wasn’t long before someone recognized him as the Preston family’s son-in-law, and the rumors began to spread.“He’s just using his wife’s family money,” one woman muttered, her voice dripping with disdain. “I bet he returned the clothes because he knew he couldn’t afford them on his own.”“Exactly,” another man chimed in. “Probably maxed out the card or something. These types always try to act rich, but they’re really just living off their in-laws.”The crowd nodded in agreement, pacifying themselves with the idea that Chris was nothing more than a pretender, riding on the coattails of the Preston family’s wealth. To them, he was just anot
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131, A Jeweler’s store
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One; A Jeweler’s store After leaving the designer’s store, Chris, Stephany, and Sandra found themselves strolling down the bustling avenue, enjoying the warm afternoon air. The excitement from their visit to Mr. Lancaster’s boutique still lingered, with Stephany and Sandra exchanging quiet smiles and glances, grateful for the unexpected luxury Chris had provided.As they walked, a jewelry store caught their attention—a branch of the prestigious Pete family empire. The store was known not only for its exquisite jewelry but also for housing a selection of rare antiques. The elegant displays in the windows shimmered with an array of diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires, but it wasn’t the sparkling gems that caught Chris’s eye. Instead, it was a particular item that drew him in—a sword, gleaming with an almost mystical allure, displayed prominently in the store’s antique section.Chris’s steps slowed as his gaze locked onto the sword. Without a word, he ch
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132; Three Beautiful Women
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two; Three Beautiful Women Chris, ever the gracious host, turned to Ms. Sinclair as they finalized the purchase of the sword. "Ms. Sinclair, thank you again for your generosity. Since we're on our way to dinner, we'd be honored if you'd join us."Ms. Sinclair, a woman who rarely mingled with others outside of business, considered the offer for a moment. There was something about Chris, his confidence, his calm demeanor, that intrigued her. Finally, she gave a slight nod. "I'd be delighted."With that, the group of four—Chris, Stephany, Sandra, and Ms. Sinclair headed to the Preston house. The ride was a pleasant one, with light conversation and laughter flowing easily between them. Ms. Sinclair, usually reserved and distant, found herself relaxing in the company of Chris and his companions. It was a welcome change from her usual routine, and she appreciated the genuine hospitality they extended to her.As soon as they arrived, Stephany wasted no tim
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133; Busted
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three; Busted The laughter of the women in the kitchen was still echoing in Chris’s mind as he stepped into the restroom, needing a brief moment to himself. The events of the day had been unexpected but fulfilling, and Chris was content to enjoy these simple pleasures. But that sense of peace was abruptly shattered when the door to the house creaked open, and the soft hum of conversation outside the restroom was replaced by the sudden, tense silence. Unbeknownst to Chris, strange-looking men had entered the building, their presence ominous and heavy. They moved with purpose, their eyes scanning the room until they landed on the three unsuspecting women. Ms. Sinclair, Sandra, and Stephany barely had a moment to react before they were caught off guard. The men moved quickly, overpowering the women with ease, and tied them together with rough, thick ropes. Panic flickered in Stephany's eyes as she struggled against the binds, her mind racing t
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134, the masters elixir
Chapter One Hundred and thirty four; the masters elixir Chris led Jack Stone through the dimly lit corridors of the house, each step carefully calculated, each glance measured. The tension between them was great , like a coiled spring ready to snap at any moment. Chris could feel Jack's eyes boring into his back, the weight of the Master’s Book of Shadows in his hand reminding him of the gravity of the situation. They had just passed through the study door when something strange happened. Jack Stone, who had been following Chris with unwavering intensity, suddenly stumbled. His movements became erratic, his breathing labored, and his skin took on a pale, almost sickly hue. He swayed on his feet, blinking rapidly as though trying to clear a fog from his mind.Chris noticed the change immediately, pausing to observe Jack’s behavior with a sharp, discerning gaze. Jack’s hand went to his chest, clutching it as though he were in pain, his face contorting in confusion and discomfort.
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135; Chris with antidote
Chapter One hundred and thirty five; Chris with the antidote The room was heavy with tension as Jack Stone staggered towards the door, his breath coming in ragged gasps and his vision blurring at the edges. Each step felt like a monumental effort, his body betraying him as the effects of the missing elixir antidote took hold. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. He knew he was running out of time."Wait," Chris's voice echoed through the room, firm and commanding.Jack paused, his hand gripping the doorframe for support as he turned to face Chris. His eyes were filled with desperation and a flicker of hope at the possibility of salvation.Chris stood tall, the Master’s Book of Shadows held securely under his arm. His gaze was steady, and his demeanor exuded a calm authority that left no room for argument. He took a measured step towards Jack, closing the distance between them."You have two options," Chris began, his voice smooth but edged with s
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136, The new District Master
Write chapter One hundred and Thirty Six; The New District Master Chris watched as Jack Stone collapsed on the floor, writhing in pain from the effects of the elixir that had coursed through his veins for too long without the necessary antidote. There was a moment of uncertainty as Chris pondered his next move. Jack was a dangerous man, part of a dangerous cult, and yet, here he was, vulnerable and in desperate need of help.Chris left the room without a word, his mind racing as he made his way back to his private quarters. He hurried to his bookshelf, scanning the rows of ancient texts until he found the one he was looking for—the book he had recently taken an interest in, the same book that had taught him about the ascension potion. He flipped through the worn pages, searching for the section that detailed the preparation of the elixir antidote.It didn’t take long before he found it. His eyes quickly darted over the list of ingredients, mentally checking them off as he rummaged
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137; The Pete’s Sole Heir
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven; The Pete’s Sole Heir The evening had taken a sharp turn earlier, but now the atmosphere was light and cheerful. Chris, Stephany, Sinclair, and Sandra sat around the dining table, enjoying a meal that had been prepared with love and a sense of peace and festivity. The ladies had finished cooling and served so that they all ate together on the dinning table. The food was delicious, and the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories. It was hard to believe that just hours before, they had faced a life-threatening situation.As they ate, Chris felt a deep sense of contentment. He watched as the women talked and laughed, taking in the warmth of the moment. It was a rare feeling of peace, one he hadn’t experienced in a long time. After everything that had happened, this simple, joyful gathering felt like a victory."Let's take some pictures," Sandra suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement.Stephany quickly agreed, and
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138; Use money to make money
Chapter One hundred and thirty eight; Use Money to Make money. After everyone left, Sandra stayed behind to help Stephany with the cleaning. They worked together in comfortable silence, occasionally chatting about the day. The evening had been eventful, and the shared experience brought them closer. Once the house was tidied up, it was already dark and so Chris offered to drive Sandra home.As they drove through the quiet streets, Sandra seemed more relaxed than she had been earlier. The tension she'd felt since learning about Chris's true identity as a member of the prestigious Brown family had slowly ebbed away, especially after sharing a meal with him on his house.She was still respectful, but now there was a calmness in her demeanor, a sign that she had come to terms with the surprising revelation."How do you feel about your job at ClearBank?" Chris asked, his tone casual yet curious.Sandra was caught off guard by the question."My job? I guess it's okay. The salary isn't
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139; The sword activation
Chapter one hundred and thirty nine; The sword activation. The next day, Chris arrived at the office feeling a sense of anticipation. He had barely settled into his chair when his assistant knocked on the door."Sir, there's a package for you," she said, holding a long, rectangular box with care.Chris immediately knew what it was. The sword he had purchased the previous day, the one Sinclair had unexpectedly paid for, had finally arrived. He had been drawn to it in the antique shop, something about its old, worn appearance had called out to him. But when Sinclair paid for it, he assumed she would take it home or store it in one of her family's antique shops.The fact that she had sent it to him instead was both surprising and intriguing."Thank you, just leave it on the table," Chris said, gesturing to the large mahogany table beside his desk.After going over some files and finishing a few urgent tasks, Chris turned his attention to the package. He carefully unwrapped the box
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